Wednesday, October 8, 2008

blog T1-35

AHAHAHAh panicking right now. Have all teachers gotten this disease that will’s them to give out tests!?!?!?!? BOOOO!!!! I haven’t had any good sleep!!!!! Even if I tired to I would still have to study for my tests and I also have after school activities. SLEEP!!!! I even have a test in FINE ARTS!!! I mean I thought that Fine Arts was just a course in which you draw but I was wrong!!!!! You need to do work. Well I was prepared for the workload considering but I never thought that you had to take tests.

Sorry for the sudden explosions, every now and then I need to let the pressure out before I burst. Good thing! But it’s all true what I said earlier I didn’t get enough sleep this week. Maybe it’s because of the Cadet weekend, maybe not but all I know is I’m missing sleep and a lot of it for that matter. I almost fell asleep during my afterschool activities. NOT GOOD!!! I will seriously use my time well when I don’t have any lessons. FINALLY!!

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