Thursday, December 4, 2008

blog T2-14

So I'm in the library right NOW!!!!!! SO INTERESTING. This is the first time I ever done blog out of my house. I sound like a nerd but YAY me. It's actually kind of fun. To day we have Cadets AGAIN. It's not that I hate cadets. BUT I'm starting too. Think about it just yesterday I was standing for 3 hours straight. I mean think about you don't get to move unless you are marching. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm so frustrated. WE have physical training today that's why I have to go to cadets. The only good thing about this is that I don't need to wear a uniform. YAy and BOOOO at the same time because I don't like cadets but I don't like wearing their uniform even more.

This is what I'm noticing in TERM 2. Number 1 Everyone is starting to do really bad at the beginning of their new term. I think is't because all of term 1 was building up so much that now that it's term 2 we exploded and can't keep up. The thing is teachers never have due dates of their own instead they give out due dates. For example, when the eteacher gives us homework they expect us to hand it in on time, which of course we are suppose to do. Now on the other hand we expect teachers to do the same when they say that they will hand us back our tests or projects that we've worked on. AHHHHHH so frustrating, but I will remain calm.

I feel like typing alot because the keyboard makes a nice sound and is also very loose. I like loose keyboards. So today in my blog I'm going to right a lot.

Let me review my homework list to you. There is lets see english, Math (which I finished), there is also science (this is going to take a long time) there is also applied skills (WHAT?!?!?!). Yes you heard me Applied skills. Usually you never here me complain about my homework pile. yeah right. Well then you hardly ever hear me complain about applied skills. You know why? that's because I LOVE APPLIED SKILLS. So now let me tell you about applied skills. So firstly there is an awesome teacher there called Mr. Olson. He is super nice and he is VERY FUN. Then theres the fact that in his class I learn a lot about many things that I have never learnt before. Then there is the fact that in his calss every has FUN. I mean who ever heard of FUN in a class well go to Mr. Olson's class. Now then along came homework, not like we never had it before but dundndundundundundun. This was a PROJECT, one that means we have to SPEAK IN FRONT OF THE CLASS. AAAHHHHHHH!!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT PEOPLE ARE MORE AFRAID OF GOING UP AND SPEAKING IN FRONT OF A CROWD THAN DEAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! YES it's true. SO I'll finish my applied skills story tomorrow my eyes need some rest and so do my fingers who have been typing on a very good keyboard. I think I'll need to change my keyboard at home so that I can type lots and never get TIRED OF HOMEWORK. YAY.

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