Monday, December 8, 2008

blog T2-18

I got to meet Mr. Sale today. He's has a Italian background and his last name means salt in Italian or something I forgot. He seems like a really cool guy, but I do miss Ms. Wagner I hope she's doing alright right now. Today was a okay day but I’m really cold right now BOOOOO!!!!! My hand is freezing and my nose is sniffing a lot because I'm sick.

I watched Narnia yesterday it was really good. I had a lot of fun watching it yesterday although I stayed up really late. I LOVE the ENDING SONG OF NARNIA's MOVIE it was AWESOME!!!!!! The song was really meaningful.

I ate hotpot today and I am super stuffed. I'm going to a field trip on Wednesday I hope I feel better on that day because if not I will be sniffing and not having FUN during the performance. Mr. Olson is going to the Field trip with us so that will be FUN never had a field trip is MY AS 8 yet so I'm going to be super EXCITED because Mr. Olson is going to have our first field trip with us.

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