Monday, January 4, 2010

blog T2-38

ah..... school..... maybe possibly... the only thing i miss about school are my friends... that's basically it, well... maybe some of the teachers... and a few of the (no homework) classes. XP

so over the winter break... i missed school, friends, homework (YAY) and EXERCISE. I think I've grown SUPER FAT. like..... OUT OF SHAPE....... out of breathe...... basically not happy about tomorrow being PE... meaning.... me collapsing due to mere exercise.... yea what i'm trying to say is FAIL!!! i did try to do like exercise... but my motivation is never really very strong, so eventually i give up.


dang..... piano.. i need to go play now....but i don't really want to... now....but... now...but conscience....when mom says now she means NOW....but conscience i don't wanna not right now.... no, now...but i'm still blogging...lies you are just stalling because you don't wanna play... lies you are lying, why would i do that?.... because you are evil..... me evil.. if i were evil than what are you? the god of all things evil? huhuhuh?..... actually i'm just you... so technically you are evil and mental... talking to yourself... O_O how do you know i talk to myself? huh? have u been stalking me?... me stalk you HA don't flatter yourself. i would be glad to be rid of you if i could, but i can't because i am too awesome to leave you behind. what? that doesn't even make sense..... yea well...well that's prolly because you aren't smart like me... but i thought you said you were my conscience... meaning you are a part of me.... so how does if make sense if you wanna leave me AND you are smarter than me? ....well. i...uh.... well you know what i don't need to explain to you these things because you wouldn't understand anyways... i'll just leave it to the smart people who read my blog to understand this..... your blog O_O what do u mean your blog.. this is MY blog.... well technically it's OUR blog... but it's NOT YOUR blog... UGH.... I HATE YOU CONSCIENCE I HATE YOU...... hahahahah.... i feel evil.... even if i'm just talking to myself.... i'm hated, by myself.... wait till i tell my conscience friend telepathically!!... you can talk to people telepathically?!?! NOT FAIR.... well... i guess i need to go play piano now..... lies you will not....... what? didn't you want me to go play piano?.... i did but i can also read your mind... and it's saying you aren't going to play piano..... hey my mind is PRIVATE, OFF LIMITS, NO TRESPASSING.... what gives you the right to go it?..... i am your conscience afterall... hahahahahaha.... dang it... beware people the conscience is a....... MUAHAHAHAHAHA now you will never know.

That was wierd okay i REALLY need to go now... MAYBE piano.... shower MAYBE.... MUAHAHAHAH


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