Sunday, November 30, 2008

blog T2-10

Today is going to be ANOTHER SUPER BUSY day. I have to finish my day 1 and 2 homework because tomorrow I’m going out to eat and won’t have time to do my day 2 homework. BOOOOOO!!!!!!!

BOOOOOOOOOOO I don’t want to go to my lessons today instead I want to stay at home and not do ANYTHING after I finish all my day 1 and 2 homework.

My brother is such a tattletaler (not sure if that’s how you write it). I was just slacking off and he has to go and tell mom about. He is so EVIL. But when I tell him to do things that he’s suppose to do he goes and does things he’s not suppose to like play on his NDS. EVIL little brother.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

blog T2-9

I’ve found another interesting book. SO LUCKY. But there was this book that was the sequel of the previous good book that I can’t find. BOOOOO!!!!!!! I just had Chinese school today. BOOOOOO!!!!!!

I haven’t been able to talk to my cousin lately because he’s busy. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OH WELL. Me and my friend is having a EVIL and FUN games. It’s so fun. I type EVIL and she types FUN and we see who types the most of their own word. This is FUN.

Anyways enough with the random games I’m still freaking out about my mark because I don’t know what I got I hope I got a good mark in P.E. and Fine Arts and other subjects. BECAUSE IF NOT ALL MY FREAKING OUT WILL ME A WASTE OF TIME. WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

blog T2-8

I’m FREAKING OUT. It’s because of my MARKS I need to know what I got. For ALL MY SUBJECTS. Lots of people in MY know about the Principal List. This List is for smart people who gets straight As. I hope everyone in MY gets onto the Principals List. YAY.

My brother gets his Report card today!!! I get my report cards in December. AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! SCARED. Everyone in MY is freaking out too.

I just ate a smoke salmon sandwich it’s so GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD. I wanted sushi but my mom didn’t get it. BOOOOOO!!!!! Now I want smoke salmon sushi. YAYAYAYAY THAT WOULD BE DELICIOUS.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

blog T2-7

YAY small madarines (might be a spelling mistake.)!!!! They are so YUMMMY. They are small and easy to eat. (I sound like a commercial) They are also easy to peel the skin off of. Sometimes oranges have REALLY, REALLY thick skin.

Anyways I’m searching up the story of Fibonacci the Mathematician who invented a math pattern called, Fibonacci (and Something I forgot). Who would have know it was called Fibonacci and something I forgot (something).

WE had a Gr.8 indoor track meet today. The Blue, which was the team I’m in, didn’t get first place. BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping we could win but at least it was fun. I even drew on my right cheek a star and on my left hand the word BLUE. Instead BLUE got 3rd place. BOOOO!!!! I’ll list the team who won from top to bottom: Yellow (Won, BOOOO), Black (2nd that should have been us), BLUE (GO BLUE, GO), Red, then last but not least GREEN!!! YAY.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

blog T2-6

Today we had a fitness test at CADETS. CADETS. You see the words CADETS? YES. I didn’t even know until we got there because they never telephoned me!!!! That was not nice, so my friend and I ended up going there with our CADET uniforms on. GOOD thing is that they had t-shirts, shorts and RUNNERS. YES RUNNERS. The BAD thing was that it was FREEZING COLD OUTSIDE. When I was half way done running I already couldn’t feel my arms and my legs were becoming STIFF from the cold.

TOMORROW is TRACK!!!! That means that everyone who’s in grade 8 are participating. YAY. That means that I’ll get to see all my MY classmates. I’m on team blue. I was hoping I could have be on team black (my favourite color if not a shade).

I’m reading another SUPER GOOD book. I can’t put it down and right now I’m actually reading and typing. COOL.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

blog T2-5

I almost forgot to do my blog to day. SHAME ON ME!!!!! Good thing I remembered. Anyways so much homework and tests this week. I have one tomorrow. BOOOOO!!! I don’t want any tests. We have had so many TESTS like at least more than FIVE test/quizzes in ENGLISH. WOW THAT’S A LOT OF TESTS if you add your other subjects.

This week the only thing I look forward to is the track meet. I hope we have a good time on Thursday because that’s what I need. Guess what today we even had a P.E. TEST. Well for your information in Gr. 7 you don’t get written P.E. tests!!! I know I’m not in Gr.7 anymore but that was just a year away. EVIL WORD = TEST.

I need to go study for tomorrow’s English test NOW.

Monday, November 24, 2008

blog T2-4

SO busy these days!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Today at school we got to watch a play. I know this is high school and we’re supposed to me mature BUT still. The play was about the girl who had an intercourse without knowing because someone put a drug in her drink. EW!!! I didn’t actually want to WATCH that. Well at least they had their clothes on and they also faded out the disgusting parts.

SO MANY tests BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing winter break is coming close.

3 things I would change about school: Number 1 after any quiz or test there shouldn’t be any homework for 2 lessons. YAY!!!!! Number 2 I would change the amount of homework given from each Day. For example only 2 lessons from each day are all that is allowed to give homework. The 4 lessons will alternate. Number 3 there should also be longer breaks for example the upcoming winter break should be 3 weeks long. I don’t even need to explain the previous thing that I want to change.

The previous paragraph was sort of based on the journal we had to right in English today about the 3 things we would like to change. But I didn’t write those things in my journal.

Self Evaluation

I scored 86 or 96% when I added up my total for the self evaluation tests.

The knowledge learnt in MY AS 8 are:
- learned that a sphere looked that same from every angle.
- know about sketchup
- different functions of the human body

Skills that I have learnt in MY AS 8 are:
-draw prespective, orthographic isometric drawings
-use sketchup

Sunday, November 23, 2008

blog T2-3

Orange juice tastes so GOOD. But too much makes the juice taste like syrup. EW. It’s too SWEET. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

My brother is making funny faces right now because he just read my blog. WEIRD LITTLE BRO. He drank the orange juice too. And what’s that he says, “Orange juice tastes so GOOD. But too much makes the juice taste like syrup. EW. It’s too SWEET. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” he seems to be reading the previous paragraph of today’s blog.

My mom’s calling me, “Go hang the laundry!” I need to go do the laundry with my brother now so bye.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

blog T2-2

I am TIRED and NOT TIRED all at the same time because I didn’t sleep a lot yesterday but I slept a lot on Friday so I guess that makes up for it. I am in so much trouble because I have so much homework that needs to be done. And tomorrow I might not be at home most of the time. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! There goes my schedule for doing homework.

GOT TO DO MY HOMEWORK REALLY QUICKLY TODAY!!!!!!!! Today I keep on saying this work “BUB” it’s just a RANDOM word I made up but it’s AWESOME. “bubbubububububububububub”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

blog T2-1

I talked with my cousin from Hong Kong today. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYA! I miss my cousin so much!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way he’s my favourite cousin no offense to my other ones. Well actually I like them all it’s just that this one is more fun to play with and I spend less time with because he doesn’t live around Canada.

Anyways I just noticed, because today is Pro D Day and I usually do this, when I looked out the window and I saw that the spider which was always there before was GONE. GONE I TELL YOU. I tell you for those who don’t know what I’m talking about. This started on a Pro D Day when I was looking out the window beside my computer and THERE I saw a spider on its web immobile. Then on the next Pro D Day (NO SCHOOL) I saw it again and again. This continues on forever for every Pro D Day. Then BAM it’s not there today. I guess it’s because the leaves on the tree started to die and fly away carrying bits on the web away. POOR SPIDER.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

blog T1-78

I didn’t make the basketball team. It’s not a BOOOOOOOOO situation because there are good things and bad things about not making the try out. But I’m glad that my friend made the first tryout. YAY!!!!!! I’m happy for her.

Today was a SUPER BUSY day I’m really worn out for some reasons I can’t fall asleep although I really want to. I’m not bored or anything but I want to play on my NDS and watch drama on my PC. BUT my bro is such an EVIL bro he won’t let me watch. BOOOOOO!!!!! I didn’t have piano lesson last week so I probably have to go today. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It’s not that I don’t like the teacher but I just don’t want any lessons today.

YAY I finished reading 5 books and passed the 5 book test. (doing the happy dance) YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!! Caution: The following paragraph will contain many YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYs. I don’t have any homework except FRENCH!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY but that’s only for day 1. On day 2 it seems that all the MY teachers always like to give out home work at the same time. EXAMPLE: today for day 2 we have lots of homework.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

blog T1-77

Tomorrow there is a basketball try out. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t want to wake up so early although I like basketball a lot many of the people there are VERY, VERY GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD. They can shot almost every basket and do awesome lay ups (I can’t do those.) I really need to learn how to do a lay up. I can’t do them BOOOOO. I practice almost every lunch now because I want to make the team but I guess unfortunately I might not get in. There are always good things and bad things in life in basketball tryouts are one of them. #1 good thing is that if I don’t make the team I won’t have to either wake up really early to go for practices or go after school for lessons. #2 good thing is that maybe then my legs won’t hurt anymore (my legs started hurting the first try out). #3 good thing I get to cheer for the people who are playing. #1 bad thing is that I like to play basketball so I want to go on the team. #2 bad thing is that I want to join at least one sports team at Churchill. I might join the ping pong team instead, I like ping pong too. I want a NEW trophy or banner by the gym. YAY.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

blog T1-76

I’m almost done my S.S. map all I have to do is fine line and color and do a couple more things and I’m done. YAY ME!!! I don’t want to do my math because it seems so hard and well it’s not HARD it just tales a LONG time to do. Homework is piling up again. BOOOO!!!! We have to make a cheat sheet for Science and study for chapter 2 test in science. It’s almost the end of the term so there is going to be a lot of tests that I need to study for.

I’m super tired good thing tomorrow there are no try outs. SWEET. This means more sleep at least 1 hour more.

Anyways super busy now so Ciao.

Monday, November 17, 2008

blog T1-75

Today was a VERY tiring day!!!!!!!!! First of all I had to wake up at 6 AM in the MORNING. MORNING!!!! I usually wake up at 7:30 and that is a 1:30 hrs difference. I had basketball try outs today. My legs are hurting a lot and I’m SUPER SLEEPY. My new motto of the day is LIVE FOR SLEEP. I know there are many things to LIVE for but this what I want to LIVE for right now. Based on the movie I watched at MY AS 8 about human body and PUSHING the LIMITS.

The movie was SUPER CHESSY. It kept on saying PUSHING the LIMITS over and over again even my brother would know when the narrator would say. And I’m talking about my bro here, he is about the most annoying person that I’ve known in MY LIFE. Think about it, I’ve lived for more than 10 years my bro more than 5. So he’s been in my life for more than 5 years since he was born. So that’s the INTERESTING life of me and my brother.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

blog T1-74

I really want to practice basketball. Tomorrow are the basketball tryouts and I’m really, REALLY want to get in because I really like basketball. I hope me and my friend get into basketball. Then I’ll be SUPER, SUPER HAPPY.

I have lessons today and I still haven’t finished my essay that is due tomorrow for Fine Arts. BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve talk to my friend in Shanghai a lot lately because she’s seems to be online most of the time. YAY!!!!!! My other friends are happy too because they get to talk to her.

I’m almost finished my book so I need to finish my blog NOW bye bye.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

blog T1-73

I’m done my 5 books. ALALOLA ALALOLA ALALOLA ALALOLA. This means I’m done my 5 book tests. YEA. Now I can read the books I want to read. And I found this really; really good book and I can’t stop reading at all. I’m already half way finished today. I even read during Chinese school. I know that’s bad but still the book was too good to stop reading it.

My grandpa went to the hospital recently because his liver became flat so I think I might get to go visit him on Friday because there’s NO SCHOOL. YAY.

Too bad that I still have homework and I lot to over the weekend. BOOOOOO! I need to go do my homework now so bye. I know I wrote only a little bit today but I have homework that needs to be done. BYE.

Friday, November 14, 2008

blog T1-72

Unfortunately my wish didn’t come true today because I was hoping that I could not have any homework over the weekend. Well what do you know that’s not going to happen now. I just ate sour candy and it’s hurting my tongue and the roof of my mouth. AWWWWW!!!!! But they started out to be very sugary then BAM it goes sour. AWW my tongue.

My stomach started hurting today for no reason. Maybe it was because I ran to fast right after eating but I always do that anyways I can’t wait until Christmas break!!!!! I can’t wait although it quite some time before it’s Christmas I’m already planning on what to do, SLEEP.

Today during lunch time I saw a t-shirt with a slogan “LIVE FOR SLEEP” this is now considered my new favourite slogan. My old favourite slogan from a t-shirt was “Gas is too expensive. I can’t afford to FART!” You can tell I have a interest in slogans.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

blog T1-71

I was thinking wouldn’t it be cool if M.Y.s got the whole day off on our Christmas Party (Dec. 18) YESSSSS!!!! During yesterday and have of today I thought that we were going to have the Christmas party for the whole day but then I asked my friends and they were like NOOOOOOO, we are only going to have it for that period only. ONLY. I then said NOOOOOOO (not that long of a no but still)!!!!!!! So we were going to be proactive and do something about it, somehow.

I can’t believe this is our 90th blog. It feels like just 2 weeks since I started school. Interesting how when we think back to the past all we usually think about are the good times which makes the past look shorter that what it really was. WERID I’m thinking like an old person. VERY WERID.

I don’t have any homework given to me today I hope I don’t have any homework given to me tomorrow either because that would be BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! A BIG BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! A VERY, VERY BIG BBBBBOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

blog T1-70

My head hurts a lot for some reason. I don’t know if it’s from watching too many screen related thing at school today or something but my head hurts A LOT. Anyways I don’t feel like going to cadets today because. YES, JUST BECAUSE.

I’m eating desert right now and it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. After my blog I will have to go do my math and memorize my French. BOOO MEMORIZING FRENCH.

You know now that I think about it my S.S. map will be hard to do because I don’t know how to do a legend for my project. AHHHHH!!!!!! So sad but I’m going to have a hard time thinking about how to do my legend. Oh well, too bad.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

blog T1-69

I just came back from the Remembrance Day parade. It was raining and we didn’t get to wear gloves while marching because many people forgot to bring theirs which means that the rest of us weren’t allowed to wear ours. BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Although I have a NO SCHOOL DAY today I still have lots of homework to do!!!!!! Let’s review what I have to do today. I need to do my science foldable, write a letter, work on my S.S. map, memorize my French, study for PE, Math= 30questions, and do my fine arts essay. I have homework from each subject, even PE!!!!!!

I want to try out for the basketball team and there are already 22 people who have signed up for it. WOW. There will probably be more people by the end of the week. I hope I get in because I really like basketball although I’m not the best. So me and my friend are planning to go and play basketball after we finish our lunch. I hope it’s nice out so that we can practice our lay ups (I think that’s how you right it). I’m having difficulty trying to get it right IT’S HARD but I think I can do it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

blog T1-68

I just went to my grandma’s house for dinner and I am SUPER LATE!!!! I want to watch a DVD but NOOOOO my dad said we don’t have time when we get back. There’s a thing called tomorrow there’s no school. YES!!!!!!!!

This reminds me by tomorrow around 1:00 pm or something I’ll be looking out my window and seeing AGAIN the spider that I always have time to see on NO SCHOOL days (NO SCHOOL days do not include weekends). My brother didn’t have to go to school today because he gets a Pro D day. He doesn’t need to go to SCHOOL for TWO days in a row. TWO DAYS.

Tomorrow we have the Remembrance Day parade for Cadets. We have to stand for a SUPER LONG TIME with our UNIFORMS. I’m not saying that the uniforms are ugly or anything it’s just that you have to wear boots and you HAVE to march around and stand for 3 hours. Tag day was 3-4 hours too but we got there a little later so had to do less. At tag day you also get to talk but at Remembrance Day parade your suppose to be quiet (so called silent).

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Premier Go Spreadsheet Checklist

This is my Premier Go Spreadsheet.

blog T1-67

CHOCOLATE is what I’m eating right now and it’s actually pretty good. Usually you think that dark chocolate is bad but I for one am a DRAK CHOCOLAT LOVER. I don’t like things that are too sweet and I don’t like things that are too bitter so I like 75% cocoa chocolate. 99% cocoa chocolate is too BLA!!!!! (Stick tongue out in disgust and quickly drink water) 0% cocoa chocolate (stick tongue out in disgust and quickly drink water) BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I just at a 75% cocoa chocolate, I WANT MOORRREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 50 question of math to answer. FIFTY!!!!!!! Although they are really, REALLY short questions there are FIFTY MATH QUESTIONS!!!! FIFTY!!!! LET’S HEAR IT ONE MORE TIME, FIFTY!!!!!!!

I’m going to do my MATH now, SO LONG FARWELL.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

blog T1-66

TODAY I got to eat SUSHI! With my friends her mom and brother with my brother and my mom (dads are at work). YUM!!!! >.< The fool was so good I would have liked to eat a hand roll but the moms were like NOOO because they aren’t economically friendly also known as “Wallet unfriendly”. Anyways I actually had fun because we got to watch the sports channel at the Japanese restaurant. There were 2 T.V. screens there and they were both on the same channel but one T.V. was faster than the other at showing the channel. So the one I was watching was faster than the one my friend was watching. So I could predict the nest advertisement or person coming up next. PHYSIC POWERS!!!!! I had to wait a long time until I got to eat and my stomach was screaming FOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!! But not in the grumbling kind of way but in the stomach hurts kind of way. EVEN WORSE Than the grumbling noise hunger.

I watched as my friend wrote her blog. This is kind of weird because usually I just type my blog as I review what I did yesterday but I guess she records everything as it goes. So that pretty interesting seeing as how see does her blog differently than me. It reminds me of this Chinese quote “At the bottom of the well frog”. I’ll explain the quote in a story. So there’s this frog, and you can guess it lives in at the bottom of the well. Everyday he looks up and sees the sky. He only sees the sky and he thinks to himself. “This is how big the world is, I know everything there is need to know.” One day a bucket comes down drop down from the sky. The frog decides that he wanted a ride on the bucket. He goes onto the bucket and as he goes up surrounded by water he notices that the sky grew bigger and bigger. Then a hand appeared before the frog. Frog quickly jump away quickly to observe his new surroundings. Everything around him was green. Green thing on top of brown things, black things floating on the sky, yellow and white thing on green things the smelt nice. There were things he didn’t know!!!!!! So that was what I was, a ignorant frog to think that everyone just typed there blog.

Friday, November 7, 2008

blog T1-65

I just noticed that my watch can have 2 different times so one can be the 1 hour difference one and the other is the old time. PRETTY COOL!!!

I got to eat curry chicken today it was pretty good. My mouth now tastes like curry potatoes. WEIRD. I think that I’ll just talk about random things today that happen to me. I have erasers that have eraser parts that are like animals. There is a cow (my favourite one because it super cute) there is a pig (although I’m in the zodiac year of a pig I don’t like it that much because it looks weird). Seeing that those two animals were farm animal you think that next one is an animal too? Well your wrong!!!! It’s a giraffe WEIRD huh but it’s true it not a farm animal unless for some reason a farmer has a giraffe the I don’t think so.

The pervious paragraph did not make much sense because it was suppose to be RANDOM!!! In case you have not noticed I also mentioned in my pervious paragraph that, that paragraph was going to be RANDOM so that proves my point. This paragraph is also RANDOM. SO MANY RANDOMS TODAY!!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

blog T1-64

Today was a tiring day because my brother and I had to walk home today. I just have about 20 more pages of my book or less. YES!!!!! I’ll probably do a test on Monday then I can have around 3 days to read another book and I’M DONE!!!!! I just confirmed I now have 2 more page in my book. I can’t believe I just said 20 or some pages. Weird.

So I see the Obama won for the job of president. I don’t find that weird at all. The thing I find weird or don’t really understand is how come when Hilary was also there trying to become president, that McCain wasn’t really talked about, AT ALL.

My mouth is all sticky now because I just at a apple. Sometimes when I eat an apple my tongue also stings. This is one of those times. It’s really weird because other times my tongue is fine. I’m not allergic to apples or anything. It’s just SOMETIMES my tongue feels itching and stingy at the same time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

blog T1-63

I’m already half way finished my book. Just need to read 1 more book and I’m finished. FINALLY!!!!

I went to the dentist today and guess what? I might have to get braces AGAIN! I had it a while back when I was smaller and then I got a retainer which I wear to sleep nowadays but NO that didn’t and now I’m might need to get braces AGAIN. This stinks because the first 3 days is SO PAINFUL. You can hardly eat or bit and if you do bit on something that is especially hard, OUCH!!!! Many of my friends have braces and everything but that doesn’t mean that I want to get them AGAIN because they are painful and a bother. You are supposed to brush your teeth after you eat and make sure you have nothing stuck in between. I mean if you are at school then you can’t really brush your teeth so BOOOO!!!!! The fee is also very expensive this time.

I must get reading now.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

blog T1-62

I finished my homework super fast today!!!!! I still don’t want to put down the book from yesterday.

Tomorrow is Collaborate Day and that means I get to go to school at 10:00, but no I need to go to a dentist appointment. This means I have to get up at the same time my brother. BOOOOOOO!!!!!! I mean Collaborate Days are for sleeping in but NO I have a dentist appointment.

Maybe next week I’m going to my grandma’s place for dinner because we don’t have school on Tuesday. SWEET! The bad thing is on Tuesday I have to go to the cadet Remembrance day thing. I mean I really respect Remembrance Day but there’s also SLEEP. What am I to complain about when those people went to war for us? But still SLEEP.

Monday, November 3, 2008

blog T1-61

I’m found the book that I wanted to read and IT’S AWESOME!!! I mean sure it’s not the most difficult, humongous books with super small writing in it, and it’s not a book with a lot of HARD meaning it. It’s just a hilarious book that I want to keep reading until I’m done. That’s how good it is. It’s SUPER FUNNY and I need to read it for my book test so I’m killing 2 birds with 1 stone (but I don’t want to kill any birds). So the book is about pen pals and all the things they talk about. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do that for one of our classes? Maybe instead of doing it with pen and paper we did it over email but we started it with pen and paper first to distribute who was talking with whom. It would be really cool.

I just figured out to day that our school won gold at the Field Hockey games. YES!!!!! HIP, HIP HURRAY! (I don’t even know what hip, hip hurray means but I just thought that it was the right time to right it. Well I know the meaning but I just don’t get why we say hip, hip hurray! Just one of my concerns of this weird saying.) So as I was saying they won on Thursday but that was after school and then we went to watermania on Friday so they probably announced it when I wasn’t there. I also made this AWESOME calligraphy this with the word watermania.

Today we also had a drawing test and it wasn’t that hard but I think I did pretty good considering I didn’t study by drawing. Another one of my concerns include that of the MY schedule: I don’t think we should change unless we just change the whole thing and make every MYer’s schedule MY. So basically I’m saying that either wee keep the same MY programs lessons or we change all of our subject into MY. This is probably the longest blog I’ve ever written so far.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

blog T1-60

I’m so sleepy!!!! Today my brother came back from camp. It’s not fair at camp we didn’t get to eat good food like he did. He got to eat BACON and pancakes. I only got to eat pancakes for breakfast. And yesterday he got to eat ribs. WE only got to eat chilli. BOOOOO because the beans tasted nasty. They also got to sleep on air mattresses. I had to sleep only on my sleeping bag. They got to camp over for 1 night but we had to camp over for 2 nights.

I don’t have any lessons today so I can take naps for reinforcements for the coming week. I think that we are going to be super busy this week because last week we didn’t have a lot of homework. I scared of the Drawing test tomorrow because I think I will draw the wrong form.

There is going to be a no school day next week because it’s Remembrance Day. I just hope that the teachers won’t make us have more homework because of it. The last time we had a pro d day on Friday my math teacher gave us 6 pages of math to do SIX!!! I know it’s a long weekend and SOME of us have extra time but I was hoping to REST!!! Oh well, what is done is done.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

blog T1-59

I slept so much today and yesterday. It was awesome. First yesterday I took a 1 hour nap and then I took a 2 hour nap today. This morning I think I would have fainted if I didn’t have a chair near by. I was getting up for breakfast and when I was about to sit down everything turned white I couldn’t even see anything. After I sat down everything went back to normal so I’m okay.

My brother went to camp today so I don’t have too many lessons. For my Chinese midterm I got 97!! BOOOOOOOOO!!!! I was hoping to get 100 but too bad. Also today I didn’t have to do tag day because they overbooked too many people. YES!!! This is the first time my brother had a sleep over. I think he is SUPER EXCITED because his friend is going with him.

We need to change the time today. I thought we were changing the time yesterday so I did. HEHE MY BAD!!! But that means I don’t need to change the time today. YES!!! I feel so lazy sometimes.