Tuesday, October 7, 2008

blog T1-34

I just got a hair cut today its way too short. I can’t even tie my hair up into a ponytail anymore. This is not good because I don’t like hair in my eyes. That’s why I don’t usually go around with long hair POKING MY EYES!!!! The only reason I cut my hair is because I think it’s too thick not TOO LONG!!!! BOOO WITH CUTTING HAIR!!!!!!!

Today during gym I was very careless and I ripped the knee part of my pants. This made my mom get super made at me because they were new pants. HEHE my bad. I tired to explain that I slide on to the floor but she said that the injury on my knee had less damage than my pair of pants which I find very mean. Anyways she’s not complaining anymore because I told I got a 100% on my math test.

This week there is a lot of work alternating from day one and day two. Right now all my classes have at least 1 or more assignments except for P.E. This is a reason why P.E. is one of my favourite classes. Another reason I like P.E. is because I like almost all kinds of sports except running. My favourite sport is badminton.

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