Thursday, December 31, 2009

SB blog T2-34

it's new years eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow... winter break past by so fast... i wish it would just slow down.. (i can't wait until someone invents the time traveling machine... i seriously can't wait)

Twas' the night before New years, and all through the world
no toilets were flushing not even one whirl
(and for EmoWriter) (no boy were out kissing, not even a girl)
The fireworks were hung in the ship with great care.
In hopes that they would go right to the air.

hope u agree <=! exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm going to do an EARLY countdown with u people!!!!!

i know one thing i'm going to do this year... forget the date and write 2009 and then remember it's suppose to be 2010! T_T

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

blog T2-33

ow throat hurts..... i'm doing science right now and for some reason..... i remember i was suppose to say i saw a heron when i saw a heron, which was quite some time ago, but then i forgot to write it in my blog and then i remember so... i was going back to my house and then we pass by this swamp/barn/grass/river area and then i see this heron standing there, and then i'm like "hey there's a heron" and then we turn and on the other side it's another heron so there were 2 herons. The next time i pass by the same place, i see 2 herons again and BAM a 3rd one. O_O one was in a small stream. another was looking like it wanted to cross the street, BUT was in the same position as we passed by it, sort of like a statue. and then we my dad notices the one at the top of the roof of the barn, and it was standing on one leg, or so it looked like from that far distance, and i really wanted to take a picture of it, but the camera was at home DANG IT!!!!

anyways i ate yogurt just now

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

blog T2-32

ah..... my dad came home really early from work today, because his work place had a black out. anyways so i'm going to watch g-force soon!!!! YES

so i'm going to watch it now!

Monday, December 28, 2009

blog T2-31

i just realize that it was my cousin's birthday after i started to eat....... and when i realized... i i kinda turn and shouted it at him.... =.="" (embarrassing)

anyways yesterday was BUSY!!!!! I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY busy. 

in the morning it was the dentist at like 9 so we had to wake up at like 8 and i slept at 1 something. T_T fail.

and then in the afternoon after we ate something we went shopping for PE pants for me.... yea cuz my old ones have holes in them MAJOR holes, they aren't big, but there are like AT LEAST 459000 (4) holes in them. so my dad was like.... "buy new pants, jeez." but i'm really picky about my clothes, it doesn't have to be brand named or anything, but i have to like them, or i won't wear it. Ex. i don't like anything that has really bright color, and i especially hate (bright) pink no offense to people who do. anyways so i go into the 1st store. they have some really dark colored pants (good) i try some on... they are either too short, too long, have an ugly color, too tight, too loose or too expensive. so i didn't get any LONG PE pants. and then i see my bro go into the fitting room and he has these REALLY AWESOME SHORTS, so i'm like "SHOW ME TO THEM" and i ended up buying a pair of SHORTS, instead of PANTS (which was my goal).

so then we go into this other store, and it's a MESS in there probably because of boxing day, so we have to go through all the pants until we find a size right for me, and trust me, we only found 1 that did T_T. and i try it on and i like the color, it's not too big, not too small, not too short so i get them. end of my quest to find long PE pants.

so now i have 2 "presents" even though it's after christmas. shorts and pants, sweet.

okay so after my quest of long pe pants (which took so long, that my bro was BEGGING me to just buy anything) we went for green tea latte, HOT, YES it was delicious no need to ask.

evening came around and we went to my cousins house, hung around, watch them play band hero, and tried to play the drums, but failed to hit it properly, ate, ALMOST forgot my cousin's b-day, continued to eat, decided to watch a scary movie, took an hour to get the movie ready, i was scared because it was suppose to be a scary movie, and then i was disappointed because the movie fails, it was not scary at all. and because the movie was suppose to look like a documentary the camera skill was horrible, so it kept moving everywhere, so i think i got motion sickness because my head started to hurt and it was really warm in the room so i kept eating cucumbers to cool me off. 

yup good night.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

SB blog T2-29

oh yea yesterday was christmas i forgot, maybe because I DIDN'T get any presents T_T

yea... i didn't even notice that it was saturday today!!! DANG IT!!!! tomorrow= piano T_T 

anyways i'm super sleepy right now! said T_T

i should stop reading so late into the night!!!

anyways i was just searching up on google all these awesome castles around just this once spot i was totally fascinated... i really want to go and travel the world and visit all the castles, that would be fun... one day i tell u one day... no and i don't mean disney princess castles with their pointy towers and pink roofs... i mean real ones, ones that have been through a lot.. war, rain, snow, deathly plagues, worshipping, mending...  like this one!!! the AWESOMENESS of it, it's beautiful 

if  i ever here  my life just maybe fulfilled.

 to be able to explore a place like this would be THE BOMB!!!!

i don't think canada has any castles.. sad, BUT germany does: 

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas song!

LAST CHRISTMAS! (don't worry it's not for me!)

Last Christmas I gave you my heart (surgery... now she has no heart)

But the very next day, you gave it away (ouch)
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shyed
I keep my distance but you still catch my eye
Tell me baby
Do you recognize me (WHOA so evil... it's only a year)
Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me
Merry Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying 'I love you', I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kiss me now, I know you'd fool me again(don't do it!!!)

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

A crowded room and friends with tired eyes (it's probably midnight)
I'm hiding from you and your soul of eyes (under the bed, best hiding spot)
My God, I thought you were someone to rely on
Me, I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A girl on a cover but you tore her apart
Maybe this year
Maybe this year I'll give it to someone special

Cause last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

And last Christmas
And this year
It won't be anything like, anything like

Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

blog T2-28

ah christmas!!! is finally here. looking out of my window i notice that's it's SUNNY!!!!!! sunny!!!! it's CHRISTMAS and it's not even snowing T_T... oh well.. this morning the dew everywhere was frozen so i guess.... the morning of christmas was "white". 

there's not much to say... i had morning tea with some relatives from HAWAII... very nice people. ate TONS probably the most we've ever had for morning tea for a while now... everyone was full... 

today my grandma is coming to visit us and we're having sushi, and pizza for dinner tonight that's good because my grandma usually has to take care of my grandpa so she's too busy to come out and eat, well it's more like my grandpa needs taking care of so he doesn't like it anymore when my grandma goes out. sad T_T

anyways i just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

blog T2-27

oh wow.... i had a headache just now...... felt really bored?!.... do you noe that feeling? well anyways that's how i felt... empty headed and hard to breathe. probably because of lack of sleep.... but anyways i took a nap and it's all gone now..., but now..... i'm feeling refreshed...... but my eyes aren't really focusing like i have to blink a couple of times before my eyes focus.

Merry Christmas EVE!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

blog T2-26

yea life.... okay i guess... sleep is good....watching drama at night until really late... and waking up really late...

i just had yogurt...with granola... ........... crunchy ....and then i had a cantaloupe.... i'm feeling fat.. jiggly arms.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

blog T2-25

YES!!!! Finally we put up our tree!! i'm so happy! so very happy... not really it's just one thing out of the list of things to do. let's see.... um we also have to go buy chirstmas presents (it's already the 22nd T_T) we really need to get a move on with things...but i highly doubt that i'm going to get an christmas present T_T_T_T

yea so what i'm trying to accomplish right now is the art of multitasking. i sure you have done 2 things around the same reading......and then writing....BUT  have you tried doing it at the same time? EXACTLY THE SAME TIME? so right now i'm reading a science question and typing my science homework. it doesn't seem to be working but............................ i'm practising

Monday, December 21, 2009

blog T2-24

 photo shopped this!!!!!!

 this is the original! isn't it cute... i also added more color to it

 awww isn't it so cute photoshopped EVEN MORE!!!

 nice scene isn't it? so pretty!

AH! I still have science homework i haven't done chapter 9 notes,CYU, flashcards and 3 worksheets, ughies!!!!!!!!!!!


 i hardly think we'll look like that on christmas!<= because it's not even snowing AT ALL!!!!!!!! T_T

Yup you notice that I have lots of time to photoshop! But if you think about took me forever to remember how to change grayscale to rgb so i'm going to make a reminder to self

*REMINDER TO SELF= go to image then go to mode and change to rgb!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

SB blog T2-23


Which is the healthier choice?

a) snacking on an apple b) snacking on cookies

a) playing video games b) riding your bike

a) laughing at someone b) saying "stop to bully"

a) drinking water b) drinking pop

a) watching TV b) reading a book

a) walking to school b) being driven to school

a) dropping a food wrapper on the sidewalk b) recycling a juice box


Which is the healthier choice? (you may noticed the following answers are MENTALLY HEALTHY)

a) snacking on an apple b) snacking on cookies (what do u mean not healthy? what if they are delicious AND healthy? carrot flav cookies?)

a) playing video games b) riding your bike (actually i like both)

a) laughing at someone b) saying "stop to bully" (no laffing!!!! unless it's WITH SOMEONE)

a) drinking water b) drinking pop (depends, i like water when i'm thirsty, i like pop when i'm eating)

a) watching TV b) reading a book (both! sometime TV gets boring, sometimes reading gets boring too)

a) walking to school b) being driven to school (in the morning it'll be driven, because i have to wake up early to walk to school, but in the afternoon on a sunny day i'd prefer to walk)

a) dropping a food wrapper on the sidewalk b) recycling a juice box (GREEN EARTH FTW(FOR THE WIN))

Anyways! I don't have school tomorrow which means today is officially the WINTER BREAK EVE!!!!! (like christmas eve, but not)

what else did i want to say................. i want to go christmas shopping for a gift, but "nuuuu" nothing too expensive... nothing too...unnecessary....basically...nothing... oh and we still haven't put up our christmas tree yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

blog T2-22

yea so i went out for food today, because i didn't have CHINESE SCHOOL!!!!!! YES, i know right?

Attempted to do science homework...but failed...miserably.... now i need to go play piano.... T_T i still have piano tomorrow..... DANG IT! even math class doesn't have any classes next week! 

oh well...... there's not much I can say now is there? my mom said that i still have to go even though my brother doesn't have to (well he did have a surgery but still) and i have to get there by myself! T_T life... T_T

yea well i till haven't done my chinese homework.. yet.. which is bad.. but COME ON it's WINTER break.... i find that this year winter break came faster than usual..... It's like life is passing me by so fast it's not even funny. I have to say though it's almost as if Winter break is going to pass me by and I won't notice it either. UGH!

Friday, December 18, 2009

blog T2-21

What to talk about... well i still haven't put up my tree yet!!! T_T i need to tho!!! meh -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-._-_-_-_-_-

AGH i'm so jealous of the people on Vaca!!! i want to join them... It would be so fun if we ever went on an oversea trip with the school! (but really expensive) but then again CAMPING trips with be awksome *awesome too!!!!!!!!!1

i don't have a lot too say, but today's performance the school did was AMAZING!!! I didn't know there was a BALLROOM DANCING class at our school!!!! i saw some people i knew in there dancing.. it was like gr. 8?9.10?11?12. mixed class of Ballroom dancers! it was actually pretty cool. and we did the 12 days of christmas WITH ACTIONS!!!! and we also watched the hip hop dance classes in our school dance to some non-christmas songs, but that's okay because it was pretty kool!!! 

*HUG* and merry christmas! (I hugged everyone (that i know) as a "goodbye present" to the winter holidays so i am going to hug you too)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

blog T2-20

AH, today was wonderful... i finished my dice (in metalworks), had a 2 class party with SY 8/9 watched a movie called "cool running". Also watched another movie in French called "the chorus" i <3>

what else.... my bro had a surgery thingy so i had to go to school at 7!!!!!!! SEVEN!!!!!!! my deprived sleep!!! T_T I'm trying not to fall asleep right now.

I have a test tomorrow. I have a science test tomorrow. I have a science unit test tomorrow. I have a science unit test tomorrow, and i still haven't studied. I have a science unit test tomorrow, and i still haven't studied yet. (i'm going to.) I have a science unit test tomorrow, and I still haven't studied yet, but i'm going to. I have a science unit test tomorrow, and I still haven't studied yet, but I'm going to study soon. I have a science unit test tomorrow, and I still haven't studied yet, but i'm going to study soon, but right now i need to go play piano, because I MUST!!!! 

Today while i was setting up everything for the party and checking off names, i listened to people play the piano in the Auditorium!!! THEY ARE SO PRO/FESH/EN NOOL!!!! well.... you know better than me! lol....

yea i need to bother my dad about making the christmas tree SOON or else we'll forget... not like santa ever visited my house EVER! T_T I never got a chirstmas present from santa before which is kind of sad but I guess, that's probably why i don't believe in many things nowaday.... but that doesn't mean i don't get pranked, or lied to (friendly lies), and i still believe in minimal amounts of fantasies. But i prefer the term, quantum world.... because the possibilities are endless.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm immune (right?)

no i'm not going to say..... of what sickness, but i'm immune right? well hopefully, because if i'm not then i'm screwed! i mean think about it..... i'll probably suffer through the whole school year because of it!!! NOOO!!!! and school is about education and call that fun stuff. so i just can't... right? ugh.... maybe i should google up how to cure this disease

BTW an answer to knowing if you have the LOVE BUG disease..... (from Emowriter (?!?!?! i noe right?))

q: how can you tell u have a crush on someone?

a: if u need to ask that question, it's probably love.  

i guess the above ^ is a pretty wise answer i mean what more can it be right?

blog T2-19

Ah finally, tomorrow is going to be the SY 8/9 party!!!!! excited? yes!!! excited (in french? NO, it means a not very good word) 

Anyways life....................... it's okay i guess, could be better, but it's okay. Um i don't know what to say......................................................................... this is awkward um well.... i showed my mom my report card!!! YES..-ish? christmas tree up yet... no christmas presents under the tree yet....

I'm trying to find a good font, but i can't find any...

Anyways i don't feel like talking about much today... i had fun today in PE, we are still doing square dancing but today, i got sub out, so me and GreenNinja were out for the whole time, because maybe they didn't notice us, BUT we were still dancing... i was made to be the name became Bob Le Bleu. me and GreenNinja was the 2 man square, were as everyone else was the 8 man square. and we were still better than some of them... jking jking! i kept messing up the promonating home part because now i'm standing on the other side... because usually i'm the girl in our practices. also when i'm bumping hips with my  "corner" i bump air! because there's no one there!! LOL

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

SB blog T2-18

AH........ report cards are home, i'm too afraid to let my mom see... sad!!!

i'm getting a new template (again?) yes again... because Emowriter was complaining about how my template was too FALL-ish, and it needed to be more Christmas-ie so now i need to go full fish Emowriter's wish of a Christmas-ie template (wish me luck on finding a good one)

okay i found a winnie the pooh one, but i didn't like the font and the date doesn't appear on it, so it's a no. so my current one, is going to be the one u see right now... don't u think the santa claus looks so adorable?

Anyways so today in AS we watched another video, this time it's called "Everthing's okay" it's actually funny, i know it's not suppose to be but it is. So these people in London go around and say  problems with the world and holds up signs saying "Everything is okay" and they talk in the microphones, i personally think it's okay, but other's think that telling the citizens of London that "Everything is okay" is wrong.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Love Bug

LOVE BUG is a disease caught by people all over the world. And recently it has been caught by my friends. (I am IMMUNE, hopefully) They suffer from something called the love fever. Symptons include reddening of the cheeks and constant thinking of (insert name). 

My friend, EmoWriter, has recently become a victim of the disease and is suffering from the above symptoms so i've dedicated this to EmoWriter. 

OHOHOH this one will cheer you up (-ish hopefully)

One's first love is always perfect until one meets one's second love. ~ Elizabeth Aston

(find a new love already EmoWriter i'm pretty sure there's someone out there just right for you.

There is no remedy for love but to love more. ~ Henry David 

(yea... what i said before XP)

If you are feeling like this

The merest breeze causes me to bleed each breath feels like I'm swallowing glass (Immortal Rain) (welll don't you know.... LIVE LIFE!!!)

First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.
George Bernard Shaw

Life is a 4 letter word

Love is a 4 letter word

(At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
~Plato (apparently not for me ^))

how can 2 such short words be so complicated? (< we'll find out....we will..)

blog T2-17


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ohohoohohoohohoh... what was i going to say.... ohohoh 4 more days of school then *drum roll* WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH WINTER BREAK!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!!! WOOOT WOOT!

Anyways.... i still haven't set up my chirstmas tree yet!!! sad... we were suppose to do it on sunday. but NUUUU we were busy...... T_T... and this year we have no present to put under the tree. AU REVOIR iTouch AU REVOIR iPhone, iPod, i(things)

RANDOM Q of the day: will it snow hard enough so there will be no school tomorrow?(no, it already started to rain) will it rain hard enough... you know what that's not going to happen. will it snow on christmas? (PLEASE)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

blog T2-16

YEA!!!!!! i finally got my widget thingy to work... but what's really a NO!!!!!!! right now is the fact that when i need people to be online THEY AREN'T THERE!!!! okay now they are but before they weren't

anyways life's almost going to be very awesome because it is!!!! i mean WINTER BREAK is almost here, woner WINTER BREAK!!! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK! WINTER BREAK!

also my friend helped me get this msn plus program i've been trying to get to work but it won't NOW IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now my name is so AWESOME [c=#000000]5l-l/\l\l LIVE FOR SLEEP[/c=#0984FF] does that work? well it's a gradient font!!!


ohohoh i just used an awesome chinese proverb, i''m so PROUD and i used it correctly!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

blog T2-15

I just had a movie (harry potter and the half blooded prince), ice cream in a cone (in December), hot pot (and udon), and had a little furniture adjusting, causing one of the t.v. to be dropped and cracked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's so T_T i've watched that t.v. since i was born!!!!

UGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIFE!!!!! UGHS!!!!!! this would definitely describe how some of my friends are feeling lately. i must say a what my friend said was very fitting in this situation "Our class is full of pessimist." -GreenNinja

in case u don't know what pessimist are, they are people who see the worst in life. when she said that she reminded me of something i read in a book "pessimist= realist" i don't know if you agree but i think it's TRUE-ish and false-ish...

Friday, December 11, 2009

blog T2-14

AGH!!!!!! i screwed up my blog!!! T_T it's so sad.... 

and i was starting to love my blog too. i guess..... that's not going to happen 

i'm going to changing it again

in the mean time enjoy life, i know it's going to be hard for me considering my report cards are coming home soon T_T

*drum roll* IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it looks beautiful but it works!!!!!!!! i'm so happy!!!! so very very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

blog T2-13

you've probably noticed by now that my MOOSIK gadget is missing. I tried to add in some AWESOME NEW music (or what i think is awesome music) and BUT it wouldn't work!!!! NUUUU!!!!!!! Today was so tiring.  Basically what was really tiring was the fact that I ran around the whole school. #1 someone forgot a pen during the test, i had to run to the room to get it under 3 min, and i could only find 3 pens (1 pen, and 2 fine sharpies). #2 I need a drink of water, from water bottle, i had to go up from the corner of the school to the other corner ON THE 3rd FLOOR!!!! #3 I was going to my locker, and then remember that I was missing a jacket, so i had to run from the 3rd floor to the 1st floor to get my jacket and then run back to my locker and then QUICKLY go pick up my brother. BUT overall today was a pretty good day.

So today I was helping out the gr. 7 from schools (unknown) that wanted to take test in the Mini Programs around here. I feel so evil, because when they ask questions we can't really tell them, because they themselves have to know it. Then there was the fact that some of the were talking or communicating so I had to tell them to not do it (evilness) and then the T.V. was on started playing bloopers so the people close to the T.V. were all laughing, I have to agree they were pretty funny, but then (REMINDER they are doing a test) they are doing a test so, i think it's best NOT to get distracted by them and CONCENTRATE on the rankings, but I guess some of them don't get it, and also there were SO MANY questions, I think, because when I did my test I don't remember asking any questions. I wonder..... I don't think, me back then was any different from them...

My life is at an all time low right now, piano, school and decisions!!!! T_T I don't no what to do... talking to my parents is NOT going to work trust me, they are on sides, and NOT my side.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

SB blog T2-12

Today, I've been watching lots of worldly things... World visions on T.V. And I also watched a One Love music video.

Basically what the one love music video and particle physic have in common are they both work together. The One Love music video, was a mix of different people all over the world singing one song and making one music video, WORKING TOGETHER. Particle physics work the same way, particles make up everything, the WORK TOGETHER to make matter and make things work.

anyways life's interesting-ish, making a board game for science about chemical, elements, and the such. REALLY HARD

ouch stomach's been hurting lately!!!! i miss Hong KONG!!!!! and MACAU!!!! and i don't even live there, I NEED MORE vacation!!!!!!!! Next vacation time i'm going to HAWAII (i wish)!!!! or maybe I should go to Los Angeles, my trip there is still blurry!!! T_T memories lost!!!

i've noticed just now that staring at the ceiling is more fun than it sounds, and NO it's not a way to procrastinate. I don't know if it's just me but when I stare at the ceiling I sometime see pictures, because of the way the white dot thingies on my ceiling look, it's REALLY cool, I can't find the same picture twice because i forget where it is and if I look up at a different angle it's a differ pic. 

my super blog looks so much alike a normal blog me NO LIKEY!!!! need more pics:

 these are suppose to be awesome .gif but i guess they don't work T_T nothings working for me!!!!    i photo shopped this one!!! <3

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

blog T2-11

AH!!! Yes, winter break is coming soon....................................... i had square dancing today.... reminder about the WINTER BREAK!!!! you know "fun" times (report cards are going home, i'm screwed)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let's just leave it in my backpack until my parents ask for it.... yea.

My eyes, THEY BURN, from too much looking at the computer screen, making my eyes tired so right now i'm typing with my eyes close, and NOW so if i type something wrong don't blame me blame my hurting eyes. okay now i'm going to open them and check my spelling errors and NOW!

so if i type something wrong don't blame me blam emy hurting eyes. okay now i'm going to open them and check my spelling errors and NOW! (this was the version before i opened my eyes... pretty good huh?)

I went to the LIBRARY!!!!! everyone's probably thinking "NOOOOO!!!!" (sarcastically). anyways and i books... and i'm reading right now... awkward... yea, but i multitask alot, like sometimes i read UP TO 3 books at a time, and for manga, i read like 3-5 at a time if there are updates.

Monday, December 7, 2009

blog T2-10

Well, many of you may not have read ANY manga in your life time, and so HAHA, kidding kidding, anyways, well you are missing out a lot (in my opinion). ANYWAYS, there are so many great things they say in there, like SO MANY, that I have to keep them in this little book. my so called "Book of Quotes." anyways basically it's a book, more specifically a address book with memo pages, that I write stuff in, mainly quotes and contacts..... so like have the book is memo, the other is contacts, i don't think I have enough contacts to fill out that half, but, hopefully in my life time I will find many AWESOME quotes that'll knock my socks off when I see them.

These are some quotes I like but i'm too lazy to write in my quote book right now so here:

Are you going to come quietly, or do I have to use earplugs? 
Spike Milligan, from "The Goon Show"

'Who are you and how did you get in here?' 'I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.'
Leslie Nielsen (1926 - ), as Lieutenant Frank Drebin, "Police Squad"

Facts are stupid things.
Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004)

An onion can make people cry, but there has never been a vegetable invented to make them laugh.
Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

There are grammatical errors even in his silence.
Stanislaw J. Lec (1909 - 1966), "Unkempt Thoughts"

The least of learning is done in the classrooms.
Thomas Merton (1915 - 1968)

A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.
Wayne Gretzky (1961 - )

I don’t think anyone can DO anything that would make him worthy of love. Love is a gift and cannot be earned. It can only be given.
Real Live Preacher, Weblog, January 20, 2003

The only way most people recognize their limits is by trespassing on them.
Tom Morris

YAY funn!!!! but it's time to end this... yea so anyways, I've been feeling better-ish today, i guess.... but when I get my report card, AKA soon, then i'm going to be not feeling good, and then after a while it'll probably be good again. 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

blog T2-9

Yea, so we had a major talk about playing piano today, before i got to my piano class, and during my piano class... weird!!! T_T, yup basically life is very T_T lately, i don't even know why... karma? (what have I done that deserved this type of karma? I wonder...MANGAING TOO MUCH?!?!?!?!?! prolly) 

I'm still worrying about my report card!!! it's so sad, because it's going to be really ugly!!! T_T_T_T_T_T i don't even want to say, it's going to look so ugly when i get it back. THAT ONE UGLY SUBJECT THAT I LOVE SO MUCH, but I failed miserably in, and don't even know why... (teacher in bad mood?, doesn't like me?, favor other students?, my bombing a test? yup those are all possibilities that make my report card look so bad, UGH!!! i've been thinking about it for the whole week, i don't know how to make this into a positive!! and i don't think it's even possible to make it a positive from the way things are! T_T, my parents are going to be so mad at me when they see my report card, mad enough to yell at me until the end of term two (and it's only the beginning of term two) T_T_T_T_T. 

I just washed my hair, now my mouth tastes like conditioner.... BLEH, but when I breathe it kinda smells good in my mouth... does that make sense? i guess not, but that's kinda what's happening... UGH UGH UGH!!! still worrying about report cards, AND piano, AND life!!!

Oh, and i'm thinking about transferring out of math E, because it's kinda hard, and yea... and marks.... i'm still thinking... and i don't know what to tell the councilor

Saturday, December 5, 2009

blog T2-8

YEA, i made a newspaper, in chinese today.... it was really messy, there wasn't alot to write. yup, and i also bought a new compass, well my mom bought a new compass (drawing circles) and it's really sharp like i can stab it through paper. ( s' going to be fun punching holes into paper! MUAHHAHAHA) 


Today I went to the library, I almost got lost so I had to go ask a security guard guy, and then I was like ....... when he answered me, and then i just slowly nodded my head, and walked the way he told be to walk and then i just ditched what he said and walked outside to get to the library instead of going through the mall!!! I'm SO DUMB!!! But good thingy I remembered how to find the skytrain station again. 

T_T LIFE!!!! T____________________________________T T_____________TT__T T_T 

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when i get my report card prepare for me to actually T_T because my mom and dad found out my mark, THE UGLINESS OF MY REPORT CARD!!!!!! i'm must burn it before anyone finds it!!!! (in my dreams i could do that, but there's hope XP)

Friday, December 4, 2009

blog T2-7

i have chinese tomorrow, like always, and then i have math, and then i'm going to oakridge library!!!!! O_O i noe right, but yes i'm going to the library, but i don't even know what time i'll get there.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

blog T2-6

AH!!! another day, to suffer through (i'm really stressed), you know I have a quote for you people out there today "A perfect life, is a life unlived." I kinda get what that means yet i kinda don't.... weird (-.-) hmm... i have not much to say about today, but i did cut out the pieces of my dice paperweight for school, pretty cool, and then when i was rounding off the edges, it was kind of scary, because the sandpaper wheel thingy, was REALLY FAST so if you put the steel onto the sandpaper it makes sparks!!!! and the steel becomes really hot, so that why me and my friend turn the thingy on and off so as it slowed down, THEN we would put our cut up pieces onto the sandpaper. Next class i'm probably going to punch the holes and ask my teacher to tell me how to weld, i'm really scared of fire, and things that make sparks now, because i'm really dangerous in my metalworks class


1) filed my own skin off

2) cut myself with aluminum when buffering

3) burnt myself with molten soft metal mixed with water

4) i probably breathed in a lot of that aluminum, brass, soft metal (keep forgetting name, i think it started with a 'p'), and cuttlefish bone dust!!!! (trust me cuttlefish bone does NOT smell good)

Oh and i'm trying to find this book I read, it's a sequel of what i just finished reading but, i don't even know if my school has it....... such a troublesome dilemma 

I really want to go camping, not just because it's going to be fun, and i know it is, BUT, life's been really tiring lately and i really need to get out of the loop hole. I think that if we went camping i could really re-energize myself, and i really need it. REALLY, like my friend said today as we were walking home, grade 9 is a the most HUMONGOUS speed bump in life, so far, I'm sure there's going to be more, but RIGHT now in front of my eyes, it's that speed bump that seems to have not slowed me down, but has me teetering on top, my car of life balancing on the speed bump like a see-saw, unable to go back, yet unable to go forward, stuck... the only way i'm getting down that speed bump is if i change me tires, so that my car doesn't scrape the top of the speed bum anymore. and i think that camping is going to help me pump up those tires so they'll be tall enough to go over the speed bump.

so enough about speed bumps i have school tomorrow and yes, i also have science that i still haven't finished yet.....BAD LIVE4SLEEP BAD!!!! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

blog T2-5

it was very sunny today!!!!!!! although it's still winter, weird.................................................

so i guess that i feel a little bit better about yesterday. ugh i hate this!!! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

blog T2-4

yup, today was one of those days u wished never happened, maybe then it would change the fact that it did. i T_T'd today..... before class.......... because i had a convo with my teacher about my marks, and she kept saying.... u failed, u failed.... u failed. and so as i was walking to my other class, it kept ringing in my head "u failed" so i kinda broke down as i got into my next class, it was awkward, because everyone was in the classroom and the teacher was talking... T_T, everytime i thought about my teacher, i cried, but by the end of class i was better. now i want to T_T again but i know there's no use is there, and my teacher wouldn't let me do a retest.

i don't feel good about my stomach is pulling inside, my brain feels numb, my lungs feel clunched together(stressed out)!!!! and i can't concentrate on my science at all!!! and i have it tomorrow.