Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blog T1-4

Today let’s be serious and talk about serious stuff. While I was doing homework today I started day dreaming and I remembered someone asking me, “What to you mean a successful person?” He had already asked a few others. Some said Bills Gate others said they didn’t know and when it came to me I said, “It means someone doing something that he/she likes to do.” I think that if I ever want to be a successful person I should do something that I want to do and try my best.

Now let’s do some less serious stuff. Today while I was reading I came across a really nasty word, succubus. This could be a very good insult if ever needed, but I hope not. So today I learnt something new, YEAH, even though when I read the definition it was kind of gross.

Note: I was not reading the dictionary.

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