Saturday, December 12, 2009

blog T2-15

I just had a movie (harry potter and the half blooded prince), ice cream in a cone (in December), hot pot (and udon), and had a little furniture adjusting, causing one of the t.v. to be dropped and cracked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's so T_T i've watched that t.v. since i was born!!!!

UGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIFE!!!!! UGHS!!!!!! this would definitely describe how some of my friends are feeling lately. i must say a what my friend said was very fitting in this situation "Our class is full of pessimist." -GreenNinja

in case u don't know what pessimist are, they are people who see the worst in life. when she said that she reminded me of something i read in a book "pessimist= realist" i don't know if you agree but i think it's TRUE-ish and false-ish...

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