Monday, January 12, 2009

blog T2-53

I have a science test tommorow and I didn't study yet but there's also that english essay that needs to be done. I don't want to do it!!!!!!! I'm now studying my science formulas but I don't really get it. SO I HAVE TO STUDY HARD!!!!!!!!! I need to make sure I have all the formulas in by tomorrow. The english essay is also going to take along time to do.

I hope that on thursday we won't get any homework because then I can do my science fair project over the weekend that I really and I mean really really need to do or else.

Today in gym while I was attempting a hand stand. and I actually did it for 2 seconds but then fell over and landed on my left shoulder now I have a bruise on the cheek bone of my face and also whenever I turn my head to the left the muscles in my left shoulders hurt. OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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