Wednesday, February 3, 2010

blog T2-67

AGH... math test T_T... it's so hard. last year i actually liked math!!!! now math is so hard.. because the teacher doesn't really explain it.. so yea... :( je n'aime pas)

oh and i also forgot to tell you about the dark matter presentation that i went to on tuesday well it was actually really cool this guy from France came and talked to us about dark matter, u'd think that dark matter, is like scary evil stuff, because it's DARK matter, but it's not. IT's this stuff that makes up our space... our "world" is made mostly of matter, and less matter, so that it's possible for us to live. YAY! and also our universe is EXPANDING! slowly ever so slowly we are expanding so like in a billion years, when i'm in your history holograms(books/lol) the universe will have expanded so much that everyone on earth, and maybe even aliens will die.

Anyways i have science, math (test T_T) and piano concert to deal with AGH AGH AGH AGH

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