Friday, July 16, 2010

Blog Comment-less

Wow.. I didn't know there were so many songs for so many situations for so many things in life. From what I've been watching on this new show that I've recently started to watch. Glee. Like literally! I mean for example this guy called Finn in the show likes this girl called Rachel. But Rachel doesn't like him anymore and likes this guy called Jesse. So in order to express his feelings he found a song called Jesse's Girl! I forgot the original singer. But yea... and I'm like SERIOUSLY!?!?!??! it just fit perfectly. I do know some of the slow old songs they had. But really this is so fascinating. You'd think I would know by now how vast this world is, but you learn something new everyday.

^notice I didn't go off topic today! >0< WOot! (d#*u*#b) < this is a thumbs up sign.

Ah well you know how I love to read manga. And there's this really good manga that I like. I've finished reading the series. It's about this girl. She was sick at the beginning of the school year and when she got but she didn't have any friends. So she's all lonely and she starts a blog. She has no comments the first few times, but as time went on she made 2 new friends via her blog. And they encourage her to make friends and to be brave. Little does she know the 2 most popular kids (boys, as usual) notice her and the appearingly nicer one talks to her and become her friend. She accepts gladly and she slowly starts to develop feelings for him. While the other more cheerful boy is kind of jealous. The 2 boys have a little fight (They are like the Sun of their classroom and she's their sunflower) but in the end it's all good.
You can click on the picture to read it:

I've noticed that I don't like to read my own blogs after I right them cuz it's so boring there are like no pictures. So I'm going to post one. well it seems i can't find the one I thought i saved on my computer.

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