Monday, November 3, 2008

blog T1-61

I’m found the book that I wanted to read and IT’S AWESOME!!! I mean sure it’s not the most difficult, humongous books with super small writing in it, and it’s not a book with a lot of HARD meaning it. It’s just a hilarious book that I want to keep reading until I’m done. That’s how good it is. It’s SUPER FUNNY and I need to read it for my book test so I’m killing 2 birds with 1 stone (but I don’t want to kill any birds). So the book is about pen pals and all the things they talk about. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do that for one of our classes? Maybe instead of doing it with pen and paper we did it over email but we started it with pen and paper first to distribute who was talking with whom. It would be really cool.

I just figured out to day that our school won gold at the Field Hockey games. YES!!!!! HIP, HIP HURRAY! (I don’t even know what hip, hip hurray means but I just thought that it was the right time to right it. Well I know the meaning but I just don’t get why we say hip, hip hurray! Just one of my concerns of this weird saying.) So as I was saying they won on Thursday but that was after school and then we went to watermania on Friday so they probably announced it when I wasn’t there. I also made this AWESOME calligraphy this with the word watermania.

Today we also had a drawing test and it wasn’t that hard but I think I did pretty good considering I didn’t study by drawing. Another one of my concerns include that of the MY schedule: I don’t think we should change unless we just change the whole thing and make every MYer’s schedule MY. So basically I’m saying that either wee keep the same MY programs lessons or we change all of our subject into MY. This is probably the longest blog I’ve ever written so far.

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