Monday, April 6, 2009

blog T3-33

S.S test tomorrow!!!!!!! That's NOT GOOD, why? because i don't like to study, i have a piano exam in 2 MONTHS and!!!! i my piano skills aren't that good either and 2 months equal little time!!!

I might have to work over the summer!!!!!!!!! WEIRD?!?!?! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHH I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!

Today when I was walking home we met like A BUNCH of people because they bought ice-cream so we could were able to see them. It was fun because we were really loud and we talked alot and we laughed alot and we HAD LOTS OF FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUP and a couple of people found out were i lived!!!

things I have to do today:

science worksheet= not hard but need to look up things= take up long time

PRACTICE PIANO= dun dun dun= 2 MONTHS= LITTLE TIME= don't forget about schoolwork!!!! I already didn't practice piano because I had to do my french yesterday.

STUDY S.S.= AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH test tomorrow!!!!= I'm freaking out!!!!= AHHH again= NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't like studying, I know if I did i would pass but I don't like to, i takes to much time=AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH= if i study to much I'm not going to be able to practice my homework if I don't start studying soon!!!! GAAHHHHH

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