Tuesday, December 1, 2009

blog T2-4

yup, today was one of those days u wished never happened, maybe then it would change the fact that it did. i T_T'd today..... before class.......... because i had a convo with my teacher about my marks, and she kept saying.... u failed, u failed.... u failed. and so as i was walking to my other class, it kept ringing in my head "u failed" so i kinda broke down as i got into my next class, it was awkward, because everyone was in the classroom and the teacher was talking... T_T, everytime i thought about my teacher, i cried, but by the end of class i was better. now i want to T_T again but i know there's no use is there, and my teacher wouldn't let me do a retest.

i don't feel good about my mark.....my stomach is pulling inside, my brain feels numb, my lungs feel clunched together(stressed out)!!!! and i can't concentrate on my science at all!!! and i have it tomorrow.

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