Tuesday, December 16, 2008

blog T2-26

TOMORROW is coming tomorrow and I'm dreading it. WHY? You may ask. BECAUSE I need to go to a mess dinner tomorrow night. I mean FREE food what's not good about that. WELL the reason we have a mess dinner is because of CADETS and you either have to wear a dress OR uniform. And as you may see I DON'T like to wear uniform or to WEAR dresses. So it's a loss, loss situation here. BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE DRESSES, YOU HATE UNIFORMS. WE ALL HATE BOTH OG THEM. AND A UNIFORM RIGHT THERE. AND A DRESS RIGHT HERE. WE ALL HATE BOTH OF THEM. YAY BARNEY SONGS.

So Thursday is they last day 2 before we get winter break. I'm SOOOOO excited. But usually if I get to excited for something it loses all the meaning when it happens so I'm going to try to remain calm. I WILL DO THIS.

I wonder if we have to do blogs over the winter break I hope not because then I won't need to go on the computer during the winter break except to do my PPT.

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