Monday, December 21, 2009

blog T2-24

 photo shopped this!!!!!!

 this is the original! isn't it cute... i also added more color to it

 awww isn't it so cute photoshopped EVEN MORE!!!

 nice scene isn't it? so pretty!

AH! I still have science homework i haven't done chapter 9 notes,CYU, flashcards and 3 worksheets, ughies!!!!!!!!!!!


 i hardly think we'll look like that on christmas!<= because it's not even snowing AT ALL!!!!!!!! T_T

Yup you notice that I have lots of time to photoshop! But if you think about took me forever to remember how to change grayscale to rgb so i'm going to make a reminder to self

*REMINDER TO SELF= go to image then go to mode and change to rgb!

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