Sunday, May 31, 2009

blog T3-89

WOW, about 5+2=7, there's only 7 more school days. in which case means counting today 7+2=9, 9 more school days/ normal days until EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what?!?!?!

I decided that maybe I might go to cadet summer camp, MAYBE. I don't know because I kinda want to go but I don't really want to sleep on unknown bed type thingys, you never know what they do to it. There's even more homework due now then before, it's kinda of sad because we have to study for finals and do homework and play piano and study for finals and make sure i can play by piano thingy correctly and make sure i don't fail my piano and also study for any other tests besides final or not even related to school such as chinese FINAL EXAM and chinese homework, although you could say chinese is school, but i meant it as in VSB, public school type of thingy. and yea that was a long sentence, i just had a lot to say and i don't like periods......... except dot dot dots are different and i don't like captials unless there like THIS then there okay but for "i" I sometimes forget to but a capital. hehehehehehe. and i also forget captials in beggings of sentences or i'm too lazy to type them.

hahaha I feel like a random thought of the day

RANDOM THOUGHT OF THE DAY (think of those jeopardy game host when they say the title of the game and then say RANDOM THOUGHT OF THE DAY that ways): i wish our agendas were the go program ones
they would be so much better/cooler/awsomer/more IN YOUR FACE/ more MY-ish/UNIQUE
it's like WAY more unique then the average ones and then we would be like the frenchies* and have our own agenda rulers

*frenchies= french imersions

Saturday, May 30, 2009

blog T3-88

I pretty sure no one will even comment but considering this is a diary...... ish thingy to me then I think I'll write it in my blog. Let's see I have 2 "I am" poems but I don't know which one to choose because I'm weird... hehehe
let's see my first poem
I am a fat boy who can't fit on the swings
I wonder if the swings will break under my weight
I hear the scream of thousands falling off their swings
I see a paper crane flying across the sky
I want to join the crane on it's journey
I am a fat boy who can't fit on the swings

I pretend to be that paper crane as it flies
I feel that the ground is dragging me down so I will never leave
I touch the paper wings on my back
I worry that they won't be able to hold my weight
I cry when the paper crane's wings rip
I am a fat boy who can't fit on the swings

I understand that some things were meant to be on the ground
I say we fight the laws of nature
I dream that one day I can bend those rules
I try to sit once more on the swings
I hope that another crane files by
I am a fat boy who can't fit on the swings

My other "I am" poem is this:

I am a child left all alone because of my cold heart
I wonder if maybe I'm the only one in this world
I hear the laughter of my imaginary friends
I see them all holding hands and walking away with their families
I want to walk home too
I am a child left all alone because of my cold heart

I pretend to laugh as tears roll out
I feel like ice, ready to melt away
I touch the hands of my imaginary friends but always grab at nothing
I worry that when I die, I won't be able to tell the difference to when I was alive
I cry because no one will care when I am missing
I am a child left all along because of my cold heart

I understand that I will always be alone
I say let's all be friends
I dream that one day someone will come pick me up
I try to become independent
I hope that one day I will become someone's worries
I am a child left all alone because of my cold heart

SEE I told you my poems were depressing. I think I'll choose my 1st one.

Friday, May 29, 2009

blog T3-87

AHHHHH melon is sour!!! BLAH
guess what? I figure out how to make little picture with words:
/\ _ /\
l o_o l
l^ ^ l
\/ - \/
it's a bunny but my friend calls it a square cat
it's suppose to be a bunny here's another one

/\_ /\
\/_ \/
another version. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, May 28, 2009

blog T3-86

AHHHHHHHHHHHH S.S. HOMEWORK is so [o]-[o] it's requires alot of research ALOT!!!

I need to sleep now bye.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

blog T3-85

1st Boasting poem:
I am the richest person on Earth
I could buy out an entire army of millions with my money
Instead I spend my money on researching giant robots that do the same job

2nd Poem:
All things run out faster than me
I run on unlimited energy
How do I do it

It's pretty good right? I don't even know why but all my poems I write are really depressing. For my "I AM" Poems my #1 poem was about a fat boy who couldn't fit on the swings. And my 2nd poem is about a child with a cold heart. See DEPRESSING so T_T

The 1st Boasting Poem is more depressing than the 2nd one but still all my poems are so T_T another time I wrote my poem about this dead snake I stepped on at camp in gr.7 EMO!!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

blog T3-84

SPEECH, I definitely failed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T I knew it. I just winged the whole thing. And what my teacher said was true my content was really messy. T_T i'm not even making this up. it's been knawing at me the whole day, UGH what my english teacher said is so T_T and ful. MY Mark is going to be so T_T_T_T_T_T_TT_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T

Anyways I need to finish some homework so bye.

Monday, May 25, 2009

blog T3-83

AGHS AGHS AGHS AGHS AGHS AGHS AGHS AMD MORE AGHS..... BUSKER FEST= me FREAKING OUT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is really making me freak out.

I need to practicemy speech so, BYE.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

blog T3-82

Yes, I don't feel like talking much today so here was how my day went
tea= every sunday
drove to someone's house=picked up my bro from cadets
piano class= okay i manged to survive
park= basketball, swings, bike, swings, wish i had a camera, saw some people i knew, took basketball and then home
home= dinner, homework, talking to bro, more homework, walking around the house, mom yelling at us about messiness, me telling bro about the correct violin holding position, him not listening to me.
last but NO LEAST BLOG.
and my predicted end of the day
computer= off
walking around the house
drinking water
playing piano
walking around
playing piano
drinking water
play piano
piano= closed
me= walk to bathroom
bathroom= brush teeth, floss, turn off light
bedroom= get into bed, pull hair tie off put it away on coffee table like desk, lie in bed and sleep.

I'm probably talk like normal tomorrow. PROBABLY.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

blog T3-81

BASKETBALL yup i played basketball today. HOPEFULLY it's not raining tomorrow so I can play tomorrow too.

YUP, I'm almost done my homework in which case leaves me with stuff to do tomorrow. and which case i'll have to face my fear. T_T

Yup, it's late so i should be sleeping but I need to finish my "I Am" Poems so i don't have to do it tomorrow!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

blog T3-80

I'm trying to do my science. BUT I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!! it's to hard for my little brain to figure out!!! I can feel my brain tingling!!! SCARY!!!! I'm going to give up trying. well actually i finally made the light ray hit all of the walls except now i can't make them bounce back into the security guards eyes. T_T and before i couldn't get the light ray to hit all the wall because the light kept on bouncing into the security guard!!! dang this science is hard stuff!!!

I would have liked if someone was online that finished their homework because, yes, i need them to help me. A LOT!!! with my science!

breathing is burning my thoart. hopefully it's not because i'm getting sick, maybe it's just because i lacking in H2O so everything is going to be okay, no panics it's not like i have the SWINE (pig) FLU.

guess what yesterday i figured out not only does my arm hurt but my collar bone too because feel like it's bruised when i touched it. O_O right i noe, this happened on wednesday and today is friday u might think that i'm really sensitive but i seriously mean it my arm is still sore and i can't hold heavy things in my left hand for too long and when i touch my collarbone it feels like a bruise noticed i already have TWO days to rest but does that help? NOO because the rifle was really heavy.

Churchill carnival right? i didn't go, i actually merely just glanced at it and left school. You'd think that maybe I didn't have any carnival-y spirit or school sprit but your WRONG actually your right i don't like that kinda thing I'm more of a indoor person who likes to play basketball. BEST GAME EVER! but i'm really bad at it.

RANDOM QUESTION OF THE DAY?!?!?! ( I remembered YES, my FESH* SKILLZ) = another phobia? I have piano phobia and now CARNIVAL PHOBIA??!?!?! has this ever been heard of? or are they all just ME?!?!?!?

*Fesh is a word that my friend made up. Have you noticed people always say PRO instead of PROFESSIONAL. So instead of PRO we say FESS but we've changed that into FESH. so basically it means PRO=> FESS=> FESH.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

blog t3-79

Guess what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You would never guess.... so there was no point in asking that question, but I GOT INTO ENRICHED!!!! Yes, technically I'm in 2nd placement. But it's all good, everything working out.

I'm looking at quotes for my speech and I've found tons of them, but many aren't related to my project: Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. -Lillian Dickson
“When a man lies, he murders some part of the world.”
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.
-Winston Churchill (YAY)
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children.
-Clarence S. Darrow (this one's might go good on my speech)
I saw these other quotes but I don't think that there appropriate for school blogs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

blog T3-77

My arm is hurting SO MUCH and I'm not even kidding!!! Cadets was the cause of it, it was promotion night to day so we had to do parading outside! Many of us had to hold a rifle for 1 hour and plus because we did the ceremony over and over and over and over again!!!!! the rifle although I am not sure of it's capacity I think it's about 5-10 lbs. and you have to hold it in a 90 degree angle, which i couldn't do because my hand was already hurting to much to hold! and I look around me (which i wasn't suppose to do) and I see all these people holding there rifles like there was nothing easier in the world!!! this cause of my pain makes me unable to lift up my arm for too long or else it hurts ALOT or it snaps back down. it feels like some ones pulling my arm down.......... OUCH!!! I wander maybe some is pulling my arm down O_o...

Guess what?!?!?!?! in science we're learning about the light and vision and color and many other fun stuff, but guess what that's the same thing my brother is learning, AND HE'S YOUNGER THAN ME!!!!!!!!!! YOUNGER!!!! Well I don't even know if I've learned this is grade 4 or not but I'm pretty sure I didn't!!!!! because i would remember (NOT)

applied skills today was pretty fun, we're building mini kingdoms, GREAT, except there was the huge mess we mad because everyone was sanding off the Styrofoam and cutting things, the sub made us clean it up!!!!! T_T. I think that sub was a sub for my P.E. class before... AWKWARD, but because i'm not really recognizable he probably doesn't even know who i am...

Still avoiding piano, but less......hehehe >:)

RANDOM Q of the day(i've forgotten about it): Is someone actually pulling on my arm? SOMEONE I can't see!?!?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

blog T3-76

Yup busy, very busy...... 2 test/quiz tomorrow and one of this is in S.S. my worst subject!!!! and another is in Science my 3rd worst subject, english is 2nd.

I STILL haven't written my speech yet!!!! which is not good because it is due tomorrow and yup I didn't start!!!! and unlike my french class NO it will not be postpone because of whatever reason. T_T but I wish.

Monday, May 18, 2009

blog T3-75

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, DANG IT, I didn't get any work done today except MAYBE some reading (for book tests) LITTLE VERY LITTLE studying and LOTS AND LOTS OF NOTHING (wow, i'm getting good at this)

TWO more poems to write TWO more.... I will survive!!!! I have to go.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

blog T3-74

AHHHHHHHH, soon summer is to COME! SOON!!! BUT before it does I just noticed that HOMEWORK IS PILING UP!!!!!!! VERY HIGH!!!!! LIKE NINE different pieces of homework high!!!!! and I didn't even finish any one of them!!! T_T. wait i asked my friend just now, she said we didn't have to do the memorized poem anymore because it was postponed!!!!

DUN DUN DUN.........

Saturday, May 16, 2009

blog T3-73

I wish I had a camera, I digital camera to be more exact! WHY? because I want to take pictures!!!! also because of the person on the bus who inspired me!!!!! guess what u want to see a picture that i would like to be able to create? this= ((c) copyrights. I do not own this photo, all rights reserved) u notice how the blue hair guy looks like he's holding the ball on the ground and the red hair guy is jumping for the ball? i think it's really cool how the illustator did that!!! 

yup u remember that tree outside my window? well, it's blooming purple flowers they look like lavenders but there NOT. I want to take a picture of them becasue they look so cool and awesome so T_T because I don't even have a camera!

Friday, May 15, 2009

blog T3-72

Ahahaha yes, yesterday I didn't procrastinate.... about my piano! I'm semi-proud of myself. Life is so busy but I don't want to do anything to fix that, I was actually right for once, I failed my math contest in case I didn't mention that. and I feel like I'm going to be right when I fail my piano exam. T_T at least this week I can sort of CHILLAX only for a little thought. I'm seriously wondering do people actually read my blog? Like people I don't noe? that would be scary... and COOL all at the same time.

You know what I think that poeple don't read my blog, I was joking about the previous comment cause usually when people read things and there's a comment box they usually leave a comment in which case, I'm pretty sure at least one person out of the many people(or little people) that read my blog would comment! also i've looked at my profile and it's said that there were EIGHTY-ONE PROFILE VIEWS on my account 81 that's like a record!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

blog T3-71

I'm so bored I actually finished my homework!!!! Yup guess what? i failed my gauss math thingy FAILED it!!!! I can't believe that one of my friend actually got PERFECT!!!!!!!!!

I need to go play piano now bye!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

blog T3-70

Yes, I know I skipped cadets today I'm so bad I know but I at least got to drink GREEN TEA FRAPACINO YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Math contest today I probably failed it T_T!!! GAHs =_=" I don't know but I was probably the only one who couldn't do all the problems!!!!!! T_T I fail!

And yes I was very good today because I finished my homework on day 1 AND DAY 2 see I didn't procrastinate on my homework today. I actually tried to finish it without playing on the computer now the only thing I'm procrastinating on is playing piano.... you may wonder "what the heck?" yes, I know but if you think about it, it makes since, my mom is making me play every second I have to spare and I mean EVERY SECOND!!! Just yesterday she made me play from 12 A.M. to 12:15 A.M. she only let me go because I was falling asleep at the piano. and I also played before on yesterday so SERIOUSLY do you understand why I'm trying to avoid playing piano by NOT procrastinating on my homework? it's actually a win-lose situation because i WIN by finishing my homework early but I lose by not playing piano.

Oh another WIN-LOSE situation happened today my brother was sitting on my chair and he wouldn't get off this is during the time i was drinking my COLD green tea. So I put my hand on his neck hahahaha COLD and yummy and then he gave me back my chair!!! YES my skillz. and it's a win-lose situation for me and brother because I win by getting my chair back AND my hands get warm, My brother loses because he has to give me his chair and get cold!!!! MUAHAHAH so evil, I need to start finding more win-win situations of life isn't going to work out great, actually, life will still be the way it is BUT it would be a waste of what the GO book taught me.

NOTICE I'm writing alot in my blog today?!?!?!?! PROCASTINATING FROM THE PIANO!!!! still a win-lose situation but whatever. now I actually going to play piano and not procastinate because my mom said she would buy me a iphone if I get 85 and higher in which case you might think "?". i agree "?" is correct, "how come you don't play piano then, if you get a IPHONE?" because when I play piano I don't know why i think i have piano-phobia. I think it's because I Know that when I practice for piano it means that the exam is coming closer. I just noticed something why am i afraid of playing the piano? yup, time to play piano.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: ME= piano phobia?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

blog T3-69

YUP, busy VERY BUSY!!! dun dun dun, joking it's just because i'm being a bum today! but yea today was pretty good i finished most of my homework and I don't have anything that is due tomorrow EXCEPT I do have a MATH CONTEST TOMORROW!!! that is scary!! yup so i better finish this fast because i still need to go take a bath!!! AND i can't wait until we all start building castles!!!

Also I've started to use Chrome, the interent by google, it's okay I mean the layouts awesome but I'm not saying it's perfect because when I try to go onto facebook or a website it doesn't work but if i use mozilla fox or interent then it actually works so GOOGLE PEOPLE WORK ON IT!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

blog T3-68

YUP, my grandma came back from Hong Kong!!! I think she had fun so no comment there but she looked healthy.

Field Trip today= TIRED!!!!!!!!!!! we Walked around and did MANY THINGS and my legs got tired and yes I HAD A MANGO COCONUT JELLIE!!!!!!!!!!! SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD AND it was made with REAL FRUITS!!!!!!!!! yup but it was 4 dollars. T_T expensive T_T


Sunday, May 10, 2009

blog T3-67

Yup today was really bad not a good start for mothers day, I mean weather was great everything was fine but people were in a crappy mood because the restaurants were all full and stuff. Yup so I said happy mom's day to my mom end of story.

Piano Class= bad T_T

On the way back home= I think it's pretty cool but there was this guy and he was taking pictures on the bus of EVERYTHING yes EVERYTHING well maybe not everything but cool things like a whole family playing on electronic all in a row and having there heads down. The bad thing is it's kind of stalkerish and people might misunderstand. so yup i was inspired, oh well, it's not like my mom's going to let me get a camera, T_T

Saturday, May 9, 2009

blog T3-66

Yes, I had tag day today T_T guess how long it was?!?!?! FOUR HOURS, yes I was standing outside for FOUR hours!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup then I went home and rested and then played basketball at a park near by IT was SUCH A SUNNY DAY!!! and then yup so here I am doing my blog. I don't have much to say...... except I have homework I need to practice piano and also at chinese school today we had a performance thingy..... NOT THE BEST but it was okay.

Friday, May 8, 2009

blog T3-65

too busy can't talk!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

blog T3-64

My head hurts so much from the rides at PNE I don't think I want to talk any longer!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

blog T3-63

Yup, so I came back from cadets, DUN DUN DUN, yup today I took my cadet exam, SSCARY!!! I actually didn't need to study that much, because it was shorten because of a marching parade we had to do! SO YAY shortended version because it was easy!

So, as I have said previously on my older blogs there's this manga I'm reading called LIAR GAME, but because I can't find the next volume, I read BLOODY MONDAY which was also AWESOMELY GOOD!!! Now I'm reading Doubt and it's really good but it's really scary! VERY VERY SCARY! I'm having the shiveries just reading it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

blog T3-62

Ah yes, Tuesday the day I don't have any lessons! The day I am free to DO HOMEWORK and PIANO and READ and KNIT! My busy schedule of the day is to memorize my french and study for cadets because we have an exam tomorrow and i also have to read to do my book test becuase June 1 is fast approaching and there aren't many day 2 left!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH also finals are coming soon O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O!!!! LIFE IS GOING BY TOOOOOOOO FAST OR NOT FAST ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

blog T3-61

Yes, yesterday was a busy day and so was today. School, then lessons. I had art class but then instead of going how right after it I went out to dinner!!!!! T_T, I mean dinner was okay but it is always SO LONG!

Yup, so I might be going to summer school!! YES, you might be wondering why would she be happy?!?!?!? that's because if I go to summer school then I don't have to go to cadets summer camp! that is YES X2!!!! see why I will learn to be grateful for summer school now?

Yes I have lost of work that needs to be done so , SO LONG!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

blog T3-60

to busy, cadets, homework, piano! talk more tomorrow!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

blog T3-59

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, actually it's the exact opposite I have cadets tomorrow!!!! GAH!! Some type of thingy as a memorial for the people who fought the BATTLE OF ATLANTIC!! yup!! fun............not really because we'll probably be standing in the rain tomorrow, if it rains and it most likely will... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Also today I learned that there was such a thing called DUMBO OCTOPUS!!!! It actually looks like dumbo the elephant combined with an octopus it's SUPER CUTE!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

blog T3-58

SO... today was the OUTDOOR TRACK MEET!!! FUN VERY FUN!! AND HOT VERY HOT, the sun was burning me!!!! I'm SHRIVELED NOW!!!!! I don't know what I got in Long Jump but for 4 by 100 out team got 2nd place! NOT that bad considering we were almost last and we caught up with everyone!! YES!

Anyways, when I got home today from school I WAS SWEATING!! YES SWEATING!! NASTIES because my feet were all sandy from the long jump and then when I got home they were sweating so GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!