Monday, June 27, 2011

Catching Up

Hey peoples! I realize I haven't talk to you in ages! XD ahaha, don't worry i wasn't on tumblr. I wasn't "tumbling" ahahaha I crack my self up =-=" anyways... so what's up?
The sky... no really.. um I've been watching some funny youtube vids, found some new emoticons i will later show you, reading manga (like always), liking the clicky sound of my keyboard (same as ever), regretting taking 2 summer courses, and yea.... life D:
aside from that I've been looking at some forums on the manga site i was reading from and this really cracked me up:

95% of teens would cry if they saw EDWARD CULLEN at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. I would be the 5% and sit here with popcorn & a camera and yell "DO A FLIP!!!"

^I altered it a bit, hopefully it still makes sense.

so some new emoticons that i've made: :I < this was made when i was watching this youtube video, and this guy who was playing the guitar kept making adorable faces XD, so that was a creation based on him. it's the chubby face (i like to call it)

=-= < that is my new derp face, or =-=" < awkward derp face XD

D:D < that's the HORRIBLE yet, YAY face

i'm scared for summer school, hopefully I will survive, I actually have summer homework!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHS, I have to read 2 books, Crime and Punishment, and Merchants in Venice, so far, I'm not at any interesting part in the book, cuz I haven't read a lot (hopefully it's just cuz I haven't read a lot). I'm waiting for the good parts D:
You know how sometimes nothing interesting happens and it's just the character's life that you're reading... and it's not really an interesting life that he/she has.... yea one of those SO FAR! I think I just really need to sit down and read that book.

Did I tell you I finally finished reading the series for hunger games? it was wonderful, but then I didn't really like the ending D:!!!!!!! D:! D:! D:!

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