Friday, October 31, 2008

blog T1-58

There is a lot of firework today. I don’t get why Halloween is the ONLY time you can shoot them. I think they are really dangerous. My friend told me today that when she was walking home on one side of the street the other side were people who were shooting fireworks at them. They didn’t do it accidentally but on purpose. SCARY!!!!

Today we also went to watermania today we had a lot of fun there. We only swam for 2 hours and then we went and took a shower. This weekend I have more time to myself because I don’t have any lessons besides Chinese school. BOOOOO!!!!! I love the wave pool and the water slides. The blue water slide is the best because it goes the fastest out of the 2 water slides they have at watermania. The bad thing about the blue water slide is that because it’s like a tube and if you sit up straight you bump your head on the top of the slide. OUCH!!!! I didn’t go on the diving boards because I was scared of being bruised. I once jumped off the highest diving board but didn’t dive probably and got this HUMUNGOUS bruise.

Instead of going to tag day on Sunday I’m going on Saturday. I rather not go on either days but at least this Saturday would be better because I then get Sunday off.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

blog T1-57

Today is the best day 2 so far. We only had to do a Science worksheet, 1 page. YES!!!! It’s probably because it’s Halloween. THANK YOU HALLOWEEN!!!! And then tomorrow all MYs and my PE class and other PE classes are going to watermaina. So we won’t have homework!!!! YES!!!! THIS IS THE BEST!!!!

The bad thing about this weekend is that I have to go to tag day this weekend. BOOO!!!! I don’t want to go, because this week I don’t have lessons and I was hoping that I could stay at home all day. SO BOOO TAG DAY!!!!!

Tomorrow I have to wake up super early considering the normal time I usually get to school. BOOO!! I’m losing more sleep. Even so I get to spend almost the whole day with my friends from MY, except at the last period because then we have to go to our last class. So now I need to go pack my stuff for tomorrow because if I don’t then I won’t have a good time at watermaina. And that’s a BIG BOOOO!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

blog T1-56

I’m probably going to have to talk a little bit today because I have a lot of homework. Yesterday I had forgotten to say in my blog that there might me a change in schedule for MY. I’m not sure which subject to choose. I would have chosen math but many people are at different levels in math like grade 9 or 11. SMART!!! Then there’s French, French to some people is hard because you have to learn a new language. If it is possible I would chose Fine Arts to change to MY. This is because in Fine Arts we could do drama (not my favourite thing), Art (my favourite thing), and Music (no comment). I don’t want PE to change into MY not because I hate MY but because PE is the only subject that I have that does not include writing and studying. Although that might change soon.

I’ve noticed that when I try to make straight lines with my ruler it is very difficult. BOOOO!!! That’s all for today because I need to study for my Science Chapter Test tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Blog T1-55

I burnt my tongue while drinking soup yesterday. BOOO!!!! Now when ever I eat, drinking or talk it hurts my tongue/me. I’m eating an apple and it stings my tongue A LOT!!! Anyways the tongue has little red dot on it. SCARY!!!

So lately I’ve being told that when I speak Cantonese I always add on English. So it’s more Chingilsh pronounced Chin + golish (made up word of Chinese + English). And when they catch me saying part English and part Chinese sentences they always repeat it to me and tell me how I combine the too. Even though I said it’s kind of weird and funny when they tell me about it.

There’s going to be a clock change by an hour. The good thing is it’s sort of like we get to go to school an hour late but the bad thing is it’s still the same amount of time that we get to sleep. Anyways this is kind of weird because I don’t get why we have to change an hour forward or and hour back every time. If everyone in the world did not do this then we would all not have to me confused as to what time is. (generally speaking it’s me who get’s confused.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Blog T1-54

Remember last time in my blog I said I ripped my mom’s sweat pants while in gym. Well because I forgot to ask my mom to wash them yesterday I get to wear them again. I don’t really like to wear it not because there’s a rip but because it’s not particularly warm material my legs get cold easily. When I touch the tiny rip I made it feels hard like plastic. BOOO!!!!

I hope that this week including FRIDAY we don’t get a lot of homework because it’s it should be relax week this week. Anyways maybe we should make a week when all we have to do is do school work and not homework or fun work. Although fun work is fun when you mix it in with homework it steals all the fun away from it. BOOO!!!

Anyways I thought that my rough draft model copy was the good copy and spent most of my time doing it. BOOO!!!! Now I have to do my good copy. Oh well. I guess next time I should ask before I do. So I have to get on with life and quickly do my model drawing and then HAND IT IN!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

blog T1-53

I’m only going to the homework that is due tomorrow today because I don’t feel like doing more. All I’ve been doing this week is sleep, lessons and read. It’s a comfortable life this weekend, but I always have this feeling, sort of guilty feeling when I leave my homework till the last day. BOOOOO!!!!

I’ve just had a chat with my mom today at dinner asking her about the economic depression. Her point of view is that it was the cause of the American’s economy that caused all this. I just sat there and listened to her. I don’t have a opinion on this.

I noticed that many people are afraid to do things because of the pain it will cause them. I mean I’m sure some people can do flips without getting hurt (ONLY THINKING) but they won’t because they don’t HAVE to or they are scared they will hurt themselves. I will not be doing any flips or anything that will hurt me. So yeah that’s what I noticed.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Blog T1-52

I’m researching on for my S.S. studies current new projects right now and I just finished reading an article about the new oxygen mask that helps animals after they get out of a fire. Yesterday I also did a Sudoku which was rated hard and was actually VERY HARD. I thought I completed it but I was wrong, when I checked my Sudoku I noticed that I made some mistakes!!!!!!! BBBOOOOOO!!!!!!

I finished reading another book today! YES!!! I now need to do my book test and read a couple more books and then I’m finished this terms English semesters goal. YEAH ME! I still need to complete my 12 hours sleep quest but haven’t succeeded yet. I WILL!!!

I’ve been able to play on my NDS. FINALLY. I played against my brother and my friend today. It was pretty fun because my friend and I were playing a car racing type of game and me and her came really close but I still won. YES!!!!! But it was probably because I played on that game more than her.

Friday, October 24, 2008

blog T1-51

I only slept for 11 hours!!!!!!!! BOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I wanted to sleep for at least 12 hours. But at least I got a good sleep. Today my dad, brother and I went out to eat. I still need to go to class later. BOOOOO!!!! But I can relax at home first. We still have weekend homework from school and after school lesson homework.

I don’t want to go to my lesson today because it’s a professional development day and also because we have a test every week. BOOOOO!!! I also think that the tests are really hard because I don’t know at least 2-4 questions that it asks.

I’ve noticed that I usually notice the spider outside my window only on pro-d days. INTERESTING!! The spider I saw the first time is still there but on my previous window exploring I saw another spider. Now that I look out the 2nd spider isn’t there anymore. I WONDER!!?!?!? Oh well. Maybe it found a better home safer and warmer than the outside wind, hanging off a tree.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

blog T1-50

I can’t believe it’s already Thursday. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to sleep longer. The bad thing about tomorrow is that I still have a lesson to go to, which means that I can’t really chill at home. I also have to finish my Chinese homework and practice piano. It’s so hard to juggle all these balls all at the same time.

Today I just finished a book test. I think I did pretty well and I hope I passed. I need to pass!!!!!!! Or else. DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!! Evil music.

SLEEP!!! SLEEP!!!!! SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!! Finally SLEEP I will sleep for at least 12 hours today. YES. I will finally fulfil my goal of sleep for at least 12 hours in high school!!! That’s at least 2 goal fulfil so far. Right now I’m trying to fulfil a dream of reading 5 books a term. LET’S GO ME, LET’S GOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! (chanting encouragements to myself).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

blog T1-49

I’m eating this pastry thing that my dad’s friend bought for us. It’s pretty good. Although it looks like it’s going to be too sweet. It’s not. I have to hurry and finish up eating because I’m going to cadets afterwards. Right now I’m wondering if you can eat eraser bit (by accident) and if they were harmful to you. It’s pretty weird but that’s what I’m thinking.

I still haven’t finished writing my vocabulary story yet and if I don’t then I might have to stay up really late. BOOOO!!!!! Another thing to BOOOOO about is that our school isn’t 1st in field hockey anymore. I mean I’m not in the team but still BULLDOGS RULE is a reason why winning is important, it’s called school sprite.

Today’s marching at cadets took longer than usual and my legs were getting tired. We had to clean up the building. Although it is not very big it is still tiring after about 2 hrs of standing around. BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom just picked some cherry tomatoes. And they are so good. They taste really SWEET!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

blog T1-48

I finished 2 of my book!!! Yeah me!!! I’m now trying to finish the last. It’s pretty interesting but I’ve read better. I’m trying to find a book at the school library but it seems to be checked out. BOOO!!!! I just had my afternoon school snack. It was fried rice and orange juice. YUM!!!! I’m almost done my model drawing.

The homework I have for today would be to do my math and study my many subjects and then I’m done. I might even do my English because it’s due on Thursday and if I do that on Friday (no school) I will only have to do my day 2 homework. YES!!!!

The soup I had yesterday was not barley and beef but veggie soup. I know I said that veggie soup was one of my favourite soups I meant that I like the soup when my grandma makes it. But my grandma is now busy taking care of my grandpa so she can’t make soup for me anymore. BOOO!!! I want to taste what barley and beef soup is like. I hope it’s good!

Monday, October 20, 2008

blog T1-47

So I’m doing my science lab write up right now or half way through and I’m thinking to myself hey this is pretty easy (let’s keep it that way). The only question I’m stuck on is what knowing about they difference between a plant cell and an animal cell help in life. It’s a question I can’t find an answer to. It’s the only question left before I’m done. I can’t think!!! I have brain problems. BOOOOO!!!!!!!

Today I notice that I didn’t know many of my friends’ Chinese names (those who have them). Most of my friends parents usually call them by their English names. Weird that I’m thinking about names. By the way I know all the names of the people in my fine arts and M.Y. classes, most of every one in my P.E., math class. That’s quite a lot of names I need to remember. YAY!!!!!

I also noticed that many people in M.Y. all think the same. For example me and my friend says the same things, except that sometimes my friend says it before I do. This is a very cool discovery.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

blog T1-46

Right now I’m doing my math worksheets!!! They’re pretty easy but it’s going to take a long time to do. I’m going to have to do them quickly. I also have to MEMORIZE my French skit and study my fine arts. We’re having a test soon. I want to sleep but I can’t until I’ve finished all my homework!!! TOO MUCH TO DO TOO LITTLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I get to try a new soup! Or maybe I drank it before but didn’t know its name. It’s called barley and beef soup. My dad said that it’s really good. I can’t wait. YEAH SOUP!!!!!

Now I’m starting to read 3 books again. The book that I borrowed from my friend I’m still not finished. There are probably 45 more pages that I haven’t read because I’m reading other books. BAD ME!!! So right now if I finish my math worksheets and memorize my French and study for my fine arts test I might be able to fit in 10 pages before 10:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

blog T1-45

I already finished 1/3 of my books that I have started. I’m almost finished the other two and I trying very hard to read at any free time I have. SO YES!!!! The book that I’m trying to take a book test on is actually very good. There’s a sequel of this book but I’m going to have to read that after I’ve done 3 more books test. And I just noticed that I have the right amount of books that I want to read on the book list. YEAH ME!!!!

I need to drink vitamin C stuff everyday and so when I asked if I could drink orange juice she added it in. BLAH!!! GrOsS!!!! It tasted like syrup and was super sweet. Also she’s always like don’t drink eat too many fruits because of the sugar. I think what I’m drinking had even more sugar than 3 oranges!! And I don’t like super sweet foods such as caramel. BOOO SUPER SWEET STUFF!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

blog T1-44

The onigiri (don’t know how to spell) they sell at Churchill’s old dog pound is pretty expensive I think it’s about $2.50. They sell them at T&T and I think they’re cheaper there. Anyways I there are like 3 flavours I want to eat the teriyaki chicken flavoured one. The fries at the cafeteria are pretty expensive to at least $3.75. But it looks so delicious. This is my goal one day I will get an onigiri and fries with gravy. YUMMY!

I need to do more book test because I have only done one. I need to read at least 4 more books on the independent reading list. BOOO!!! Even though I like to read books many of the books on the list aren’t particularly very good, or my kind of book. There are a couple that doesn’t add up to 4 books. Maybe 3. I need to find another one!!!

I just got back from French and I had to take the bus home today. BOOO, because it was cold and I was freezing even though I was wearing my jacket.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

blog T1-43

I haven’t really done all my homework yet. The only fun work that I got was from my AS class. Yesterday I did an essay which I thought was due today and I wasn’t even suppose to and that took up a lot of my time. Now I have to finish all of day 2’s homework before I got to bed or, Dun Dun Dun!!!!! (Scary music)

I just finished my piano class and am right now thinking on how to write my Plot diagram. It’s kind of hard but I might just mange to finish it by 9:00pm and then do my redo of the science proposal. Or around that time.

I just found out that my school’s girl field hockey team is the number 1. YES!!!! WE ROCK!!! GO BULLDOGS!!! Also our volleyball team has also won every game they have played so far. SWEET!!! I will be cheering for them from behind. GO BULLDOGS 2x!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

blog T1-42

I’m trying to find some after school snacks but there aren’t any good choices. I as just about to eat some beef jerky and good thing I didn’t because there was this white stuff on it, I think it was starting to mold. EWWWW!!!!!! The white stuff looked like a spider web. Now that I mention spider web the one I saw out side my window is still there. The spider doesn’t seem to have moved from its spot. I think that is the shell of the spider. I look now and I see another spider about a meter away.

So I need to redo my science proposal like many of my other M.Y. classmates. BOOOO!!!! Anyways I just need to redo it that means fix the mistakes. Yesterday and today I went to visit my teacher. He seems to be doing fine but every time I get home I’m always later than my brother. I must speed walk or run next time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

blog T1-41

So I now need to seriously finish my English essay and I didn’t even start. BAD ME!!! I told you yesterday that I didn’t divide my time very well. THIS IS A MUST CHANGE. (I’m getting close to beating my old CAPITAL LETTER SENTENCE (that did not count))

So I’ve been cruising around YouTube looking at all the songs and things that are on there. I also watched some T.V.TODAY. SO I’m watching and then my brother’s like it’s not fair you get to watch T.V. I told him that if he wanted to watch he should have finished his homework, but NO he had to play with his toys so I told him too bad. I sound so evil but it’s actually very reasonable.

Now I will be doing another part of my list:
#9 I am very bad at stitching on badges, I make a disaster trying
#10 I’m not sure if this is the correct list number
#11 I don’t think that I can finish my list today either
#12 My list can go on forever
#13 Last week was a BUSY week
#14 I don’t want to continue my list because I will go on forever

Monday, October 13, 2008

blog T1-40

So today’s pretty busy and I still haven’t done my English essay yet!!!! I know I will sleep really late if I leave my homework until the last minute. So I’m trying to do it right now. Oh and also yesterday I saw this new T.V. series and it was about this book I was reading. The characters were different from what was described in the book and the book seems more interesting them the T.V. series. The T.V. series seems so fake, so unrealistic, basically I like reading more than watching. But that also depends on what I’m watching and reading but anyways that’s that.

I’ve noticed many things over the week:
#1: I don’t divide my time very well.
#2: I promise myself but I sometimes don’t do it.
#3: I haven’t practiced piano for along time, except on Thursdays and Fridays.
#4: Sea cadets consume a lot of my time.
#5: I don’t like too much (evil word).
#6: I like to use CAPITAIL LETTERS!!!!! And exclamation marks!!!!!
#7: All the good T.V. shows I watch are recommended by people.
#8: My list will go on forever and consume too much of my blog space (notice just 5 minutes ago. So I’ll finish it some other time)
Anyways there are tons to say and I’ll finish my list probably on Tuesday.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

blog T1-39

So my mp3 still doesn’t work so I’m not even going to try using it. The first time I tired it was yesterday and it worked but after that it kept on saying it’s formatted. BOOO!!!!! I want it to work but it won’t. Anyways my brother’s mp3 works but it has no battery so I have to help him recharge his. THAT’S not fair. I hope that when I get a new mp3 or iPod it actually works and doesn’t say something about formatting

For cadets I have to stitch on my new badges and I also have to redo some of them. The last time I try to on my badges it didn’t turn out very well so my dad had to help me. Unfortunately they were stitch onto the wrong spot so now I have to redo because my dad said that I have to learn.

Basically I still need to go to my lessons on long weekends which aren’t very pleasant considering the fact that their called long weekends because there suppose to be holidays. BOOO LESSONS ON LONG WEEKENDS!!!!!! (this is my longest capital sentence so far).

Saturday, October 11, 2008

blog T1-38

Today I woke up at 11:00 am. This is awesome considering the amount of sleep I’ve been getting lately. I don’t want the long weekend to end because I feel pooped from all the fun work. I mean sometimes you need to take a break from the fun.

Anyways I’ve been watching AMVs on youtube today and going to lessons. I of course don’t watch AMVs during my lessons but I mean after my lessons. Anyways going to and from my lessons today it was really cold when I got home it was a relief because it was so warm. There are some pretty funny AMVs. I watched one of them at the Anime club.

Today I got an mp3 which look a lot like an iPod shuffle except it’s not. For some reason when I plug it into my computer is says something about “format” and it’s not working. It’s suppose to say MP3PLAY but instead it says removable disc (F:) and when I click it says please insert disk. That means it’s not working. BOOOOO, because it’s new and I didn’t even do anything to it!!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

blog T1-37

Today on the radio I heard I commercial about how bad the Liberal party was. I didn’t like it at all. I mean it’ one thing to promote yourself but it’s another to day bad thing about people. At school we don’t do any advertising about how one person is bad all we do is advertise ourselves.

I haven’t gone to the Recycling team of Churchill for 2 times already. I know it’s bad to skip but I really want to go home and sleep. It’s finally the long weekend!!!!! SLEEP A WAITS. I’m probably going to do all my homework on Sunday or Friday so that I can have more time to sleep on Saturday. I’ve hardly done any piano practicing this past week. At least the weekends we have less work but that doesn’t mean we have none!!!! BOOOO, because it’s not fun work!!!!

To bad this long weekend my dad couldn’t have a day off or that would be sweet. Then my dad can make one of my favourite soups, veggie soup. The veggie soup includes tomatoes, cut celeries, potatoes, and cabbage. That soup is one the best mad in my household. Other soups that I like include, beef soup, mushroom soup, chicken noodle soup, alphabet soup, dong qua soup (the kind my dad makes).

Thursday, October 9, 2008

blog T1-36

It’s almost the end of the week I think I’m holding out pretty well. It turns out that my Fine Arts journal did need to be handed in but he just wanted us to do it!?!?! MY SLEEP WASTED!!! My eyes are starting to drop down while typing this. Maybe I’ll take a little nap. I will survive this week no matter what!!!

Today at fine arts we learned “cuts” and how the actors do some of their insane movements. It was actually kind of interesting and I learned something today. Today at P.E. we had to do the 6 laps and it wasn’t as bad as the Langara run. I now know that the Langara run= 7 laps so if I did 7 laps instead of the Langara run then I would have gotten a better time.

I need to get back to my fun work now. SO BYE

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

blog T1-35

AHAHAHAh panicking right now. Have all teachers gotten this disease that will’s them to give out tests!?!?!?!? BOOOO!!!! I haven’t had any good sleep!!!!! Even if I tired to I would still have to study for my tests and I also have after school activities. SLEEP!!!! I even have a test in FINE ARTS!!! I mean I thought that Fine Arts was just a course in which you draw but I was wrong!!!!! You need to do work. Well I was prepared for the workload considering but I never thought that you had to take tests.

Sorry for the sudden explosions, every now and then I need to let the pressure out before I burst. Good thing! But it’s all true what I said earlier I didn’t get enough sleep this week. Maybe it’s because of the Cadet weekend, maybe not but all I know is I’m missing sleep and a lot of it for that matter. I almost fell asleep during my afterschool activities. NOT GOOD!!! I will seriously use my time well when I don’t have any lessons. FINALLY!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

blog T1-34

I just got a hair cut today its way too short. I can’t even tie my hair up into a ponytail anymore. This is not good because I don’t like hair in my eyes. That’s why I don’t usually go around with long hair POKING MY EYES!!!! The only reason I cut my hair is because I think it’s too thick not TOO LONG!!!! BOOO WITH CUTTING HAIR!!!!!!!

Today during gym I was very careless and I ripped the knee part of my pants. This made my mom get super made at me because they were new pants. HEHE my bad. I tired to explain that I slide on to the floor but she said that the injury on my knee had less damage than my pair of pants which I find very mean. Anyways she’s not complaining anymore because I told I got a 100% on my math test.

This week there is a lot of work alternating from day one and day two. Right now all my classes have at least 1 or more assignments except for P.E. This is a reason why P.E. is one of my favourite classes. Another reason I like P.E. is because I like almost all kinds of sports except running. My favourite sport is badminton.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blog T1-33

I’m so cold and sleepy today. My parents say that you’ll get colder if you don’t get enough sleep, but I don’t think so because I’m cold with or with not much sleep. I’m probably having the best sleep since the weekends. This week (be prepared I’m complaining) I have at least 1 or more test on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

I can’t wait until long weekend I can SLEEP!!!! I’m sure my friend would love it too. Right now I’m concentrating on work so I can sleep. See this is an easy equation. SLEEP= FINISH “FUN” WORK QUICKLY. Also on Saturday I don’t have to go to Chinese school so I can sleep later. SWEET SLEEP IS MINE. (Sorry for all the capitals just can’t wait to sleep).

Right now I have 3 books I’m reading. BAD ME!!! It’s just that I’ve read I book and then I see another book and I want to read that and then it keeps on going and going. I’m a very busy person like this because I never finish a book before starting a new one unless that one specific book is really interesting.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

blog T1-32

I got back from my cadet camp. I’m SO TIRED!!!! The 2 hours of sleep I had that on Friday. During camp we had to do night shifts. My shift was from 12:30-1:30 a.m. and then wake up at 6:30 a.m. BOOOO!!!! When I got picked up today I was glad because I could finally get some real sleep. In the car I had a long doze. Lots of ZZZZZZs. When I got home I also had another doze. I feel a lot better.

Anyways my friend and I took the Cadet test and (drum roll) WE PASSED. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. There were true or false questions, short answers, naming parts, and a practical exam. The practical exam to me was the easiest and I got perfect on it. YEAH!!!! Basically in the practical exam you tie the knots that they tell you to tie (4 knots) and answer some questions they ask you.

I’m really tired now so this is what I’m going to say to you people out there, STAY IN BED.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

blog T1-31

I didn't sleep very well today because I had to sleep on the floor with a thin sleeping bag, but luckily they have heating in the building that my friend and I slept in. Every time I have a sleep over I always come home sick with either a fever or the sniffles (the cold). BOOO!!! So let's hope I don't because I am very grumpy and suffer a lot when I am sick.

At camp basically what we do is like boarding school, we learn!!!! Well it's not as bad because you what you learn are things such as how to tie FOUR knots and saying what you use those knots for. We also have to remember rankings and drills. BOOO DRILLS!!! These are all supposedly on the test but for unknown reasons I like tying knots the best. WEIRD!! My test is tomorrow I very anxious because at Cadets you have to pass with 75% or higher unlike school where you usually have to pass with 60%. I hope me and my friend both pass because it will be lonely without her to talk to.

Tomorrow I'm definitely not going to be able to have morning tea with my grandparents because I'm taking my Sea Cadets exam this really stinks. At least we'll probably be able to watch a movie before we sleep today. I miss my comfortable bed I wish that the training camp wasn't over night because I like staying at home because I miss my bed. I miss the comfortable softness, the warmth of my blanket, the smell of my pillow.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Blog T1-30

When I got home today I had a two hour nap!!!! I really needed it for many reasons. First of all during the weekends I’m going to camp and might loss a lot of sleep. During the week I slept late due to my problem in dividing time, this is something I need to work on.

I might not be able to have morning tea with my grandparents on Sunday because I have to take a Sea Cadets Advance training test, which stink because I get butterflies when I take test and I’m also scared on not passing. During Camp I probably have to go swimming at water mania too. It’s not that I don’t like swimming it’s just that I don’t like wearing a swim suit.

My classmates keep asking me how I do my pen twirls. Now I know how the person I asked how to do a pen twirl felt. FUSTRATED and thinking it’s funny at the same time. I’m surprised at how many people don’t know how to do the pen twirl. UNBELIVABLE but now I know and I can teach them this “secret technique”.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

blog T1-29

I also talked on email with my friend who was supposed to go to the same high school as me but moved to China. BOOO!!! Even though I might not have any classes with her I miss her a lot. I only knew that she was going to China the day before she went. She was so much fun and we always laughed when she was around, we still do but we miss her. She told me that she went to an American School in Shanghai and they also have blogs. I told her my blog address and she went on and commented on it, YEAH!!! She said that she might come and visit us soon and we could all go on a surprise visit to visit our old teacher together with a bunch of friends. That would be awesome.

Today I also went to our school library with my English class. It was pretty fun. We had a short scavenger hunt I was having some trouble but my friends help me out. Currently I am reading a book called Thieves like us it’s a pretty good book so far. Something I want to complain about is why I can’t borrow 2 Independent Reading Books, well that’s because I wanted to read another book from the Independent Reading List

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

blog T1-28

Today during P.E. we had European Hand Ball. We had a lot of fun. The bad thing was that we had to wear pinnies which mean that I got extra warm. There were 4 teams red (my team), yellow, green and piny-less. It was hard to tell who was who when my team played against the shirtless because one of them had on a red shirt.

Today (well maybe everyday) my brother is very annoying. We keep on making louder than average clapping noises with 2 clipboards banged against each other. Very ANNOYING.

Still I still didn’t finish all my homework yet but I’m working on it and I’m almost finished. YES!!! I have to finish all my homework before the weekend because I’m going somewhere and we might come home really late and not have time for homework.