Saturday, November 28, 2009

SB blog T2-1

WOW, i read another one of those POWERFUL mangas, this ones is more like a moral!!! but i was reallly good, it really hit the spot.

So this guy he's hanging around with a bunch of his friends, drinking, and then for some reason, he sees no reason in life anymore, so he throws he's wallet down to his friends then jumps off the roof. As he is falling down he says "Don't you wanna go out in style? Screaming 'I can fly'." and then suddenly he's falling through another different earth. This girl that was on the roof of this other earth was like "WOAH" and then she goes and tries to catches him and bring him back up because she has wings but she can't but fortunately they land in the ocean. People who are flying by see him fall and notice that he has no wings. And everyone is freaking out because there's a rumor that if a person with no wings come along, that means the end of the world. The boy doesn't know what to do, but the girl brings him to her "hang out" where all the other defective wing people go.

There the boy sees all these people, some with broken arms, eyepatches, broken wings (probably the war), hopelessness. And he founds out the story about why the girl who saved him can't fly, it was because when the girl was a little girl she had a bigger brother, who she thought had the most whitest wings ever, but one day the government came to take her away, because she had black wings (very rare). In order to protect her, her brother stands in the way of the governments telling her to run away. But before she leaves she sees her died brother's wings white tainted, and think that they are even more dirty than hers. From the shock of seeing her brother die, she had been unable to fly.

Then suddenly the government army comes and then surrounds him. They then hit him, and he says "are you sure you want to do that to the god of destruction?" (because he's the rumored wingless guy.) and then suddenly the place shakes so the army people are all scared that maybe he is a god. but the girl appears and tell him it's explosive, and as the run they come to a dead end. so the army people shoot but the girl blocks the shot for the boy and the bullet hits the girls wings and she falls. the boy grabs onto her and tell her that he trusts her. and she flies. she flies them to a building and a warp in space come out and it leads back to the boy's world. The boy asks if she want to come along. and she says thanks him and says that she doesn't want to run away anymore and pushes him into the hole in space. the boys smiles and says "I knew you would say that." And as then it turn out in his world, he had landed in a pile of garbage and a black feather has landed there beside him. (btw the book is MUCH better than my explanation)

click on this pic to read:

What I thought of the book: I thought it was really good. The wings in the story was a really cool idea. It was kinda like how people these days want to be free and have wings and they think that everything would be so much more cool if they had wings, and all their troubles would go away if they could fly, like the world would be a better place. But this story has proven that wrong. In the world where everyone has wings people are still unable to accept indifference (the black wings) they are unable to let rumors be rumors, they are unable to not harm other to get their way, they are still using guns, they also can't accept people who have no wings. Just the other day me and my friend have been talking about, how great it would be to have wings so that we didn't have to walk to each others houses. But now i guess having them wouldn't be that great first of all your feathers will probably be tangled if you don't comb it, so that means i would lose out on sleep if i were to have to comb it in the morning, a MAJOR NONO for me. Besides if I was born with wings, and everyone had them, then maybe i would wish i didn't have wings like, i do now in wishing i had wings. Anyways basically what i'm trying to say is. You have what you have, there's no use trying to make it any better than it already is because it's probably the best already so it can't possiblity be any better, but that doesn't mean it can't get any worse. (that was random it's like what happened at school during applied skills)

during applied skills i was asked this question that really got me thinking by my teacher. If hot tea is left out and cold coca cola is left out, and they both get to room temperature, Why do people say that the tea has turned cold, and that the coke has turned warm? They are both the same temperature. I think it's because people are used to the tea being hot so if its cooler than they think that it's gone "cold", and coke that they are used to having cold is warmer than the normal temp. that they drink it at, so it techincally has gone "warm". That's just what i think, and I maybe wrong, but people is made up of experience. They base everything on experience. (what i think).

Today you can see I've been typing alot, i feel like WRITING SO MUCH i don't noe why it probably started because of the awesome manga i was reading and then i found out i have no piano classes tomorrow, whch gave me DOUBLE the amount of happniess. Oh yea yesterday during my (extra) french class, i was REALLY hyper, it was probably because we had gummy bears during applied skills and then around 7 the sugar started to kick in and I was laughing my head off.

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