Friday, September 26, 2008

Blog T1-23

Yesterday I had like lots of fun at Sea cadets. I thought it would be boring, not fun and tiring but it was TOTALLY COOL. On my first shift I was partnered up with I person I didn’t know very well, but then on my second shift I pair up with my friend. IT was so much fun. I was joking around with her and laughing. My friend and I made lots of money. My tin can was more than half FULL!!! YEAH MONEY!!!! My legs didn’t feel tired at all from 3 hours of standing outside. NOT EVEN A BIT!!!!!!!

Back on today. Our English class went to Bard on the Beach to watch a play called Twelfth Night. It was way funnier than the reading we did. It was AWESOME!! I think everyone in my class enjoyed it. It was HILARIOUS. I told my parents this but they didn’t believe me because they thought that Shakespeare’s plays were usually very boring and hard to understand but this was so the opposite. Even though I hardly knew half the stuff they were talking about I still understood most of it.

Today I had dinner with my friend who goes to Sea Cadets with me and we had like so much fun. She started to overfill all of the tea cups it was funny. Basically I had a pretty good day outside of the house, but considering I was too lazy yesterday and didn’t do my Chinese HOMEWORK (EVIL WORD) my mom got mad at me. BOOO HOMEWORK!!!!

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