~If I had to choose between loving you and breathing... I would use my last breath to tell you "I love you"
~Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet but nothing compared to you
~Pretending I don't love you is like pretending I don't need air
~In a room full of people, you're the first one I look for... ~The shortest word I know is "I", the sweetest word I know is "love", and the one I'll never forget is "you"

You actually did use the quotes... Until I read that.. I thought you were joking about posting it on your blog.... T_T
-YOU know who I am~
LOL, i don't joke around about many things, and NO i don't noe who you are!!!! LOL, jking jking. hope life's good for you.
Wow, very deep and romantic... does this tell us somethin about ur life right now that ur not telling us???... ;)
LOL, i told you i dedicated this blog to my special friend who has a special some1 who the have a special somthing they want to say to them but can't,aka. IT's NOT ME!!!!!
i don't have a special someone~!*
U SO DO!!!!!!!! and even if you don't, remember u obsession with um KAROU-KUN?!?!?!??!
BTW u so do!!! i noe you do, i just noe okay... don't forget to bring some protection on ur fright night double date, someone might jump u.............MUAHAHAHAHA
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