Monday, November 24, 2008

blog T2-4

SO busy these days!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Today at school we got to watch a play. I know this is high school and we’re supposed to me mature BUT still. The play was about the girl who had an intercourse without knowing because someone put a drug in her drink. EW!!! I didn’t actually want to WATCH that. Well at least they had their clothes on and they also faded out the disgusting parts.

SO MANY tests BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing winter break is coming close.

3 things I would change about school: Number 1 after any quiz or test there shouldn’t be any homework for 2 lessons. YAY!!!!! Number 2 I would change the amount of homework given from each Day. For example only 2 lessons from each day are all that is allowed to give homework. The 4 lessons will alternate. Number 3 there should also be longer breaks for example the upcoming winter break should be 3 weeks long. I don’t even need to explain the previous thing that I want to change.

The previous paragraph was sort of based on the journal we had to right in English today about the 3 things we would like to change. But I didn’t write those things in my journal.

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