Monday, December 28, 2009

blog T2-31

i just realize that it was my cousin's birthday after i started to eat....... and when i realized... i i kinda turn and shouted it at him.... =.="" (embarrassing)

anyways yesterday was BUSY!!!!! I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY busy. 

in the morning it was the dentist at like 9 so we had to wake up at like 8 and i slept at 1 something. T_T fail.

and then in the afternoon after we ate something we went shopping for PE pants for me.... yea cuz my old ones have holes in them MAJOR holes, they aren't big, but there are like AT LEAST 459000 (4) holes in them. so my dad was like.... "buy new pants, jeez." but i'm really picky about my clothes, it doesn't have to be brand named or anything, but i have to like them, or i won't wear it. Ex. i don't like anything that has really bright color, and i especially hate (bright) pink no offense to people who do. anyways so i go into the 1st store. they have some really dark colored pants (good) i try some on... they are either too short, too long, have an ugly color, too tight, too loose or too expensive. so i didn't get any LONG PE pants. and then i see my bro go into the fitting room and he has these REALLY AWESOME SHORTS, so i'm like "SHOW ME TO THEM" and i ended up buying a pair of SHORTS, instead of PANTS (which was my goal).

so then we go into this other store, and it's a MESS in there probably because of boxing day, so we have to go through all the pants until we find a size right for me, and trust me, we only found 1 that did T_T. and i try it on and i like the color, it's not too big, not too small, not too short so i get them. end of my quest to find long PE pants.

so now i have 2 "presents" even though it's after christmas. shorts and pants, sweet.

okay so after my quest of long pe pants (which took so long, that my bro was BEGGING me to just buy anything) we went for green tea latte, HOT, YES it was delicious no need to ask.

evening came around and we went to my cousins house, hung around, watch them play band hero, and tried to play the drums, but failed to hit it properly, ate, ALMOST forgot my cousin's b-day, continued to eat, decided to watch a scary movie, took an hour to get the movie ready, i was scared because it was suppose to be a scary movie, and then i was disappointed because the movie fails, it was not scary at all. and because the movie was suppose to look like a documentary the camera skill was horrible, so it kept moving everywhere, so i think i got motion sickness because my head started to hurt and it was really warm in the room so i kept eating cucumbers to cool me off. 

yup good night.

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