Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween...?

yea so happy halloween's people... i for one am not a fan of halloween.... i'm sorry to say but no i'm not..

I don't noe i'm scared of scary things.. you know what I mean? like, this one time when i was younger and i went trick or treating there was this one house that was full on horrifying, to me as a little girl. they had like this huge spider web that stretched out like a tent on the lawns and a scary red glow coming from their house, and the gu was dressed up as a frankenstein and the lady was dressed up as a friendly witch. But like me and my bro were dressed up ( i think) and then the guy makes me jump cuz he suddenly grabs my hand why giving me my treat. I couldn't wait to get out of there. but then the next year i went i couldn't find their house with the nice decorations anymore. so.. yea.

and CANDY IS BAD FOR you!!!!
i'm just saying. unless it's some like carrot they hand out or toothbrush (actually toothbrushes are expensive, just saying) oh but i like it when the handout chip bags. XP

i don't noe the only time i ever dressed up was to be a ladybug. yea... i noe... we had a coustume okay..

And if you're like me and you don't like halloween HF!! but i've always wanted to try fireworks! you know just cuz. SHINY!!!

so what'd you dress up as?

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