Tuesday, October 14, 2008

blog T1-41

So I now need to seriously finish my English essay and I didn’t even start. BAD ME!!! I told you yesterday that I didn’t divide my time very well. THIS IS A MUST CHANGE. (I’m getting close to beating my old CAPITAL LETTER SENTENCE (that did not count))

So I’ve been cruising around YouTube looking at all the songs and things that are on there. I also watched some T.V.TODAY. SO I’m watching and then my brother’s like it’s not fair you get to watch T.V. I told him that if he wanted to watch he should have finished his homework, but NO he had to play with his toys so I told him too bad. I sound so evil but it’s actually very reasonable.

Now I will be doing another part of my list:
#9 I am very bad at stitching on badges, I make a disaster trying
#10 I’m not sure if this is the correct list number
#11 I don’t think that I can finish my list today either
#12 My list can go on forever
#13 Last week was a BUSY week
#14 I don’t want to continue my list because I will go on forever

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