Monday, February 9, 2009

blog T2-81

I'm SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SICK!!!!!!!! I have a sore throat and a running nose!!!!!!! BUT I can't skip school even if I'm sick or else................................................ Ouch ouch ouch my throat. it hurts to swallow!!!!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tommorow is the science fair!!!!!!!! GAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! This is so NOT good because I today was the day that the MY 9's did their science fair project and I didn't go see it because I didn't know until someone told me that they had one!!!!!!! I'm so mad!!! because if I saw it at least I would noe what to do next year or fix some stuff on mine!!!!

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