Saturday, November 15, 2008

blog T1-73

I’m done my 5 books. ALALOLA ALALOLA ALALOLA ALALOLA. This means I’m done my 5 book tests. YEA. Now I can read the books I want to read. And I found this really; really good book and I can’t stop reading at all. I’m already half way finished today. I even read during Chinese school. I know that’s bad but still the book was too good to stop reading it.

My grandpa went to the hospital recently because his liver became flat so I think I might get to go visit him on Friday because there’s NO SCHOOL. YAY.

Too bad that I still have homework and I lot to over the weekend. BOOOOOO! I need to go do my homework now so bye. I know I wrote only a little bit today but I have homework that needs to be done. BYE.

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