Wednesday, November 4, 2009

blog T1-57

oh wow, well today was bring your kid to work day and yes, i was bored..... i mean sure it was interesting to know what every1 did but after a WHOLE hour of what every single department did i was DYING OF BOREDOM. No offense. I mean if you gave me 20-40 mins of the presentation from each department then i would have been fine, but NO they had to do an hour for each presentation. At first it was fine but then it started to get boring because they didn't really prepare they're speeches so they only talked at most about their background and how they got to what they do and then it was AWKWARD silence and they would ask Q's about what we liked and what we wanted to do in the future..... and not just 1 person did that but MANY department people did that too!!!! it was painful repeating things over and over again and then when your bored you don't really want to be TOO rude so i just started to make this no ink pen to have ink (scribbling). Yea i know i'm rude but can't help it if i didn't do anything i think i would have fallen asleep, fave part of the whole thing was the food!!! the paid for boston pizza, we were going to get sushi but someone was a vegetarian. so yea....

anyways today wasn't that good, made me hate ever thinking about going to work, made it seem so boring, i wish the bring your kid to work day was different like for example you got to choose what  type of occupation you would like to go visit and then watch people at work. That would have been so much more cool, because then you can have something you are interested in but and see how it's like to do the job we like.... yea just a thought.

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