Monday, November 30, 2009

blog T2-3

 be open mined ppl!!!
yea.... this just weird 

BLOG TIME!!!!!!!!! i've never been more eager to do my blog than FOREVER!!!!!! (btw blog has become my favorite "fun"" homework, possibly my only fun homework!!!! T_T) anyways today we got our english speech mark back!!!!! *drum roll* I GOT PERFECT!!!!!!!!!! I feel very proud, my first time getting a perfect in my speech, i guess, my cold bum really help my speech. Anyways i was selected to represent our class for the speeches, along with 3 other people, we voted for who would represent, and i voted for my friend, there was a lot of pressure doing it in front of SY (and i know everyone) but doing it in front of people i don't know is even more T_T!!!!!! so i was kinda glad i didn't get chosen, but the person i voted for did!!! YAY!!! 

i think i really need to get a new blog one with a name other than shanelements. i wanna change it to, iliveforsleep, or liveforsleep, or live4sleep, or live4zzzz (the last one is more of a -.- meh)

btw i made a WHISTLE (i put this picture here because once, when i went with my friend to help her with her metalworks project, the people in there were being really sexist, besides the fact that we were the only girls there, which doesn't matter. his EXACT WORDS "you girls are such....girls" in an irritated voice when i walked by to get a tool!!! I was not liking him the least bit, i'm glad the people in my class aren't like that, besides that fact they hardly talk) like i mentioned before, i was too excited to contain my excitement so i went to my metalworks class and got my whistle, and started blowing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was FUN!!! i think i might bring it to class tomorrow, so people in my class will SHUDDUP, but today i think our class did okay in science, we weren't STANDING UP and talking.

inspiring quote of the day(or never):  exactly be thankful!!!!

maybe i'll just add in some more pics, i find that when i put pics on my blog, it makes it acutally readable.

i haven't done one of those, RANDOM QUESTIONS OF THE DAY in a long time, let us do one now: WHAT..................................................wait, no..........................

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