Monday, February 1, 2010

Valentine's Day

moi aussi.
that's going to hurt. but it might be worth it.

i love me 2
this is my love to hate homework.. it's the most passionate love i have.


hahahaha if u don't understand read it slowly and/or react it

meh -.-.... the color is -.- the msg is :D

hahah i love you too... i'm talking to myself again.. ignore me just enjoy the blog

i suggest the love doctor.

my plans when my friends ever decided to get together with some guy unworthy of her XP and i won't say it I'LL SHOUT IT. and i don't mean to offend anyone with this. i was just a joke.. (i'm sorry if i offended u!!)

it's valentines.... and this year.. i'm sick on this day (NOT sick OF this day, ON this day) (<= i'm not that sad... hopefully)... and it's also Chinese new year....... dang. okay.. this blog is for, my friends who have been stricken down by the incurable disease. LOVE, T_T. so innocent XD

<= doesn't apply to me, just making sure.. u knew... (none of this stuff does XP) maybe not forever.... and maybe just friend wise. let's say.. i love you fovever and always as a friend!!! (my genius)


lol g-ma and g-pa FTW.

PHOTOSHOP FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yea it is pretty funny.

um... maybe -///.\\\-

behold the rubber ducky... does that give you ideas.. you know to install cameras in rubber duckies? i don't know.. just a thought.

at least you won't get arrested for stealing XP

>>Girl: What's wrong­­?
>>Boy: I like her so much...
>>Girl: Talk to her!
>>Boy: I don't know. She won't ever like me.
>>Girl: Don't say that. You're amazing.
>>Boy: I just want her to know how I feel.
>>Girl: Then tell her.
>>Boy: She won't like me...
>>Girl: How do you know that?
>>Boy: I can just tell.
>>Girl: Well just tell her.
>>Boy: What should I say?
>>Girl: Tell her how much you like her!
>>Boy: I tell her that daily.
>>Girl: What do you mean?
>>Boy: I'm always with her. I love her.
>>Girl: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like >>me...
>>Boy: Wait. Who do you like?
>>Girl: Oh some boy.
>>Boy: Oh... she won't like me either.
>>Girl: She does.
>>Boy: How do you know..?
>>Girl: Because, who wouldn't like you?
>>Boy: You.
>>Girl: You're wrong, I love you.
>>Boy: I love you too.
>>Girl: So are you going to talk to her?
>>Boy: I just did.

i'm starting to go blind just reading this font.

lol i just thought it was funny, no offense to anyone or anyone's bf -.-""

it says, "I called your bf gay AND he hit me with his purse!" if you didn't get to read it XP. (don't mean to offend anyone here either)

yea.. do it and i might not break ur face.. but u

hm... another crime.... i wonder?

yup.... yea... AWKWARD.. HAVE FUN WITH LIFE (<= did the little 'e' distract u from the prev. words?)
if u're ever feeling like the teddy bear... DON'T because love comes in different shape and sizes, and it doesn't only come from lovers, but also from friends and family!

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