Wednesday, May 13, 2009

blog T3-70

Yes, I know I skipped cadets today I'm so bad I know but I at least got to drink GREEN TEA FRAPACINO YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Math contest today I probably failed it T_T!!! GAHs =_=" I don't know but I was probably the only one who couldn't do all the problems!!!!!! T_T I fail!

And yes I was very good today because I finished my homework on day 1 AND DAY 2 see I didn't procrastinate on my homework today. I actually tried to finish it without playing on the computer now the only thing I'm procrastinating on is playing piano.... you may wonder "what the heck?" yes, I know but if you think about it, it makes since, my mom is making me play every second I have to spare and I mean EVERY SECOND!!! Just yesterday she made me play from 12 A.M. to 12:15 A.M. she only let me go because I was falling asleep at the piano. and I also played before on yesterday so SERIOUSLY do you understand why I'm trying to avoid playing piano by NOT procrastinating on my homework? it's actually a win-lose situation because i WIN by finishing my homework early but I lose by not playing piano.

Oh another WIN-LOSE situation happened today my brother was sitting on my chair and he wouldn't get off this is during the time i was drinking my COLD green tea. So I put my hand on his neck hahahaha COLD and yummy and then he gave me back my chair!!! YES my skillz. and it's a win-lose situation for me and brother because I win by getting my chair back AND my hands get warm, My brother loses because he has to give me his chair and get cold!!!! MUAHAHAH so evil, I need to start finding more win-win situations of life isn't going to work out great, actually, life will still be the way it is BUT it would be a waste of what the GO book taught me.

NOTICE I'm writing alot in my blog today?!?!?!?! PROCASTINATING FROM THE PIANO!!!! still a win-lose situation but whatever. now I actually going to play piano and not procastinate because my mom said she would buy me a iphone if I get 85 and higher in which case you might think "?". i agree "?" is correct, "how come you don't play piano then, if you get a IPHONE?" because when I play piano I don't know why i think i have piano-phobia. I think it's because I Know that when I practice for piano it means that the exam is coming closer. I just noticed something why am i afraid of playing the piano? yup, time to play piano.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: ME= piano phobia?

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