Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Say Something Nice

Youtube Link

Scrolling through what is known to all as Youtube. I began watching videos done by Improv Everwhere. I enjoy their works, as it really brings people together, leaving good memories and a good laugh for all. And this one, is probably my favorite. So enjoy.

Our Excuse

Short Poem


Winter. Is cold. So Cold.

They say that Christmas is a time for love.
That’s their excuse for everything.
What say you about Valentines day? Summer? Spring?
Stuff like it’s spring time and love is in the air?
Or the people who fantasize a summer love?
Valentine’s a given.

We tie love to almost all our festive holidays.
Heck, we tie love to everything.
Because we’re cold, so cold.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Day We Met :Re: Bluesander

My friend Bluesander, wrote this beautiful poem. And I thought it was REALLY REALLY GOOD so I decided to make a poem of my own in response to hers.
Do enjoy.^v
Though my poem won't be as awesome.

The Day We Met

My cheeks were red when I met her,
It was cold and the streetlights a blur.
I knew her from school but we never converse,
It was all stares, my shyness a curse.

My cheeks were red when she pulls me along,
She knew my name and her smile made me belong.

We talked like old friends,
the more time we spend.

I'd never would have thought,
We were of the same lot.

My cheeks were red when I asked her a question,
I remember it well it was during a session.
She stuttered and her face turned bright red,
I begun to imagine our future up ahead.

From there we were inseparable,
Our love like a fairy tale fable.
But like all fables there must be an end,
Sadly, our first fight, would result in no mend.

Who would have thought that life,
Would take me away, from my own wife.

I left our world leaving her behind,
Only by love was I confined,
The ghost I was or perhaps an angel,
By her side I would always dwell.

She can't let go, neither can I,
Once a year she visits where I lie.

But always will I abide,
To stay forever by your side.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I've been learning korean (!!!!) lately. I've got a few phrases down, but I still can't really read ANYTHING. so derps.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


According to many people, animals can feel a storm coming. People can too, "everything was eerily calm."

That's me right now, if I can say, I KNOW a storm is coming, I can see the homework clouds blowing towards us. The small rain of projects, essays and test is slowly rolling in.

Anyways we all know that there's going to be a lot more homework and test coming soon, so I think it's going to be killer D: Oh how I wish, I was really good at school assignments and what not, and adapted quickly to new material.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dream Vacation

Okay so hey guys. It's been like a summer ago since I've last blog. Cuz u noe I'm just so consistant with stuff. I'm really hungry right now. D: cuz that's just how cool I am.

So... How's life? You may ask ( if u cared) =_=" well I've decided to start a club, called "forever alone club" also known as FAC. I know I troll. XD but basically just a term I use with my friends based on a meme.

Well schools been fun-ish... It's so far so good. I'm just tensing up for the impact that I going to get later on. It's going to be a tough road.
Recently my obession for traveling has started to act up. I really really want to go to japan with my friends. (as well as Korea) BUT japan for sure. Because I don't know...... Jpn just seems so familiar yet so mysterious. I mean through manga I guess u could say I'm somewhat familiar with some of the customs, and hypnotized into wanting to go. You know most tourists really want to visit the "HOT" spots like.. Famous touring areas. Of course I'll be going to those. BUT I really want to go to the ordinary places...

My list of to go places in Jpn:
- highschool (inside and outside)
I think in manga HS is where most of the manga takes place
- preschool
To see the manga world preschool in real life (no pedo)
- maid cafe
Come on you know you wan to ;D
- that dirt road by the river
Where the bishies always ride their bikes on.
- legit Jpn house.
I have more but I can't think at the moment.
Things that I must do in Jpn:
- eat sushi
- take pictures with Jpn boys and girls in uniform
- take pictures with possible cosplayers
- go to conveniently timed animecon
- take pics with maids
- eat udon and ramen
- buy GOOD and NICELOOKING made in JPN stationary
- go to the robot museum (I think they have one)
- buy posters
- take pictures of places ive been.
- buy/take picture of things that only Jpn has.
- possibly buy clothes (unlikely)
- anime/ manga... Shopping... Possibly window shopping

LAST THING.…….................... GO TO JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Monday, June 27, 2011

Catching Up

Hey peoples! I realize I haven't talk to you in ages! XD ahaha, don't worry i wasn't on tumblr. I wasn't "tumbling" ahahaha I crack my self up =-=" anyways... so what's up?
The sky... no really.. um I've been watching some funny youtube vids, found some new emoticons i will later show you, reading manga (like always), liking the clicky sound of my keyboard (same as ever), regretting taking 2 summer courses, and yea.... life D:
aside from that I've been looking at some forums on the manga site i was reading from and this really cracked me up:

95% of teens would cry if they saw EDWARD CULLEN at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. I would be the 5% and sit here with popcorn & a camera and yell "DO A FLIP!!!"

^I altered it a bit, hopefully it still makes sense.

so some new emoticons that i've made: :I < this was made when i was watching this youtube video, and this guy who was playing the guitar kept making adorable faces XD, so that was a creation based on him. it's the chubby face (i like to call it)

=-= < that is my new derp face, or =-=" < awkward derp face XD

D:D < that's the HORRIBLE yet, YAY face

i'm scared for summer school, hopefully I will survive, I actually have summer homework!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHS, I have to read 2 books, Crime and Punishment, and Merchants in Venice, so far, I'm not at any interesting part in the book, cuz I haven't read a lot (hopefully it's just cuz I haven't read a lot). I'm waiting for the good parts D:
You know how sometimes nothing interesting happens and it's just the character's life that you're reading... and it's not really an interesting life that he/she has.... yea one of those SO FAR! I think I just really need to sit down and read that book.

Did I tell you I finally finished reading the series for hunger games? it was wonderful, but then I didn't really like the ending D:!!!!!!! D:! D:! D:!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Things Invented in My Lifetime

These are a list of things, that probably became popular, or well known in my life time.

-conditioner (you know the shampoo kinds)
-i- THINGS (like ipods, iphones, itouches etc
-mac books
-Flat Screens

(there are more but can't think right now.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rants- Cheesy Mangas Plots

Today I'm going to rant about cheesy manga plots. So I've read prolly close to 100+ or - (give or take) mangas in my life. (not that long life anyways) and I've seen some reoccurring scenes or predictable scenes. It comes naturally after you've read so many.
This is usually the most popular, most sought out boy at the school they attend. he's probably good at everything sport, academics, and has good looks.
Real life: probably good looking, might not be the whole school, maybe sports, but not academics... either or.
the main character is usually a klutz, who's innocent, naive and who fails at all sports and academic things. Her only redeeming feature is she's cute... as in she's short... as in "FUN SIZE".
REAL LIFE: IF ONLY!!!! unrealistically stupid girls that are short were likeable. (i'd have hope, HERP DERP) no but i think guys are more into smart and intelligent girls who are good at a lot of things and are TALL!!!! (that's just me stereotyping btw, sad. ):

This one is one of my faves!!! Cuz who doesn't like nerds (XD) but in most of these manga scenarios the guy (a nerd) wants to change or a girl just thought he needed help. so she decides to give him a make over, which mainly includes him taking off his glasses.
Real Life: you know if only life was just that easy, there would be no need for plastic surgery. just take off the glasses.
so your main girl is walking on the stairs. OH NO! she's a KLUTZ! "she's going to fall" -falls- coincidentally a bishie just happens to be walking by "i will save you" (they usually don't say that) - grabs and catches- there might be a slow mo of them staring intently into each others eyes or not, give or take.
real life: oh no, she's falling, a conveniently placed bishie is close by. - she falls on to bottom- -bishie looks, keeps walking-
apparently these guys are ever so tough on the outside but they're actually the SWEETEST PERSON ON EARTH! *GASP* never going to happen, unless that person is some genius actor that can hide their personality...

Usually guys with good looking sisters have had bad ex-. SO! when the main girl character sees him with a BEAUTIFUL GIRL (in this case the sister) it will cause misunderstanding. -teehee >:) -
ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVOURITES!!! WOOT XD. (usually in romance mangas the harems is for the girl. ) So the girl usually naive, innocent and dense, apparently attracts ALOT OF GUYS. like one after another with the things she does. they just COME TO HER like mouse to cheese, like rabbits to carrots like me to good food XD.
This type of guy is usually the type of guy who's quiet at school, so he has an interesting past. either he still had feeling for the girl or the girl still has feelings for him or BOTH. But the guy's developing new feelings for the main character, but the EX- makes the girl uncomfortable.
You usually see this kind of thing happen when the guy has an older sister that gets mistaken as the beautiful ex.
So there are TWO different childhood friend scenarios (WHAT ARE THE ODDS :O) the first one is basically GIRL and GUY were childhood friends and then one of them moves far away. But then he/she comes back and they still have feelings for each other. WOOP
This is the childhood friend scenario where the girl and the guy has been together forever, like FOREVER! and they finally confess their feelings. WOOP

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Korean Dramas

Yups, Korean Dramas are the knew things i'm doing on the computer lately. I actually haven't been fully reading manga lately D:. It's okay cuz I have a real life bishie, that i found on one of the dramas I've been watching

Dream High is the new drama I've been watching. About kids who go to a performing arts school, all trying to achieve their dream of becoming a star. Full of Drama, Comedy and BISHIES!!

So.. the person that I found most bishieful in the drama was Kim Soo Hyun. here is a pic:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Love=War (?)

If love is war, then is war... love?

What do you think? When people say love is war.. I doubt war is love though, meaning love is war because LOVE=WAR but WAR=/= LOVE doesn't work. 'Cuz i doubt that you fight and kill people because you love them. you'd be killing the person you love? or fighting the country they belong in because that would obviously gain you some popularity points. I'm trying to think of a situation without insulting anyone's country or culture... so let's say...

Mr. A loves Ms. A. Mr. A doesn't like Ms. A's family so he kills her family, by getting his family members to kill off Ms. A's family members (war).
^ see makes no sense. FIGHTING SOLVES NOTHING. so Love doesn't equal war and war doesn't equal love... there i'm done.

So how's life.. Haven't blogged in a while. and i'm blogging now.. when i have a major english project due D: (this is my favourite face of the moment)

^this I can agree too.

Friday, January 28, 2011

4 months till love

According to some tumblr (sorry blogger) comment, I don't know if it's real or not, if you have a crush on a person for 4 months+ then CONGRATULATIONS you've officially fallen in love.

Ah... well it's like you have a 4 month dues date... (dooms date) then you're in love with a guy (or girl).... when i'm suppose to be doing Chinese homework XP


My friends I'M pm was
"sometimes i wish there was a ctrl+f in life."

and this inspired me ^ to write a sort of poem called Ctrl+___

Sometimes in life you just want to ctrl+r and start all over,
Sometimes you'll just want to ctrl+z because of some mistake,
Sometimes you'll want the ctrl+x button to cut someone out of your life,
But always you'll want to ctrl+c and ctrl+p those important in your life
And ctrl+s them in your heart forever.

And I hope that you're all able to do that s2

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another 3 me

i was reading this manga (obviously) and came along this translated text.

"Somewhere in this world, they say there are three other people who are just like you."

^ I KNEW IT!! i just didn't know there would be 3.... MUAHAHAHA take over the world one country at a time and 4 at once.... jks.

some where out there is is 3 more people who, this may be you:
~likes Manga
~likes sushi
~likes the word "squishy"
~thinks "iLiveForSleep" is an awesome name
~wants to have a bishie harem
~thinks of quantum physics and how particles appear different for everyone.
~wants to be an exchange student (PLEASE)
~hates smokers
~bad for health
~holds breath when passing by people who smoke
~thinks little kids are cute
~especially toddlers (in none pedo ways)
~wants to have twins, if i ever get married (preferably boy and girl, chances are slim, but i can hope)
~had hope to get into hogwarts when i turned 11 (they may have lost my letter)
~likes learning languages but not doing the homework.
~thinks graphics tees are meant to be hilarious
~wishes to change the world.. somehow...
~sometimes wishes to be a manga/anime character... so our life would be drawn out for us (notice i said our.. and us... )
~enjoy bishies

Monday, January 10, 2011

Unicorns ?!

These so called mystical creatures, I don't get why though. They're but horse with horn what's so mystical about them? Yea... This is what I think about in my free time stuff to talk about on my blog yea..

Like anything interesting that i want to talk about it I want to put it onto my blog. Then my smart brain will forget it and I can't think of anything to write so I'll try to think of something to type um..

Well I went out with my friend over the winter break. Oh yea I went to mall? I didn't buy anything, cuz I'm so.. Narrow-moneyed. <=heh yea. XP I'm smooth like that. I'm reading Romeo and Juliet I actually never knew the whole story of Romeo I just put 2 and 2 together. Anyways I've read 12th night and mid-summer nights dream, and I must say Shakespeare is seriously a genius! like his rhymes the way the words just work. Me trying to write a rhyming poem takes ages. Whereas Shakespeare wrote 37 PLAYS - hangs head in shame- . I have to say Romeo is really romantic or in this case shakespeare is really romantic. At least for the first few scenes in the story. Read Hunger Games By: Suzanne Collins because it is AWESOME. Way better than any twilight book okay? Cuz you actually WANT to read the next book where as in twilight...( okay no more trash talking about twilight) This is my first blog of the year.. YEA. Yea eyes hurting tata.

I've had a few favourite songs over the course of the year.. but currently my favourite music video is:
I didn't really understand the song.. and then i watched this Music Video and IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. like the MV was beautiful

currently the song stuck in my head but i don't know the lyrics to:

"black black black and blue" (? correct lyrics?)

i'd-want-everyone's-love-to-be-as-such song:

"just the way you are." is perfect, (: