Friday, May 22, 2009

blog T3-80

I'm trying to do my science. BUT I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!! it's to hard for my little brain to figure out!!! I can feel my brain tingling!!! SCARY!!!! I'm going to give up trying. well actually i finally made the light ray hit all of the walls except now i can't make them bounce back into the security guards eyes. T_T and before i couldn't get the light ray to hit all the wall because the light kept on bouncing into the security guard!!! dang this science is hard stuff!!!

I would have liked if someone was online that finished their homework because, yes, i need them to help me. A LOT!!! with my science!

breathing is burning my thoart. hopefully it's not because i'm getting sick, maybe it's just because i lacking in H2O so everything is going to be okay, no panics it's not like i have the SWINE (pig) FLU.

guess what yesterday i figured out not only does my arm hurt but my collar bone too because feel like it's bruised when i touched it. O_O right i noe, this happened on wednesday and today is friday u might think that i'm really sensitive but i seriously mean it my arm is still sore and i can't hold heavy things in my left hand for too long and when i touch my collarbone it feels like a bruise noticed i already have TWO days to rest but does that help? NOO because the rifle was really heavy.

Churchill carnival right? i didn't go, i actually merely just glanced at it and left school. You'd think that maybe I didn't have any carnival-y spirit or school sprit but your WRONG actually your right i don't like that kinda thing I'm more of a indoor person who likes to play basketball. BEST GAME EVER! but i'm really bad at it.

RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY?!?!?! ( I remembered YES, my FESH* SKILLZ) = another phobia? I have piano phobia and now CARNIVAL PHOBIA??!?!?! has this ever been heard of? or are they all just ME?!?!?!?

*Fesh is a word that my friend made up. Have you noticed people always say PRO instead of PROFESSIONAL. So instead of PRO we say FESS but we've changed that into FESH. so basically it means PRO=> FESS=> FESH.

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