Monday, January 25, 2010


Fave Emo/IM Phrase:" lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, LOL, lol, lol, lol, LOL, LOL", "lol, LOL, lol, lol, lol", "don't watch this youtube link (ctrl+v)", XD, ^_^,>_>, ., .., ..., QQ, :)
Fave Quote:
~friends are useless. they have no survival value. but they give value to survival. -lewis carroll
~ni nao zi bei qiang da guo le (some asian language... that probably means "your brain has been shot by a gun." AWKWARD)
Likes:Chinese, Music, Chinese food, saving african children (<= that's good), malnourished haiti victims (i think he forgot to say SAVING!!!), Hebe (she's good looking apparently, me= no clue),
Music: Chinese Music (classical chinese music too O_O)
Fave Music Video: Jay Chou: 說好的幸福呢 (<= so proud i have CHINESE In my blog d(^_^))
Urges: Wants to help people (apparently he wants to be the next Free the Children president, joking XP), Help African Dogs (I didn't know the dogs needed help?!?!) Donate to Szechuan
imnotNARCISSISTIC well as you may have noticed... he really likes to help people... or so he says he does so his name imnotNARCISSISTIC kinda makes sense, not really-ish....

well anyways... you'd think he was Asian because he likes Chinese stuff so much... Well... he isn't... i was kidding he is XP.. um... yea... basically i kinda new most of the stuff ^ except the helping children things.... anyways... this read is starting to make my yes tired so yea

1 comment:

ImNotAnonymous said...

Random, albeit important thought. I'm pretty sure I just figured out how to make cats not be afraid of water. You have a moat of adjustable depth splitting a room in half. You put the kitty on one side and the food on the other. When it gets hungry enough, it will cross the water. At first it would need to be very shallow water, so the cat has to tiptoe to get across. Then put the food on the other side and very gradually increase the depth. Too quickly, and the feline's instinctual fear would not be overcome. Another important caveat is that the moat would have to be wide enough that the cat couldn't jump it. Soon enough, voilà: swimming cats. The trick I haven't figured out is how to get them to do it without incentive, e.g. If you were at a pond and wanted your cat to join you for a quick dip, where the reward was the experience itself, not motivated by any material or nutritional gain. Good night.