Monday, January 25, 2010

MushroomBrain/ MushroomKiller

MUHAHAHAH: MushroomKiller
Fave Emo/IM Phrase: o-o", ._., =)
Fave Quotes:
Likes: Mushrooms, Killing Mushrooms, Sleeping (A+), Number 35, Yellow (Asians), Ultimate,
Music:...a lot
Urges:...what kinda question is that. D:
ushroomKiller was the cause of death for TWO not ONE but TWO!!!!!!!! mushrooms. She SKINNED THEM from their body... and then she she stuffed them... and made slippers out of their skin!! her cruel and evil ways will be PUNISHED!
^ that I was kidding.. she LOVES mushrooms.... poisonous mushrooms not so much..... hahahha you really need to start loving

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