Saturday, January 10, 2009

blog T2-51

WHOA I'm so late so I probably should star writing anyways. There is SO much homework that needs to be done but I DON'T want to do them...... SO SAD. Anyways I have to do my science project and my english essay also needs to be done.

Also I forgot to mention the drama I was watching over the W-I-N-T-E-R B-R-E-A-K. I'm finally finished watching it and IT WAS REALLY REALLY GOOD.

Also the basketball game at Churchill was okay. Some people say it was boring but I think it was awesome. Well that's in my opinion. SO many AWESOME skills. Some REALLY REALLY tall people can do slam DUNKS I want too!!!!!!! I WISH I WAS TALL ENOUGH to do SLAM DUNKS and other AWESOME basketball skills. I WISH.... There was also this really really good person who was awesome at basketball. He was REALLY tall although I can't really compare because I didn't stand close enough but he was AWESOME. EXAMPLE: So the opposing team was passing the ball. And than BAM he takes the ball as it's making it's way to the opposing team member and he just puts the ball into the basket!!!!!! DON'T you think that's AWESOME. And people were yelling out NUMBER 23 because he was SO GOOD.

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