Sunday, December 28, 2008

blog T2-38

I mean it's totally fine with me staying home because I love staying inside. I don't really know why. I try to advoid going out as much as possible. I guess I take after my dad I like to stay at home. I'm more of a insider than an outsider. But of course I love going to the park for sports and that's different from going out to shop or for lessons. So considering it's so sunny outside I would've normally gone out to play basketball but I guess I can't really do that now because me and my basket ball will we wet by the time 5 minutes is up. BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I want to go to the park NOW!!!!!!!!!! I mean shopping is SOMETIMES fun, NO OFFENSE to those who like it, I not a fan of shopping. SO anyways as I was saying it's TOO wet to play basket ball. This deserves another BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

So bored, so sleepy, so DON'T WANT W-I-N-T-E-R B-R-E-A-K TO END, so let me sleep more, so I don't want to do my homework, so I want to go play basket ball, so I want more Christmas presents, so I want to sleep in the snow, so I want to go outside right now and so I NEE TO DO MY PPT OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUN.

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