Monday, July 5, 2010


Some would say typos are hate-able and evil, what determines them from proofread and not. What determines the person from grammatically correct or not. What determines them from a pass and a fail. BUT otherwise harmless, other might even think of this computerized creature as adorable or even comment worthy.

^ that was a random spur of the moment. because I'm ALL of those people. yes the "some" and the "other", "the person", the "them"s.

it's true typos can be really evil, but they can also promote fun times... or as i said "comment worthy"

for example this one time.
i'm on I'M and i kept typing typos...:
iLiveForSleep says:

so i explained myself... BAD CHOICE XD:

iLiveForSleep says:
*i'm sorry about the typos i'm holding a ben

just a note to those who don't noe one of my classmates is named benjam. i didn't notice i wrote that cuz i'm WRITING with this PEN i'm holding AFTER I TYPED!!!!

friends say:
*hahaha iliveforsleep is holding a ben!!

i'm not mad or anything, an honest mistake. no harm done, and it's made fond memories with people i don't have a lot of memories of. IT'S A GOOD THING!

poo. life. science class. summer school. homework. poo even more. new feature of blog. summary of life in one chopped up. sentence.

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^my failed attempts at copy and pastes!! ):

P.S.yea... i was going to rant about how bad typos were at first, but then i remembered FOND MEMORIES. and thought... no i can't do that to my good old pal, Typo.

1 comment:

Iris said...

LOL i LOVE what u do in ur free time