Thursday, June 11, 2009

summer blog 3

OW I think I'm getting really old not just old, like age old, but "OW my bones hurt" old!!!! I mean highschool is a real work out because you have to walk up stairs everyday!!! yay..........

ANYWAYS today considering the fact that tomorrow is a English final and is very hard to study for, I was surfing online the many games I have forgotten how to play OR didn't get how to play.

Let's see:

#1 game= black magic (i forgot this one, i learned it in camp last year)

Object of Game= You and a friend who know how to play the game are the Guesser and Pointer and you play with a group of other friends so they think you are using telepathic knowledge to say the object your group has chosen.

1) You (guesser) are in another place far from the group so that you won't know what object they choose.
2) When the group is ready to have you come back the Pointer (the friend that knows the game) will say a couple of objects, and then you answer No, or if it is the object Yes.
3) The pointer will name a list of object around the room/place and right after he/she says a BLACK object, the next object to be said is the object that the group has chosen.
4) your group will try very hard to guess. Until they see the pattern

Your group has chosen a green pen. and you call back the guesser.
Pointer says "Is it the watch?" Guesser says "No" (because the watch isn't after a black object)
Pointer says "Is it the stapler (black)?" Guesser says "No" (because it's not after a black object)
Pointer says " Is it the pen (green)?" Guesser says "yes" ( because it is after the black object)

game #2= Land of DEEp but Not Profound, OR MoLLy's World,

Objective of the Game= To hurt your opponents logic (OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, AAAAHHHHH)

Rules/ Example=
Land of Deep but Not Profound there are trEEs but not leaves.
Land of Deep but Not Profound there are bOOks but not pages.
Land of Deep but Not Profound there are aPPles but not oranges.

the first word should have double letter and the second word should be related to the first but doesn't have a double letter.

I'll tell more tomorrow but today i need sleep/study!!!

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