Monday, November 9, 2009

blog T1-62

There's nothing really interesting to say.............................. heeeeeee haaaaaa heeeeeeee haaaa heeeee haaaaaaa heeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaa heeeeeeeee haaaa (dark vader) 

Today was my AWESOME friends AWSOME b-day!!!!!!!! HAPPY B-DAY MON AMI!!!! BON ANNIVAIRSAIRE my FRIEND anyways................................. that was the AWESOME good news of today........... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... let me go on this website and look up the AVERAGE (yup average) word of the day ( i wonder how they chose it). DUN DA LUN DUN DA DUN, it's "sold" weird............................. very.......... let me use this word in a sentence......... I sold apples today to a little girl scouts, who was trying to sell me cookies, which she bought off this lady who was trying to me apples, which i bought off of her to sell to the girl. I sold apples today. 

Anyways i got that from this website i meant the average word not the sentence I put the average work in (if u can't see the link you are BLIND!!!! joking joking anyways it's just funny things that happen in everyone's day to day life, or so they say. Oh and this is another funny one ......  ( for those who can't see the link)

Here are some REALLY funny ones i found on the site:

Today, my friend has his appendix taken out. His mother and I were sharing a box of Gobstoppers while we waited for him to wake up from the anesthesia, and after pouring a few pieces into my hand, I dropped one. Upon the candy hitting the floor, my friend, who was still very much asleep, sat straight up in bed, said, "Who's wasting candy?" and laid back down. His mother and I couldn't stop laughing, and he has no memory of it at all. MLIA.

Today, I was at the mall, I saw a girl crying that her ice cream had fallen on the floor. Feeling generous, I bought her a new one. She threw it on the ground, laughed, and came over to her mom and told that I was bothering her, so the mom called security. FML (okay this one is not funny it's said)

Today at Wal Mart I passed a pregnant woman, her young son, and her husband. The young boy asked his mommy why her tummy was so big and she told him there was a baby in it. He asked her how it got there and she told him that his daddy put it in there. The boy got wide eyed and looked at his daddy, 'How did you do that?' his daddy started his reply with, 'Well, it was really hard...' I got a dirty look for laughing so hard. MLIA  (this one is sick minded but......)

Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML (no offense to twilight fans)

Today, I texted my college boyfriend to tell him how terrible I felt about cheating. He replied saying he was so relieved because he had been cheating on me with a girl in his dorm. I was talking about my math exam. FML (sad T_T)

These are cool/cute/adorable/awesome/whatever u want to think:

Today, while wearing a shirt that read "Are You Dead Yet?", I walked by a guy wearing a shirt that read "I'm not dead yet". We pointed at each other, smiled, and went on with our days. MLIA

Today, I joined the "I Hate the Little Triangle that the Windshield Wipers Don't Clean" group on Facebook. Finally someone understands me. MLIA.

Today, my aunt came into the world. My 67 year-old grandfather married a 24 year-old woman who just gave birth to my new aunt, who is 18 years younger than me. FML (did i mention there are also weird ones.)

Today, I went to a family counseling session because my parents are getting a divorce. I told the counselor that I feel guilty because I feel like I caused it. She says that there is no way I could have caused it, that it's my parents' problem when my mom interrupts her to say "Yes she did." FML

Today, a milkbone commerical came on TV. At the end of the commercial, they whistle and throw a milkbone across the screen, prompting my 100 lb German Shepherd to leap off the couch and pummel my brand new plasma screen TV. FML (poor T.V.)

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