Monday, May 31, 2010

blog T3-93

my phone... i wonder if we can use apps for iphone?

i'm going to try but what am i going to do if it doesn't work hmm?

i wanna download pacman!
the new version on iphone is really good!
i think it's called the pac man championship edition

Sunday, May 30, 2010

blog T3-92

wow... caffeine hurts my throat you know how sad that is? that means i can't drink a lot of caffeine and if sterotypes are correct that would mean i can't use coffee to wake me up... when i'm in uni.!!!! lol

that's weird how people say caffeine wakes you up. I don' t think it does. I think is because when you sleep late or too little, your adrenaline powers you, so you're AWAKE and you drink coffee in the morning so people naturally think that maybe coffee get you awake. same with tea too... i wonder urban myth or fact?!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

blog T3-91

i really need to go give my toques to homeless people, or people. soon.. prolly go downtown with my friends!!! i hoep that i can give them all away.

Friday, May 28, 2010

blog T3-90

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH life... a rush of homework has hit shore. it's it becoming a homework tsunami.

We predict that there will be a homework tsunami that will hit shores *harsh winds* in a matter of days. We have done all we can to evacuate the procrastinaotrs

Thursday, May 27, 2010

blog T3-89

wow.. i really can't wait to watch the shining it's going to be so cool and scary. I'm scared of scary movies. like i'm scared i get all paranoid.

this one time i went to my cousins' house to and we decided to watch paranormal activies or something i forgot the title well anyways we watched that and i thought it was going to be really scary but it's not and there are like so many different endings to that story that u noe it's going to be fake.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

blog T3-83

Bathing suit. does anyone ever call it bath-ing suit. come on say it with me. BATH then ING suit. BATH. ING. SUIT. NOT bathing suit. Bath-ing suit. lol this came up because my mom thought that's what it said. She think bath-ing suit includes items u were to take a bath/shower. what do u where to take a shower? apparently u were a shower cap. but it's not a shower cap anymore it's a bath-ing suit. lol.

this is hilarious i make a punching motion towards my brother... he's sitting on the edge of a sofa and he falls back and my fist is like 30 cm away from him. lol. (he falls back onto the sofa, not the floor

i'm in a laughing mood but my parents aren't.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

blog T3-82

BOO, it's been so long since i've done a really LONG and tiring so boring to read blog. so i'm going to do one today.

well.. i've got braces!!! yes AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh u prolly can't see it cuz i'm pro like that XP. they're green-ish, blue-ish, some people say it's more blue.
I like to say, "My braces are turquoise-more-on-the-blue-side colored."
I think i have the same color as my friend, but she says hers are more green... maybe, but i still think we have the same color.

Life= EPIC BUSY-ness!! (I was going to write business , but it's not business, it's busy-ness)
we have to cram all of science before end of school year!!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!? we used to have at least like 3 weeks per chapter, so we can digest everything, but now we have like 1 week per chapter. That's a major difference. and BESIDES that, we just started a new ENGLISH PROJECT! i know O_O_O_O_O_O right? and it's almost end of term like 2 more weeks. and this isn't like writing an essay or something like that. it's a project. a PROJECT. a MYSTERIOUS feeling PROJECT!! a WPP (witness protections) project with finger print type things and (fake) birth certificates. AHHHH.

Well, um... i'm still sciencing if you really want to know.

I'd like to think that I have a lot of time (I don't) and time just went by so fast. i'm really going to miss my SY friends. They were awesome like that. The two year's i've spent with them have been the bomb. off the hook. sensational. epic. life. WONDERFUL. pro. fesh. inal. I like to think that they feel the same way. I'm really going to miss them. ...with the class/and my classmates!

Monday, May 24, 2010

blog T3-81

Remember Bowling for Columbine?

There's a new one... Capitalism: The Love Story

"I got more bags... 10 billion dollars might not fit in here."

it looks so much more funnier.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

blog T3-80


i wanna watch that too

and this show is like a rip off of vampire's assistance hopefully better

"So we're suppose to save the world? Knuckle bump."
*shrugs* "Might as well."

^ i think this would be an inspiring video to watch.
"What's the most resilient parasite? An idea. A single idea from the human mind can build city. An idea can transfer the world, and rewrite the rules."
DUN DUN DUN. this is like the perfect show to watch in SY!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

blog T3-79

^cool way too cool
they have these glowing clothes that are so cool.

^stare into the cute minions they are SO CUTE
"he's so fluffy. i'm going to die."
"he's so fluffy." Shake shake.

EAT PRAY LOVE sounds like a show for people with too much stress... old lady/men with stress....middle aged lady or men.

Friday, May 21, 2010

blog T3-78

this looks really funny too^

"where'd you learn to drive like that?"
"grand theft auto."

Thursday, May 20, 2010

blog T3-77

you know what i just saw...

twilight is considered HORROR!!!! WOOOOOOO... lol i don't see what's scary about it though. no offense

but I really want to watch this movie called Salt LOOKS SO COOL

If i remember correctly it's about a russian agent, who doesn't noe she's a russian agent.

^ this movie looks like it'll be funny

"Next time, we don't date the girl with 11 evil ex-boyfriends."
"Oh, then that's not that bad."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

blog T3-76

reading the book i am the cheese...
weird yet interesting book

not sure what to say.. i think there might be a twist ending... a really good.. OHHHH... or interesting.. or this author is pro moment.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

blog T3-75

I finally got a PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
be happy for me this mean i have a phone!!!
i have no plan tho T_T

Monday, May 17, 2010

blog T3-74

i'm so tired... sleeping too late lately,
  1. Too much homework
  2. Too much prcrastination
  3. Too little sleep
Yup that's life...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

blog T3-73

WOW, i'm like an old lady with painful joint and muscle issues!! T_T.
anyways these days it's so sunny!!!
meaning summer is coming close
meaning i'm going to be leaving my SY friends!!! T_T

Saturday, May 15, 2010

blog T3-72

blogging on the school computer is so gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

their thingy border thing i don't noe is PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PINK

anyways i'm working on this new english project thing!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

blog T3-71

I finished watching life with derek it's kind of sad i know, but it's a good show. so i guess that's okay.
there's this movie for it so i want to watch it. called vacation with derek.
you might not have watched it before i don't think. anyways....

things i have to do before school ends or projects that have started:
  • male reproductive system diagram
  • science chp. 3 (CYU, Flashcards, Notes, chp. Review,
  • I have a essay that's due next tuesday!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH
  • this means research!! ^
  • we're writing a journal entry as a famous person, who are/were orphans
  • RESEARCH!!! and this is due FRIDAY!
shrivel and wilt....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

blog T3-70

i'm going to practice my right hand only typing skills. failed

okay so my scales teacher has a laptop and she's so pro at typing 1 handedly when her other hand is busy that, my friend that takes skills.

And even when I have both hands i still have typos, u noe how fail that is? VERY

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

blog T3-69

MY BACK HURTS!!! i need to stretch those old bones if i'm going to get even a little more taller. so i'll need to hang of my bed to stretch my spine (it sounds weird but it does crack) and i'll need to do some bridges.
i wanna make a concrete bridge (poem-ish not really)

======== ============== ============== ===
==== ============ ========= =
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not to sad a bridge actually.

until blogger ruined it and now it's a blob

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

blog T3-68

I'm really hungry, just now i couldn't even spell hungry or spell spell cuz i'm so hungry (?) I spelled it like hungrey and speel WOW... fail i need to start reading more! or get better typing skills.

it's so sad too hungry to write properly and i wrote write as writer!!! WOW FAIL FAILLLLL MAJORLY!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Blog T3-67

I forgot to post this so LONG like a month ago or so I wrote this for my English class. It's my fave. poem that i've made through the whole poetry. I worked really hard on this... the hardest working poem i've made in this class.

Sky High Love

The sky is bright with many stars alight
Of all the stars I like but only one
The star I like knows not he makes me bright
To live without you there would be no sun
Blue cloudless sky look grey to your compare
Lady Justice hears the heart of your voice
For your heart is of an angel so fair
And if my love for you was not your choice
I rather still we be friends then not at all
But I hope for an answer we both will love
I hope that our feelings will never fall
When you are near I feel high and above
From afar I can't help but stare at you
And I wish you would say I love you too

Sunday, May 9, 2010

blog T3-66

i don't get science or math at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
*shrivel* shrivel* um okay...

for some reason the auto save on blogger isn't working very well

many problems with google powered things are
  • youtube doesn't work and i need my music (when the server is down)
  • chrome doesn't work with all the google powered websites
  • blogger doesn't work on chrome!!! WOW.
  • blogger has problems

Saturday, May 8, 2010

blog T3-65

I forgot the name of this song i really wanted to listen to by Taylor Swift! but i think i found it after listening to many MANY of her songs so enjoy?

Friday, May 7, 2010

blog T3-64

SUN RUN WOW... Leg OW (it rhymes POW) so lame-ow

k so a review of what happened today! it's going to be a long blog I hope...

so i woke up at 8 today and I was meeting my friends at 8:20 very risky!! or I thought I was meeting them at 8:20 so I went to the top of the skytrain and they weren't there and it was like 8:25 so I thought they left already. so I got on the train and then while we were going there my friend calls my mom's cell ( i don't even noe how she did it but she did) and then I found out they were waiting for me and came at 8:25 and waiting for me outside the skytrain station

and then after the sun run I went to get food!!! GOT SO MUCH ( my Asian side). got bagels, juice boxes, power bars, chocolate milk!!! FTW.

i then went to home taking the skytrain!!! WOOT haven't taken the waterfront skytrain in so long.

k then I went home my legs hurt walking up hill to my house T_T

then i find out my dad didn't go to work yet. and also my friend called me to tell me to go to her house for ice cream cake! YUM. I take a shower first cuz there's salt on my face from the sweat. (because of the sweat and it was drying up i was rubbing my face and white powdery stuff came off.)

So then when I was done taking a shower (so refreshed) I had to go walk to my friends house for ice cream cake!! YUMMIES!!! BUT walking there is not yummy and walking uphill is not yummy X2.

Okay and then I when I got to my friends house (yay, but painful) I got food! and then for some reason my friend thought i was about to spill my food so she tipped my plate over (so it wouldn't slip) so then the food (some of it) landed on me. T_T. there was ketchup... and i just took a shower.

Then for some reason because I was the only one eating everyone started to poke my sausage.... AWKWARD. But I got ice cream cake. and played around a bit and had to leave at 4 (I thought it was 5) to get to my friends house for homework. (english play)

We did stuff (confidential). practiced lines. practiced moves. practiced lines some more. (cuz i keep forgetting when to come in.)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

blog T3-63

SUN RUN SUN RUN SUN RUN SUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nene na ne ne ne na ne neeeeeee naaaaa... (weird music)

i hope i get better than last year!!
and besides that i also need to do my science T_T
Tomorrow's going to be a busy day.
#1 sun run in the morning
~ hoping to get better than last year
~ try to run most of it and not die (get tired)
~ not lose friends again this year and spend forever looking for them
~ hoping to run with friends so i don't lose them
~ convince my parents that i need a cell (^refer to top about losing friends)

#2 going to friends house after going home
~ i need to walk to friends house
~ ^notice WALK!!!!!!
~ notice AFTER SUN RUN
~ notice AFTER SUN RUN WALK!!!!
~ get ice cream cake as reward for walk
~ play on friends computer
~ go to her room cuz it's so cool
~ admire her mom's paintings

#3 go to friends house for english play
~ WALK to friends house
~ WALKING HURTS ( i noe it)
~memorize it well (hopefully)
~ do actions properly
~ make it worthwhile of our time

^prolly schedule for tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

blog T3-62

I really need to practice piano!!

don't wanna go
DO IT it's for ur own good
do it don't u like that song
yes, but the other one

^daily dilemmas

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SB blog T3-61

кυмσяιzσяα, ¢ℓσυ∂y ∂αу, ασzσяα, вℓυє ѕку, кαgιяιиαι ѕσяα

υиℓιмιтє∂ ѕкιєѕ

What is this.. I haven't been blogging alot lately!! TSK TSK ON U TSK TSK

i noe i feel ashamed too very ashsamed... well i have a lot to say through out the day and i just keep forgetting what i want to say... because just because..

I need some more interesting things to say:
★ ☆ ✰★ ☆ ✰★ ☆ ✰★ ☆ ✰★ ☆ ✰★ ☆ ✰
okay um welllll my friend has been talking to me!!! yes.. that's good talking to me alot.. talking to me... (i'm just rambling now) um and i want to dedicate this song to her
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬:

I just want to say hello taiyou! I fail at pronouncing japanese. and i also wanna say hi to the new Kumorizora soon to be aoazora.

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ ♪ ♫ ♬♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

just searching up some cool things on the web don't u like it?

Monday, May 3, 2010

blog T3-60

Okay i got my oral surgery today..
i finally learned what it feels like to be drunk. the medicine (drugs) that the doctor gave me made me drowsy and it was kinda cool.. cuz i couldn't concentrate and my vein was too small around the elbow area so they had to stick it through my hand and now my hand's still bruise-ish colored.

my teeth is a bit numb so i'm not going to type too much...
yes because closing my mouth applies pressure to my teeth making it hurt.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

blog T3-59

wahhhhhhhhhhhh TOMORROW I'M GETTING ORAL SURGERY!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO. dang it i'm so tired i should go sleep now.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

blog T3-58

i'm going to check and see if i have instant noodles!


i'm still sick so i'm not going to blog for too long today..

well and i'm busy with lots of stuff..
i think today is one of the climax of my sickness.. so more rest for me.