Sunday, January 25, 2009

blog T2-66

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tomorrow there's school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a total BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO deserving thing because I want my rest!!!!!!! I know we had our NO SCHOOL DAY on Friday BUT that doesn't mean I don't want more REST!!!!!!!! It's kind of bad to have a NO SCHOOL DAY on a Friday because Friday we have an hour and 15 minutes less of school so if we don't have school on that day it's just missing 5 hours and 30 minutes BUT on a regular school day we get to miss 6 hours and 45 minutes!!! MY EVIL calculations!!!!!!!

SO MUCH work on day 1 this weekend!!!!!!!! This is a more than normal amount of work from day 1 because usually the only homework I get from day 1 is either math hardly any french or fine arts and barely any P.E. But this week, I'm really freaking out because there's a Fine arts presentation, one where you have to do a MONOLOGUE!!!!!! MONOLOGUE as in PREFORM BY YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T do that!!!! I have stage fright!!!!!! NOT A lot to the case where I have panic attacks or anything serious, but I'm really sacred of screwing up and doing a really bad job!!!!!! That's what usually happens to me before I do a presentation ALONE or in this case, PERFORM ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ALSO have a math worksheet to do, although it's really easy and won't take that long to do, it's still adds to the workload. Then there's the french worksheet I finished, some of the vocabulary is really NEW is NOTHING like the word is in english so I need to take time in trying to figure it out!!!!! Then there's P.E. I have to think of a routine that I need to do and once again I need to PREFORM, well do the gymnastic moves, ALONE and people maybe watching because you NEVER KNOW, but for SURE TOMORROW'S MONOLOGUE EVERYONE IN MY CLASS WILL BE WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's only for day 1!!!! wait until you hear about day 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Day 2 homeworkload!!!!!!!!! #1 science fair project!!!!!!! DANG IT!!!!!!! I really need to do my experiments there isn't enough time to do it because I don't even have ONE DAY TO RELAX SO I SPREAD OUT MY RELAXING TIME SO EVERYDAY I HAVE SOME, so basically when I do have time to take play, it's for relaxing!!!!!! I really don't know how to plan my time, because if I didn't play on the computer I would finish my homework FASTER, but NO I'm addicted to play first then work!!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!! So I have my science fair project experiment to do, I also have to practice a sket with my S.S. group tomorrow because we didn't get to finish it in class!!!!!!! I'm performing toooooo much in school activities too much!!!!!!! At least this sket is done in a GROUP!!!!!!! Also there's a religion project that I don't really understand how to do!!!!!!! Then there's also the Forum that we need to do for S.S. EVERYWEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't really get how to do it. WELL MAYBE I DO but we HAVE to do it everyweek so that we can get our MARKS!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! There's also a presentation that I still haven't done yet and I'm really scared that NO ONE WILL DO THE ACTIVITY I MADE!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote a lot today because I had a lot to say!!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR AT 12:00 A.M. today!!!!!!!!!

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