Thursday, March 18, 2010

SB blog T3-14

I just thought jam and toast would cheer me up, but nothing seems to help me look up.

Today was Queen of Clover's day I got one but I didn't exchange it for anything. Anyways.. I'm like the klutz in my metalworks group, either I hurt someone or they hurt me, or I hurt myself (by accident). The pains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's name all the injuries that have happened due to either me or my group:
  1. I burnt myself, when I was melting metal
  2. I scratched someone when lifting a metal pipe that was just cut (it was long, not technically my fault)
  3. I scratched myself when I was looking for a tire (because the tire was under this metal, and when I tried to take the tire out, I scratched the metal
  4. Apparently I scratched this guy more then once, so that's two scratches
  5. This guy scratched this other guy with metal
  6. Apparently I scratched this guy AGAIN so that's 3 scratches
  7. This guy hit me with a file, ON THE HEAD (I think he did it on purpose, because he claims I scratched him 3 times)
  8. I was almost poked in the eyes, by a measuring tape
  9. I was poke in the eyes with a measuring tape ^ before the almost
Anyways due to all these accidents, my group has eventually decided that all accidents are my fault.
*3 meters away*
"Ouch I scratched myself,", Group Member #1 turns to glare at me, "Live4Sleep!!!"
"WHAT?!?!?!?", I stop and stare in disbelief, " I'm standing 3 meters away from you!!!!!"
"It's still you." Group Member #2, smiles his evil smile.
"AGH.", I say in frustration.
My-Only-Friend-in-METALWORKS says, "I should have brought popcorn, so I can enjoy this show."

But I still enjoy metal works because it's really fun.... and it might sound like my team members,
are being really mean, they're not.

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