Saturday, February 14, 2009

blog T2-86


I'm so bored and my desk is sticky from the plasticine that my science teacher gave to us along time ago to do a experiment. Anyways my arm is really sore from weight lifting!!!! I think next time I do weight lifting for P.E. I should do it at a lesser weight thingy. OW my arm!!!!! This week is an OW week!!!!!!!!!!! First it's my head now it's my arm!!!!!!!!! I should really work on keeping myself UNHURT!!!!!!

WOW!!!!! I just read my friends blog today and I thought she did a WAY BETTER job at doing it than me!!! It's really fun to read her blog!!! BUT I guess, THAT'S TOO BAD. This blog is mine and only mine!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay sorry for the random stuff.

Today while I was waiting for the bus to go home I saw like SOOOOO MANY people walk by (teenagers) usually there's not that many!!! That's probably because today is VALENTINES day!!! I learned that in french they say VALENTINES DAY like this: Saint-Valentin (not sure of the spelling) but I know for sure there is no "E" at the end of the word.

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