Thursday, December 10, 2009

blog T2-13

you've probably noticed by now that my MOOSIK gadget is missing. I tried to add in some AWESOME NEW music (or what i think is awesome music) and BUT it wouldn't work!!!! NUUUU!!!!!!! Today was so tiring.  Basically what was really tiring was the fact that I ran around the whole school. #1 someone forgot a pen during the test, i had to run to the room to get it under 3 min, and i could only find 3 pens (1 pen, and 2 fine sharpies). #2 I need a drink of water, from water bottle, i had to go up from the corner of the school to the other corner ON THE 3rd FLOOR!!!! #3 I was going to my locker, and then remember that I was missing a jacket, so i had to run from the 3rd floor to the 1st floor to get my jacket and then run back to my locker and then QUICKLY go pick up my brother. BUT overall today was a pretty good day.

So today I was helping out the gr. 7 from schools (unknown) that wanted to take test in the Mini Programs around here. I feel so evil, because when they ask questions we can't really tell them, because they themselves have to know it. Then there was the fact that some of the were talking or communicating so I had to tell them to not do it (evilness) and then the T.V. was on started playing bloopers so the people close to the T.V. were all laughing, I have to agree they were pretty funny, but then (REMINDER they are doing a test) they are doing a test so, i think it's best NOT to get distracted by them and CONCENTRATE on the rankings, but I guess some of them don't get it, and also there were SO MANY questions, I think, because when I did my test I don't remember asking any questions. I wonder..... I don't think, me back then was any different from them...

My life is at an all time low right now, piano, school and decisions!!!! T_T I don't no what to do... talking to my parents is NOT going to work trust me, they are on sides, and NOT my side.

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