Saturday, January 30, 2010

blog T2-64

agh well. then got a screen protector for my computer screen.. well more like it protects ME from the static ray things.... i'm not sure if it works but i think it's kind of small because well just because it i can't really see my exit or start button unless i stick an eraser under the screen so it stands up...
HEY That could work.. okay well but it's kind of awkward because it's just stick out, well the screen is sticking out....

anywas i'm doing science (surprise surprise) WE HAVE THREE projects in S.S. ONE project in English, and a SCIENCE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =


Friday, January 29, 2010

SB blog T2-63

wow.. this song has been stuck in my head for so long!!! it's not even funny i'm also very tired and i need to go take a shower and then i can't go to bed because my hair will be wet but i need to so !!! yea..

this song was a chinese song tranlated to english (CHINESE SONG!!!! I know so O_O):
Tong Hua (English)
Forgot how long it's been
since I last heard you
telling me 'bout your fav'rite story
thought for a long time,
began to worry.
Is it me who did something wrong?

You cried and said to me
that fairytales are all just lies.
I couldn't be your fairytale prince.
but you don't understand
since you gave me your hands
stars in my sky began to shine.

I'm willing to change into
The angel in those fairy tales
Just turn my arms into wings and hold you near.
You must believe, believe that we will be like a fairytale,
ending with happiness and love.

You cried and said to me
that fairytales are all just lies.
I couldn't be your fairytale prince.
but you don't understand
since you gave me your hands
stars in my sky began to shine.

I want to be your fantasy
The angel that you used to love.
Just turn my arms into wings and hold you near.
You must believe, believe that we will be like a fairytale,
ending with happiness and love.

I wish to be your fantasy.
The angel that you used to love.
Just turn my arms into wings and hold you near.
You must believe, believe that we will be like a fairytale,
ending with happiness and love.

it's so sad!!! T_T:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

blog T2-62

TOday is a really busy day... my computer is slow so T_T and i have to do science, s.s (3x projects), math, science fair, english mandala and other homework i might have forgotten.. like french which i just remembered!!! T_T


anyways besides the LOTS of homework.. i've been sleeping late so hopefully i'll feel better, and also because I have GYMNASTICS tmrw i'll need to sleep

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

blog T2-61

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh...................... today i got 9/10 out of the vaults, my PE teacher said I just need to do flank better and i can change the 9/10 to a 10/10!!!! YES

i'm really sleepy.... not gettin enuff sleep T_T

so au revoir and let me rest my eyes!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Name: EnglishPoet
Fave Emos/IM Phrase: "Sorry. x3", x3, xp, xd, "nessa cannot answer your msg at the moment, please msg again later.", ._.
Fave Quotes:
~"Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is like a dream. "
Likes: Teddy Bears and Cake. Definitely Cake (I wonder what this DEFINITELY CAKE IS?!?!)
Music: Lights, Owl City, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Utada Hikaru, and Linkin' Park
Fave Manga: Anuthing By Clamp (AH HAHAH YES)
Fave Music Videos: Taylor Swift- Fifteen, Lady GaGa -Bad Romance, Owl City - Fireflies, Lights - Savior, G-Dragon -Butterfly (this means more video watching for me !!)
Urges: Touch anything cute and fluffy (i heart too)
Well, I love her computer!!!!!!!!! SO FAST AND PRETTY AND COOL!!!!!!!!!! my she's one of my awesomesuperduperlycoolfriendsthatarejustawesomelikethatbecausetheyaremyfriend friends XP. ^it's a RUN ON WORD!!!!!!
she's a PRO PHOTOSHOPPER, she's probably the one that got me hooked on it!! she's a PRO siggie designer... LOVES writing poems.. I would let you read but her poems are COPYRIGHTED, yes because they are THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SB blog T2-60

Well today I decided to type/read out all my fave quotes in my quote book... just because they are so awesome!

~I was suppose to be born a gay man, but instead I was born a girl - Raquel Reed

~When life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into the eyes of your enemies -Happy Bunny

~You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses -Ziggy

~ We are the hero of our own story -Mary McCarthy

~One's first love is always perfect until on meets one's second love -Elizabeth Aston

~To avoid situation in which you might make mistakes maybe the biggest mistake of all -Peter McWilliams

~I believe I am in Hell, Therefore I am -Arthur Rimbaud.

~A hug is like a bommeran you get back right away -Bil Keane


Name: EmoWriter
Fave Emo/IM Phrase: (He fails, because he has no fave Emoicons OR IM Phrases, not even lol, >:( this is not a lol-ing face)
Fave Quotes:
~"let's do something unforgiveable." - Vamp.Knight
Likes: Manga, Incest,
Music: Stephen By:KeSha
Fave Manga: OHSHC, Full House Kiss, Vampire Knight, Kaichou Maid-sama (ohohohohohoh, me 2, I read all of them except VK because I watched it XD)
Urges: to hug people (<= that is an un-emo thing to do. Many would say crying in his emo corner, but I think not)
Well... I would give you a sample of his EMO POEMS........ wait maybe I should

cinderella walked on broken glass,
sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass,
belle fell in love with a hideous beast,
jasmine married a common thief,
ariel walked on land for love and life,
snow white barely escaped a knife.
it was all about blood, sweat, and tears
because love means facing your biggest fears.
- love, pain, and the whole damn thing, amy sky
I thought ^ that was by him and then I read the comments it's by amy sky!

okay well APPARENTLY he deleted them... so people (like me) can't read them anymore!!! or copy and paste them anymore!! DANG IT!!!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Name: LMH
Fave Emo/IM Phrase:
Fave Quotes:
~"grow a pair"-imnotNARCISSISTIC (a pair of..... jeans?!?! that's going to be hard.. you might want to try a jean bean. that rhymes. jean bean)
Likes: Taylor Swift... Songs, blue (?), red, teamkilldeath (tdk, I think.), violin, badminton, Sleep (not as much as me)
Music: Taylor Swift (?)
Urges: To play on iPhone in AS (kidding-ish... maybe)
LMH is a person i think.... maybe... you never know... okay
um..................... i didn't even know his name was LMH until i asked him... w8 did i ask him or did he say... w/e
he's a really nice person, very electronic-ie, very
basically he's a good person, he's my classmate, he has many electronics (jealous), and he has to names _____ and

MushroomBrain/ MushroomKiller

MUHAHAHAH: MushroomKiller
Fave Emo/IM Phrase: o-o", ._., =)
Fave Quotes:
Likes: Mushrooms, Killing Mushrooms, Sleeping (A+), Number 35, Yellow (Asians), Ultimate,
Music:...a lot
Urges:...what kinda question is that. D:
ushroomKiller was the cause of death for TWO not ONE but TWO!!!!!!!! mushrooms. She SKINNED THEM from their body... and then she she stuffed them... and made slippers out of their skin!! her cruel and evil ways will be PUNISHED!
^ that I was kidding.. she LOVES mushrooms.... poisonous mushrooms not so much..... hahahha you really need to start loving


Fave Emo/IM Phrase: blossom, "(her name) is a noun. adjective. verb. adverb. clause."
Fave Quotes:
~No one notices what I do until I don't do it (no duh, how are they going to know if you are going to do if you don't do it? lol nice quote)
Likes: Caramel, Australia, Japan, Ninjas, Vampire, Green (Notice the name... yea)
Music: Feels Like Tonight - Daughtry, Taylor Swift
Urges: Get an australian accent, and get dimples (I suggest, plastic surgery)
Yea... wait a min.. why is the font... red.... hmmmm
There we go.. i'm a genius!! !I just noe it okay it's changed to green.. um..........................................................................................................
BLOSSOM!!! doesn't happen between me and HER btw... just to get it out there.
I really need to find out her blossom... well.. she has SO many.. you know.. there's him.. then there's him.. oh and then there's also him.. UGH so many... i'm not going to say... blossom every single time just to get it out there.....
no one is EVER going to find out what BLOSSOM means right?
GreenVampire rights? is this a different green?!?!? i can't really see, but what ever... YOU GET MY POINT!


Fave Emo/IM Phrase:" lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, LOL, lol, lol, lol, LOL, LOL", "lol, LOL, lol, lol, lol", "don't watch this youtube link (ctrl+v)", XD, ^_^,>_>, ., .., ..., QQ, :)
Fave Quote:
~friends are useless. they have no survival value. but they give value to survival. -lewis carroll
~ni nao zi bei qiang da guo le (some asian language... that probably means "your brain has been shot by a gun." AWKWARD)
Likes:Chinese, Music, Chinese food, saving african children (<= that's good), malnourished haiti victims (i think he forgot to say SAVING!!!), Hebe (she's good looking apparently, me= no clue),
Music: Chinese Music (classical chinese music too O_O)
Fave Music Video: Jay Chou: 說好的幸福呢 (<= so proud i have CHINESE In my blog d(^_^))
Urges: Wants to help people (apparently he wants to be the next Free the Children president, joking XP), Help African Dogs (I didn't know the dogs needed help?!?!) Donate to Szechuan
imnotNARCISSISTIC well as you may have noticed... he really likes to help people... or so he says he does so his name imnotNARCISSISTIC kinda makes sense, not really-ish....

well anyways... you'd think he was Asian because he likes Chinese stuff so much... Well... he isn't... i was kidding he is XP.. um... yea... basically i kinda new most of the stuff ^ except the helping children things.... anyways... this read is starting to make my yes tired so yea


Name: HippoLuver
Fave Emos/IM Phrase: :P, lol, dunno,O_O, o_o, 0_0, U_U
Fave Quotes:
Langugae: Cantonese, Mandrian, Anglais, French, Hippolango
Likes: StinkyBum, Hippos, Farts, Mysterious Ticking Noises (Me too Chummy), good books, HEVYD'S KETTLE KORN! (apparently to her it's "too die for", do u really want to do for HEVYD'S KETTLE KORN!?), pistatio and strawberry ice cream with whipped cream and dark chocolate sauce (yum?), field hockey, singing in the shower (too much info), theatre (to be or not to be that is the question :D), biking with friends on sunny days (moi), dancing, talking with friends
Music: Mysterious Ticking Noise By: HP Puppets, Singing in the Rain, My fair lady etc., ALL TIME LOW, THE VERONICAS,EVERLIFE,TAYLOR SWIFT , and herself in the showers (no surprise there), COLBIE CAILLAT, KELLY CLARKSON (btw the caps locks is because she's excited about sing in the showers :P)
Urges: Gymnastics, but right now it's WASHROOM TIME!!! (urge to pee XD)
HippoLuver's NEVER ONLINE!!!! when you need her... thus... i can't talk to her.... thus.. no answers... thus a ugly post.. of ugliness.!!! BLEH!

She's back on FINALLY!! so proud.. not really...... okay LOTS OF INFO... when she starts talking she REALLY Starts talking!
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape, Snape, Snape Severus Snape, DUMBLEDORE, Snape ..... XP

blog T2-59



okay i need to start writing more in my blog!! i'm being such a BUM... um today was normal.. cousin came over.. the usual. I've been listening to a lot of music stuff..

actually i'm doing a LOT OF BLOGS.......... about my friends.. XP... i'm searching up all these good pics so when the day comes for my SUPER DUPER AWESOME NO NEED TO EXPLAIN AND WON'T TELL YOU UPER NICE LOOKING EVERYONE WILL LOVE BLOG!

MSN CONVO, AGAIN!!! (i'm bored these people have a(n)___________ life, interpret that anyway you like XP)
GreenVampire says:
*i take that as an "awesomelly"
LMH says:
*i read that as "aw so smelly" :P

^ that's so cool!!! aw so smelly... smelly good or smelly bad?!?!? that is the question!
to smell good or not to that is the question.. i feel genius! like that!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Name: TakoUsagi
Fave Emos/IM phrase: >0<, ^w^,(TwT), (。_。; ), (≧w≦), ('w')b
Fave Quotes:
~'I was suppose to be born a gay man, but instead I was born a girl' - Raquel Reed (YES)
~"My pants feel tight... wait.. these aren't my pants." - Shou (I'll pretend I don't think wrong)
Language: Japanese, English, French, Chinese, Russian (amazing asian)
Likes: Ramen, Juice, Shou, Making me have angry faces, Photoshoping, Japan, Japanese
Music: Tori No Uta (Song of the Bird) By: Lia
Fave Manga: Girls in Heels, The One, Bokura ga Ita, Kuroshitsuji
Urges: Wants to squish Shou's thighs... (*awkward silence*)
Comments: TakoUsagi, is my wonderful friend... oh kool pink font... anyways TakoUsagi is AWESOMEWONDERFULTOTALLYFANTASTICSUPERCALAFRAGILISTICLYGREATSHOU
LOVINGLYAWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways hahah she wants to squish Shou's thighs... me -.- not so much... yea i really like her emoicons so >0< lol .. she teaches me japanese that I always forget... T_T heheh XD but I'm getting better... NOT
The quote she likes... well the 1st one anyways is REALLY true!!!
She also introduced this song to me: Just be friends By: Mergurine Luka

blog T2-58

My back!!! it BURNS!!! ow-ie

UGH... MATH i still didn't finish... science, isn't due but I really need to do it
and um..... => that is a codename i have for ALL my friends... well not all yet, because I don't have everyone i'm just thinking of some more names!!!

anyways i got to go do my homework!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

blog T2-57

my mom just said she saw 3 wild dogs? strays? hmmm...................................................

anyways i'm STILL doing my science T_T

i need to get a move on.. i forgot to tell you yesterday i had a bad dream, bad enough i cried!!!!!!!!!!!!:

I think I was baby sitting this little kid (i don't even do that in real life) and then something happended (I forgot what) and then the mother of the child started yelling at me.. and i started crying. and when I woke up I was still crying.. and when I woke up I didn't even know why I was crying just because some lady was yelling at me, but I wouldn't have felt bad in real life, at least not bad enough to cry if someone yelled at me. WEIRD

Friday, January 22, 2010

blog T2-56

I forgot to bring my science text home!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

I got a hair cut and no school today.. I stare out the window, but I notice that it's REALLY DARK outside so i can't really see the tree... :(

hair cut..... the shop was really i don't like it chemical smelling. me no likey! but the hair cut was okay... i can't type today.. so i'm going to go

i'm going to do science from scanned sheets!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

blog T2-55

AGH independent READING AGH!!!! i keep forgetting to go borrow a new book!

I really want to go watch this show "laughing dude" (it's in chinese)

ugh i'm so tired... i haven't done any homework today!! tsk tsk tsk tsk SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so tired

everytime i do gymnastic my arms hurt.. i think it's because of the upper arm strength thingy!!

anyways i just went outside to get something... and i noticed that the moon is REALLY BRIGHT it's beautiful! i want to take a picture of it... but my parent's will probably be like "you are crazy, it's night time" me: :..(

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

blog T2-54

typos and quotes off the msn world:

Today on the chat room we have.... CarrotCheese? and imnotnarcissistic and GreenVampire and of course moi... but you know me so there's no point in saying my name.... LIVEFORSLEEP... what?

typos lead to consequences

The typo of pen when i was talking previously will be explained here:
*this pen smells really goo
*full page of LOL


imnotnarcissistic :
*this ben smells really good
*im soorryyy LOL

*for a sec there i thought i made another typo

*i'm holding a PEN




GreenVampire: (wrong?)

CarrotCheese?: (NO i'm not XP)
*: D

CarrotCheese?: (it's the chanting game)

imnotnarcissistic: *(<= this person really likes to chant the work ben? i wonder?) *BENN *BENN *LOL

Cheese?: (aparently CarrotCheese? likes to hold bens? hmmm?)
there was more... but unfortunately.. no one has anything to say about them....

anyways... life today was... BRAIN CELL KILLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pre-ib test WHAM.. i probably didn't get in.. i fail to much.. anyways... i'm have a clue who's getting in... and science... french,

SCIENCE, knitting hats, SCIENCE, English, SCIENCE. yea that's

basically SCIENCE. yup

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

blog T2-53

AGH er roes i wanna go take a nap right now.. but i can't because i have work that needs to be done.. i also need to go take a shower adn i'm not looking a the keyboard with I'm typing sot here will probabaly be alot of spelling mistakes.

OTday I had gymnasitic.... TIRYING because we had to run 3 laps non stop.

Anwyays yea i've been reading alot of simpsons comics lately and books.. instead of manga. good or bad?

so tired can't concentrate need to read more book on the independent book list AGH

today i learned that there were many types of apples pies O_O... i know right... AGH TOMORROW pre-ib test.. i'm so scared.. it's not even funny... what if everyone gets in and i'm like.. "oh sorry, you didn't make it." T_T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Monday, January 18, 2010

blog T2-52

ah yes. school today..

my brain was hurting after school (probably) lack of sleep T_T tsk tsk moi tsk tsk

oh yea hahah socials........ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... actually i don't noe what i got

AGH camping right, i need to nag my friend KartRider about that it.. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH

Sunday, January 17, 2010

SB blog T2-51

Okay... yesterday JUST before I fell asleep I read a prologue of this book:

The alchemist knew the legend of Narcissus, a youth who knelt daily beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty. He was so fascinated by himself that, one morning, he fell into the lake and drowned. At the spot where he fell, a flower was born, which was called the narcissus.
But this was not how the author of the book ended the story.
He said that when Narcissus died, the goddesses of the forest appeared and found the lake, which had fresh water, transformed into a lake of salty tears.
"Why do you weep?" the goddesses asked.
"I weep for Narcissus," the lake replied.
"Ah, it is no surprise that you weep for Narcissus," they said, "for though we always pursued him in the forest you alone could contemplate his beauty close at hand."
"But... was Narcissus beautiful?" the lake asked.
"Who better than you to know that?" the goddesses said in wonder. "After all, it was by your banks that he knelt each day to contemplate himself!"
The lake was silent for some time. Finally, it said:
"I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because, each time he knelt beside my banks, I could see, in the depths of his eyes, my own beauty reflected."
~The Alchemist By:Paulo Coelho, Translated by: Clifford E. Landers, Pg. ix-x

That was such an AWESOME story.. like this author.. if he wasn't a novel writer, he could totally be a short story writer. XD!!! There's so much to ponder in just a short prologue!!!

La da, La la, La da
Waking up, up
La da, La la , La da

Well its time, for a change
Dont know those sad, sad songs away, today
Wont let the sunshine go to waste
No way, nooo way

Cuz I can feel my heart beating for the very first time
Everything around me starts falling in line
I feel alive, sooo alive
I just cant hide
Something change me, change me, change me,
Cuz lately, lately, lately

Ive been wakin up to love
Every morning, Ive been
Waking up to love
I can hear alarm clocks ringing
Through the window all the birds starts singing
Every morning well be
Wakin up to love
Dont you know that well be
Wakin up to love
At first I thought that I was dreaming
Then hit me like the coffee and the creamer
Waking up to
Love, love, love
Wakin up, up
Love, love, love (Wakin up)
Telling all my friends (la)
I cant believe the way my days begin
You cant put em on a scale of 1 to 10
You cant. Oh
From the very first moment that I opened my eyes
Everything about me just started to shine
I feel alive, so alive
Its no wonder why


I wouldnt trade this feeling for the world
Its written on my face, and now
Im a brand new giiirl
Im a brand new girl
Its no wonder why


Love, love, love
Wakin up, up
Love, love, love

~Waking up to love By: Shanna Crooks

Such a _________ song (fill in the blank). hope you enjoy that short part of it.

Let me make a version of that song for studying s.s

Ha ah ha ah ha ah
Studying ing
Ha ah ha ah ha ah

Well it's time to study
Don't know my Revolution timeline
today, I'm failing at studying my social
yes way yes way

Cuz i'm procrastinating for the millionth time
Nothing in the sheet is getting into my mind
I fell asleep, asleep
I can't do this
Please Help me, help me, help me
I'm still, still, still

I've been studying my Social.
Every glance, I've been studying
I can hear my msn ringing
Through my speakers I hear my music blasting
Every glance I will be, Studying my social
Don't you know that I will be
Studying my social.
At first I thought that I was understanding
But then it hit me like I was procrastinating
Studying my
socials, socials, socials (procrastinating)
Msning all my friends (ha)
I can't believe I'm still not getting it,
I can't get anything in my brain
I can't, NO
From the moment I read my social studies notes
Everything in my brain just started to shook(?)
I fell asleep, asleep


I would trade this for a pro-d day
Its written on my face, and now
Im a procrastinating giiirl
Im a procrastinating girl
I wonder WHYYY

Social, Social, Social
Social, Social, Social
~ Music: Waking up to love, By: Shanna Crooks, Lyrics Changed BY: LIVE4SLEEP

Saturday, January 16, 2010

blog T2-50

AHH no piano tomorrow! i feel bad because i didn't really practice.. (like always) over the week

i think i'll go practice now.. cuz i'll need it


oh yea pre-ib that too.... wish me luck on that too

Friday, January 15, 2010

blog T2-49

today on the news i saw the worlds tallest man.. and the world shortest man and the world's tallest man.. i just noticed taht the world tallest man has been an asian for like the past FOREVER (actually it's from what i read in the guiness world record book for like a couple of series)

AGH late really late... chinese exam tmrw have NOTHING in my head!!!! NOTHING

Thursday, January 14, 2010

blog T2-48

today in AS, we watched.... 2001? i think that was the name.... at first it was kinda weird... with no pictures and only music... it was OUT OF THE ORDINARY... then as the movie progressed. gorillas came along... gorillas in the dessert... gorillas that killed each other... gorillas that found this black stake... that symbolizes something.
back in the future.What was really awesome about it was that there was a face on the ship as it was descending down. WONDERFUL, GENIUS.. is all I have to say...
gorillas= human
ship= face (might be jesus)
stake= something

anyways... today was MEH -.- it was raining and i left my umbrella in my locker (again). i'm also almost done my english book.. because i'm awesome.. no it's because the book is awesome.. no it's because we need to... (it's all of those reasons)

i'm still playing that online game (BAD ME BAD)

i also really need to play piano (BAD ME BAD)

i'm back to using mozilla fox again... but many time, it still crashes at the worst moments.. FAIL!

just now i watched a news trailer (O_O i know.. but still) WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE.. a count down to the day the world ends.... okay... people can be superstitious but COME ON!!!! really? and it's even on the news O_O. tsk tsk tsk tsk.. 2012 tsk tsk

2012 to me=
- it's a date... that everyone is worried about
- it might not be the end of the world... but somethings BIG it's going to happen.
- the Mayans(sp may be wrong) also had their calendar end by 2012. which is kool
- i don't believe the world will end in 2012... maybe it's because it's so close..

more on the new traiiler i was wrong!!! i'm sorry i was in rage... it was actually about when the world would end.... (not 2012) because of the pollution and stuff.. and GOOD NEWS everyone!! the world will still live for an EXTRA 1 min. just because pollution lessened? but anyways what i said about 2012 is still true.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

blog T2-47

knitting is so fun.... i FINALLY made a hat... well actually a made 2 but the first one failed so it's being turned into a bag and the one i finished is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.... as beautiful as toques can get.

anywyas my toque has three colors.... and a distorted pom pom.... T_T failure...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

blog T2--46

aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh laaaaaaaaaa loooooooooo laaaaaaaaaa anyways..... we have to do ANOTHER french test tomorrow.... because some people didn't do really well on their test so we have to redo it.... i mean it's great she's giving them another chance, but why can't only the people who are failing get a retest?

anyways.... life is good.... okay.... but next week i have a feeling will be a busy week.... with school... and pre-ib stuff....

anyways.. i'm still playing that online game... so funn XP

Monday, January 11, 2010

blog T2-45

A quote for today...

Typos lead to consequences.

yes today was a...... good-ish day? not much homework.. that's probably because i finished during winter break. i'm AHEAD of schedule O_O i know right.

not much to say today... i did a science experiment... and found out that eating is a distraction when trying to memorize.. at least on my 1st try. i'm actually okay at memorizing... i wonder what i got on... that test i did AGES ago... for testing out how good my brain was to get into SY? i wonder.... hmmm.... i wonder if they're going to have that test on my PRE-IB stuff? yes? no? well i'm not a fan of tests but if it's memorize stuff like what i did to day for my friends science experiment then i'm fine with that because it's really fun memorize stuff like that!!!! i'm a huge fan of memorize.. like on my NDS i play brain academy (more fun the brain age, no offense, but I like brain age's sudoku) and there's this memorizing section that I TOTALLY OWN AT i have like ALL gold in Easy, Meduim and Hard. i'm so proud. anyways i'm only good at the number memorization because i can do quick thingys that get into my head.. and then i forget them. so maybe if i u told me to memorize what i had to for the science experiment and remember it forever that would be impossible, but if it's like short term then i'm good with that! HA I FINALLY LEARNED SOMETHINGS I'm good at... because I see all these AWESOME AND WONDERFUL talents that all the MY/SY have in my class, and i feel like i'm the only one that doesn't have like awesome talents so...yea...

ohohoh and on the topic of NDS... my nds broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i hardly play it... T_T_T_T_T_T_T so said :(

u know what's also sad? blogger doesn't have any emoicons!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

SB blog T2-44

ahhhh... wonderful life!!! I'm so happy today at PIANO!!!! FIRST TIME I was happy after piano.. okay so anyways...

i didn't think that 500 words was that easy to go over... DANG IT!! i have so much more to write but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
. i'm such an annoying person right? first i'm just like nooooo 500 words (too much), now i'm like noooo 500 words (too little).

i'm such a contradictory person!! tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk

anyways today as i was taking the skytrain, and bus (ecofriendly :)) i noticed so many OLYMPIC things!!! SO AWESOME EVERYTHING is about olympic. there's like olympic buses passes (LIMITED EDITION) i wanted to get it, but that would be a waste, because i don't really take the skytrain and bus that much, I only take it on saturday and sunday... so no point BUT STILL and it's also more expensive, but the thing is, only tourists will buy the tickets because it's like 6 week so the bus pass will end in the middle of a month which my mom think is bad.... BUT IT'S A ONCE IN A LIFE TIME THING!!!!

And I also noticed to day that the rock statues was the color of the olympic rings, sort of ish, and also that my mom thinks that the Olympic medals that we have are UGLY well I do have to say people who are from canada, or don't know about the history of the canadians wouldn't know why they made this design.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

blog T2-43

AGH... for some reason my head feels like it's in clouds, or there are clouds in my brain... i can't really think straight... i'm losing it T_T.... it's probably because of the stress of PRE-ib application stuff, and lack of sleep. but when i was at math class, my brain started hurting and now.. it's still hurting it stopped when i was walking home... but now it's back... w8 it's gone again.. i think my brain needs to be used... but not too much or else it'll start hurting... and it'll hurt if i'm not using it. weird.

Friday, January 8, 2010

blog T2-42

ahhhhh.... life.............
WE HAVE TO WRITE A 500 word essay about our selves??!?!?!?!? and yes this is about Pre-IB stuff.. DANG....... DANG ALOT! DANG.... and my horrible french grade that still makes me feel not really good.... HORRIBLE..

oh and i've been singing this rhythm song a lot lately no clue as to why?? but it's so catchy that's why. and there are so many remixes of it... which makes it even more catchier.

and i also watched this youtube video about a Harry Potter Parody. And in this Video.. Harry Potter has ADHD.. the worst disorder a wizard can get.. and my favorite channel was a guest star in it!!!! <3 it's kinda funny... now i have to watch the countinuation of it and i don't want to, but i must because i wanna see if the guest star of my fav channel will be there.

btw it's a fav channel on youtube.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

blog T2-41

WHOA.... i need to work really fast today because i'm going to the Pre-IB info night

i'm going to play piano, do my french, eat dinner, and hopefully have time to play on the computer.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

blog T2-40

okay so today i finished all my science PRE-labs relief but now i have to do my english Questions
not really relief.

okay me and my friends are having so much fun playing this game so ta ta

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

blog T2-39

WoW, i must say watching the news is very educational.... i didn't know that the Japanese ate 80% of the tuna in the world. O_O No wonder they're going extinct. I kinda feel bad for the tuna fish(es) (i think there was a show about how u can use fishes the word in some sentence.... so just to be sure) i always thought that the Japanese people were really considerate. The smoking rooms, with ventilation for people so it doesn't get into the room. The also have awesome technology... JEALOUS! but...... 80% of the tuna in the world is WHOA O_O and especially because they are going extinct. well it's not like i've never eaten tuna before... but 80%... that's WHOA.... and i fell guilty because i'm part of the 20%. BUT 80%.

That was kinda like the random fact of the day.... but i don't have that feature... so you can just pretend there is.

Monday, January 4, 2010

blog T2-38

ah..... school..... maybe possibly... the only thing i miss about school are my friends... that's basically it, well... maybe some of the teachers... and a few of the (no homework) classes. XP

so over the winter break... i missed school, friends, homework (YAY) and EXERCISE. I think I've grown SUPER FAT. like..... OUT OF SHAPE....... out of breathe...... basically not happy about tomorrow being PE... meaning.... me collapsing due to mere exercise.... yea what i'm trying to say is FAIL!!! i did try to do like exercise... but my motivation is never really very strong, so eventually i give up.


dang..... piano.. i need to go play now....but i don't really want to... now....but... now...but conscience....when mom says now she means NOW....but conscience i don't wanna not right now.... no, now...but i'm still blogging...lies you are just stalling because you don't wanna play... lies you are lying, why would i do that?.... because you are evil..... me evil.. if i were evil than what are you? the god of all things evil? huhuhuh?..... actually i'm just you... so technically you are evil and mental... talking to yourself... O_O how do you know i talk to myself? huh? have u been stalking me?... me stalk you HA don't flatter yourself. i would be glad to be rid of you if i could, but i can't because i am too awesome to leave you behind. what? that doesn't even make sense..... yea well...well that's prolly because you aren't smart like me... but i thought you said you were my conscience... meaning you are a part of me.... so how does if make sense if you wanna leave me AND you are smarter than me? ....well. i...uh.... well you know what i don't need to explain to you these things because you wouldn't understand anyways... i'll just leave it to the smart people who read my blog to understand this..... your blog O_O what do u mean your blog.. this is MY blog.... well technically it's OUR blog... but it's NOT YOUR blog... UGH.... I HATE YOU CONSCIENCE I HATE YOU...... hahahahah.... i feel evil.... even if i'm just talking to myself.... i'm hated, by myself.... wait till i tell my conscience friend telepathically!!... you can talk to people telepathically?!?! NOT FAIR.... well... i guess i need to go play piano now..... lies you will not....... what? didn't you want me to go play piano?.... i did but i can also read your mind... and it's saying you aren't going to play piano..... hey my mind is PRIVATE, OFF LIMITS, NO TRESPASSING.... what gives you the right to go it?..... i am your conscience afterall... hahahahahaha.... dang it... beware people the conscience is a....... MUAHAHAHAHAHA now you will never know.

That was wierd okay i REALLY need to go now... MAYBE piano.... shower MAYBE.... MUAHAHAHAH


Sunday, January 3, 2010

blog T2-37

Yup, so avatar.... more about it is that it was really good!!!! SO VERY VERY GOOD!!!!!

it's kinda about the world (Earth) coming to an end so the Sky people (humans) go to a new planet (Pandora). The main character JakeSully, was a marine, but something probably happened so he moves on a wheelchair. His twin brother died..... after he was recruited for this Pandora mission, and because JakeSully has the exact same DNA as his brother the people decided that they would use him. The reason why they recruited JakeSully for his DNA was because they made a AVATAR out of his brother's DNA and need him to control this AVATAR. An AVATAR, is a combination of DNA from a sky person and a native, that were originally on Pandora. And to work a AVATAR you have to go into this machine and kinda "sleep" but really you go into the body of your AVATAR!!! (It's so cool!!! I wish I could do it too!!! T_T, but our technology isn't as good as them.) Anyways so there are 2 sides to the Pandora mission. The scientist (sorta like the treehuggers) who want to just study Pandora and how it works and become friends with the natives, where as on the other side it's the Army who just wants to dig for ores, that cost $20 million a little piece (forgot how much) and doesn't care what they destroy. so that's that......... but u get the picture, hopefully. and u noe the bad guys usually win and stuff....... joking joking..... i meant the good guys... so yea they win.... but the ending is kinda a twist... i'm not going to say.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

blog T2-36

okay so yesterday i didn't tell u i was going to the movies at all.... and it's kinda late because well... because i had a dinner RIGHT AFTER the movie... i ate so much popcorn!!! no even funny...... and had this HUMONGOUS soda! me and my friend kept laughing during the movie. and it was a violent movie... tsk tsk LIVE4sleep TSK TSK....

so the movie i watched was avatar..... pretty good movie....... it's awesome how they can bond with thingies...... it's kinda gross too...

Friday, January 1, 2010

blog T2-35

so.... i FINALLY finished my science homework... took me ages to finish my science homework!!! i'm so happy that im finally done after all this time.

i forgot to tell u about my eye check up... wait did i tell u....?

my friend GreenNinja got a new laptop from her grandparents!!! lucky duck/ninja/ wait no it's vampire now..... i'm so jealous!!!!

Okay she decided to have a species change (kinda sad if u think about it) so now she's GreenVampire. she can sparkle in the sunlight... much like some people we noe... (hint hint* starts with e and ends in dward, haha dward sounds funny) and has super strength, can run super fast faster than normal vampire, because of her past life as a ninja she already had awesome running skills, now that she became a vampire, her old awesome abilities intensify by 100 fold. which make them 100X awesomer ablilties. lucky duck (UGH I mean) LUCKY VAMPIRE. so u can say she's a retired ninja, recruited vampire... she gets all the awesome identities.....

HAHAHAH if i were to become a vampire, i would wanna be a black one... but i don't think that's possible. ANYWAYS.... i would prolly have maybe the same traits............... and my abilities would be to sleep.... ah wonderful sleep......... maybe i would be able to make people fall asleep O_O wonderful!!!!!! and what about..... just sleeping..... meh -.- less impressive... what about.. when i sleep i do these awesome karate moves? that would be so pro/fesh/ional