Saturday, December 19, 2009

blog T2-22

yea so i went out for food today, because i didn't have CHINESE SCHOOL!!!!!! YES, i know right?

Attempted to do science homework...but failed...miserably.... now i need to go play piano.... T_T i still have piano tomorrow..... DANG IT! even math class doesn't have any classes next week! 

oh well...... there's not much I can say now is there? my mom said that i still have to go even though my brother doesn't have to (well he did have a surgery but still) and i have to get there by myself! T_T life... T_T

yea well i till haven't done my chinese homework.. yet.. which is bad.. but COME ON it's WINTER break.... i find that this year winter break came faster than usual..... It's like life is passing me by so fast it's not even funny. I have to say though it's almost as if Winter break is going to pass me by and I won't notice it either. UGH!

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