Saturday, December 20, 2008

blog T2-30

YES!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have to do the piano recital that I was suppose to go to on .... Hehe I forgot the date it was either Monday or Tuesday, but anyways I didn't have to go because my mom has to go to work so YUP!!!!!!! (\*0*/) YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!! This is AWESOME. There's also the fact that I didn't memorize the song I was suppose to memorize and so now I don't have to memorize it in time for Monday or Tuesday.

Anyways over the W-I-N-T-E-R B-R-E-A-K I can READ. I'm mean READ ALOT. I can READ alot and that way during school I won't stay up late to read like I do I lot of times because I don't have time to read because of my homework load.

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